Would all this be as fun if it were legal?


Well-Known Member
this is such a no brainer fuckin question it almost irritates me. If your asking yourself a question like this you shouldn't be smoking at all.

point is we should all be able to grow whatever the fuck we want as long as were not selling or harming anyone one else in the processe

some of us don't even have reliable dealers and go thru insane droughts. why should your only legal (available) options for stress pain reliefe be alcohole or tobacco.

I guess this question is the same as drinking underage cuz your parents and media tell you not to. If the only reason your smoking or drinking or taking whatever is to rebel, you need to stop and educate yourself, and learn some control / responsibility.
well said my friend, well said


Well-Known Member
If it was legal i could smoke it evry where !

damn......... that would be so cool ^^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me outside :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah it'd be a good 100x better if it were legal, I've got 2700 acres out of state that I'm just ready to turn into prime ganja farm land once it does. Always had the dream of being one of the first true "American ganja farmers" in my retirement.


Well-Known Member
I'll admit I was pretty irresponsibly when I was younger, smoked way too much especialy when around friends everyone had that mass consupmtion attitude.

if it was legal and accepted everywhere, It probly would lose some of it appeal.
many young people would be less mystified by it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it'd be a good 100x better if it were legal, I've got 2700 acres out of state that I'm just ready to turn into prime ganja farm land once it does. Always had the dream of being one of the first true "American ganja farmers" in my retirement.
Holy fuck dude, that is my dream too! I, on the other hand dont have any land, so that might be difficult.


Well-Known Member
Working ongetting my land, if it goes legal I'll be having "Hazy Acres" a ganja farm.. my lil patch of heaven.


Well-Known Member
california is the foot hold once legal weed gets deeper into history the percident is setting in motion,

the more saquared off cali gets on chilling out on weed laws then even Cannabis tourisum may be possible and if it is eventually allowed similar with tourists who go to nevada for legal prostitutes

thats when it will snap free because no ani-weed state could prevent thier citizens from traveling to cali for a weed vaction, and once that becomes the norm then automatically people will not see it as such a bad thing and tolerance begins to grow for cannabis tourists and even illigal smokers in non legal states.

does that make sense? if calli goes fully legal its over the prohibition propiganda machine and its masters


Well-Known Member
I would like it way more if it were not illegal. I'm tired of using a hot closet and lights. I rather throw these bitches outside and use the ultimate light source...... THE FUCKING SUN!


Well-Known Member
I would like it way more if it were not illegal. I'm tired of using a hot closet and lights. I rather throw these bitches outside and use the ultimate light source...... THE FUCKING SUN!

The Fucking sun!

Amen to that bro

You should right a book simply called "The Fucking Sun" it will be a one page book with a mirror on it, and you read it outside.


Well-Known Member
I second that, but I was thikinging about it, if it were legal, and in fact alot cheaper than it is now, would we all still grow indoors? I'm not sure that I would, I dont think it would be worth the money and time, but outdoors, hells yea!