grow green raided 5/7/13

I double checked my proxy/vpn status before I clicked on the link. There is probably a lot more to this story
then we know.
there usually is. there is 100 grow shops staying all kinds of open. this one might of been doing a lot of big volume orders with its online pick up/delivery??? last i checked the feds don't fuck with you unless they are SURE there is something of high value for them at there target.
I have used this store for supplies before it is a garden shop and nothing but a garden shop. Well unless I was blind and couldnt smell either. What a fecking joke LEO COCKSUCKERS!:finger: They can checkout my blue lab ph pen and bulbs and shit.
correction not LEO. FEDERAL AGENTS those boys aint law enforcement. they are money makers and bad guy catchers that HAVE A SHITLOAD TO DO and very few amongst them to do it. If the federal agents come in WITHOUT local involved something was going on. you forget these guys have major electronic surveillance capabilities. who knows what kinds of phone calls/emails its employees/owners where making and what they were talking about.

i have my suspicion with there little consulting gig maybe someone wanted a peak at the gardens they have consulted on? maybe too many people buying 50 lights at a time? pallets of dirt? these are all just conjecture of course take none of this as truth. make up your own mind but remember. "scio me nescire" i got it tattooed on me in eyesight at all times. it means "If i know one thing, it is, That i know nothing. things are never as they appear.
I didnt know buying grow lights even if it was a 100 was against the law or buying 100 pallets of dirt was against the law. Well maybe they will be passing new laws now. With all the Homeland security, border patrol which you see everywhere in Michigan, Ohio theres plenty of on the Federal payroll. Dont believe everything you here about how many less feds there are now its BS.
I am guessing they watched the store for at least a week writing down licence plate #'s and the whole nine.
Taking a cab to those joints is still worth the extra time and money in my opinion.[/QUOTE
So they wrote my plate number down which I dont fucking care I have broken no laws by shopping at this store. And I'm not going to be intimidated by these fucks.
like you said its not illegal but they arnt law enforcement officers. they don't go after people for breaking the law they go after people for being stupid. I've never ordered 50 lights or pallets of dirt and Im way behind on makin any money with this racket either. if they go raid a bunch of people like me with a couple lights and not much going on then ya il be saying FUCK THESE GUYS but i doubt thats what they are going to do.

they want the people who get greedy and are stupid and order big ole piles of shit. in there eyes even 1 plant is illegal federally but they are WAY TO BUSY to run around and grab every grower just for trying to get by. they want the guys being dumb shits buying all kinds of stuff and avoiding taxes and other fun crimes. the people sneaking around and what not. like you said your not doing anything illegal but actually in there eyes you are, just not illegal enough for them to care. thats my point these guys obviously did something to get on the feds radar. you don't end up in there sights by operating a kosher set up.

out in brighton there are a lot of rich rich rich rich rich rich rich people that are fuckin jackasses some dumbshit rich old guy probably got busted by the feds cause he was running his mouth bout his 100k grow op and thats where he bought his shit. who knows all conjecture once again. but I've spent a lot of time in brighton and you got 2 types of people mainly. Boho stoner artsy spoiled type and FUCKHEAD rich corvette revving the motor type. (nothing against vettes and cars and whatnot you know the guys I'm talking bout) both are not the best operators in my opinion at anything in life. just my 2 cents again take it all with a grain
Mote said he was questioned by police for three hours and
then returned to his business.

Why in the fuck would he talk to the police
for 3 HOURS? If his lawyer was present I would
understand, otherwise I'd keep my mouth shut.

If leo really thought it was a dispensary, they
probably would have left with no records after
discovering its just a grow store. Since leo most
likely sent under covers in to check the place out
before the raid, I don't think they thought it was
a dispensary.

Seems pretty obvious that a lot of facts aren't
known at this time and will hopefully come out
in the near future.

It would be the right thing to do for the owner to make
a public statement through his lawyer about whether or
not customer records were taken.

Maybe it's a money laundering operation for the Columbians.
The pricing would support that theory.
They were either doing huge volume, or losing money on a lot of stuff.
Fuck man - they were reliable and cheap - I'm bumming here.
Lets keep in mind too that in this business and field , it usually takes very little time to have the heat turned up once you go BIG !
Every large company will face such in due time if they have any affiliations with Cannabis , it is that simple .

Now keep in mind most companies wont even know they are being watched by the Feds unless they find reason to show there faces and this time they certainly did so .

