Geuss the weight?


New Member
Ok, so let's have a little fun. This is 4 plants, Afgoo. It took 2 guys over 16 hours to trim. So it is still a little wet in these pics and I don't know how much I got yet, but I did harvest 1 plant(I originally had 5 plants) a week earlier. And I got 3 1/2 ozs. of her. So my edumacated guess is 18ozs.

Qrazy Train and Afgoo, 5-6-13 004.jpgThis is a 16" drip tray. These things are great for trimming, set it in ur lap and collest all the goods.
Qrazy Train and Afgoo, 5-6-13 017.jpgThis is a 30"x30" screen
Qrazy Train and Afgoo, 5-6-13 018.jpgQrazy Train and Afgoo, 5-6-13 019.jpgYummy

Ok, so we will hear a lot of excuses that u cant be sure, ther is no way to know. Personally I don't care, I don't care how much I have. I am retired and bored and like to have fun. So negative attitudes will be ignored and treated as such. Have fun people. Peace....

and if ur curious about the grow, send me a message and I will give u a link to my Grow Journal! I have videos and pictures from the beginning(1-5-13) to the end(5-5-13).


Active Member
Good God.... That is a REALLY long trim... I can (on an average) do about a lb evert 2 hours.... ALONE... So, Im not sure whats takin so long..... Hard to tell how much you got dried.... Id say at least a lb


Well-Known Member
It sounds like the trim-while-watching-a-playoff-game-while-drinking-beers-and-doing-dabs school of trimming :) That's about the right pace.

Good looking buds, no matter how long the trim took!


I don't know anyone that does, but if you weighed it when it was freshly cut and wet, it'll weigh 20-25% of its "wet weight".


New Member
16 hours to trim times two trimmers.....21lbs???

I can't guess that!

I we are guessing on the hanging stuff in the tent I will say 9 zips and 18 zips if you leave the stock on like the other pic.


Active Member
anyway... do you have to dry the trimmings before making the dry ice hash? and what type of store did you find dry ice???


I call bullshit on the guy trimming 1 pound every 2 hours . I bet it looks like shit or your Edward scissor hands!