Perhaps it was employees and there own carelessness but then again it makes one wonder about the owners motives and involvements too . This company got fucking big overnight and perhaps this is all it is about . The money and where it all came from , so to say and it is probably the biggest issue at hand .

The feds can say someone walked out the door smoking even though it might have been just a camel straight , you never know unless you get the word right from the horses mouth . But then again a simple clone transaction could have brought this down too . Hopefully the company will pass the tests put forth and continue on , but the feds damn well know this company is supplying the mass and this they dont like .

Good Luck Grow Green !
I personally would like to see a public statement from Jeff Mote (owner of Grow Green), the court whom issued this search warrant and LEOs argument for such. These government actions will not only destroy this families small business nationwide, just these allegations alone has now branded them as undesirables within their community.

That said, and considering the unquestionable seizure of legal medicinal marijuana caregiver and patient information, maybe a statement from the
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services is in order? Could one not clearly argue this as an intentional government invasion of Health Information Privacy (HIPAA)?

[h=1]Health Information Privacy[/h]The Office for Civil Rights enforces the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information; the HIPAA Security Rule, which sets national standards for the security of electronic protected health information; and the confidentiality provisions of the Patient Safety Rule, which protect identifiable information being used to analyze patient safety events and improve patient safety. (
im a customer @ growgreenmi and I went later day and they were open and doing business and they said that nothing related to medical files were taken just bankroll stuff

dont think they would have their computers and everything still if it they were really shipping pounds out through ups. everything would be confiscated like a real raid...
im a customer @ growgreenmi and I went later day and they were open and doing business and they said that nothing related to medical files were taken just bankroll stuff

dont think they would have their computers and everything still if it they were really shipping pounds out through ups. everything would be confiscated like a real raid...

I had that thought at first as well. Although, the feds in play here are DEA not IRS. Something just seems amiss here to me ...


Fishing grow stores for legal patients to label as federal criminals per special interests, OK. Fishing radical Islamic masques for murderous plots of terror to protect American citizens, SO WRONG.
I've seen the owner firsthand deal with a very dissatisfied customer. the only way he is gonna make a statement is because his lawyer told him to do so, or he realizes that if he didn't his business would be hurt further. guy is all business, any appearance of being genuine... he is just posing for the-sale and doesn't give two shits about customers really. sorry that's just my opinion man.
I do not know the owner of GrowGreens, have never been to any of their facilities nor have I ever done business with them. That said, I am not sure how to take the above statement ...
Yeah I got to say - that place is poison now.
The owner can't win.
If he flipped or not why take a chance?

Like the one guy said - all the stock and computers, etc. are still there - that doesn't look good.
I have never heard of anyone talking the feds out of a raid in three hours of chatting with them.
So maybe there is no 'there' there; but why risk it?
His operation is the perfect vehicle for them to sniff out big grows.

Feds know we are paranoid bunch; so they get affect, whether the guy flips or not, just by showing up.
Yesterday I was mad - now I'm just scared to do business with them for my legal medical grow supplies - exactly what those fuckwads want from us.
Shits got to change man - right now the feds can get suppliers and shops to lace medium and nutrients with plant poisons and we can't sue.
We have zero protection from most anything they do in the name of the war on Schedule One marijuana.

The DEA's charter orders them to do everything they can to eradicate marijuana, as well as instructions to thwart any educational inquiry or medical use.
That is in the actual code that authorizes the DEA from Congress.
Our medical cards are worthless in the fight against sabotage by our own government.
We need to organize and get this front and center to the American people to legalize.
Otherwise all this whiz bang crime fighting Homeland Security bullshit will just be increasingly used against us.

They say between all the security agencies everyone's emails are read at least by a machine, if not a human, looking for terms and phrases.
Most of us just shrug it off and say fuck it I'm not a terrorist so they will get bored with my shit.
That's what I'm afraid of: if they get too bored with all of those idle toys...
Okay - end rant. :clap:
just sayin, almost click-click'ed guy, at half past a quarter to his balls, because I didn't appreciate some of his business decisions. we had made up some, but that may have had to do with two of his employees dobermans circling me, lol.
Sounds fair ;)

Around here I offer knee cap therapy and a quiet rest in the truck of their car to ponder the situation. Do I share the same business 101 practices that you would endorse :bigjoint:
I am guessing they watched the store for at least a week writing down licence plate #'s and the whole nine.
Taking a cab to those joints is still worth the extra time and money in my opinion.
this is a good idea. i just believe ordering online is a much better option. LE always watches grow shops, it really isn't a secret; so why would anyone want to shop for their OP at one? beats me lol