My first bagseed grow...comments tips welcome


Well-Known Member
ok so these pics were taken just before i went to sleep last night...the last couple of pics looks like there is something trying to plague a couple of my plants idk what it is for sure...any thoughts would be helpful i was thinking it could have been something like light burn or getting too hot from the light being so close idk..the light was about a foot away from the canopy so idk...i raised the light a little bit last night to see if that helps the problem any...lemme know what u guys think..this babies are getting big, quick...can't wait until flower time...:joint::peace:



Well-Known Member
Pictures finally, cool, thanks ! Overall they are definately looking good.
I'd have to say possible signs of nute burn, but I am new to this and I could be wrong. Check out this section of the GrowFAQs if you haven't already.:peace:


Well-Known Member
thanks bigguytokn...that is a really helpful grow faq..idk if its a nute def just becuase i have only fed them one time and a little bit last night but used way less then the recommended amound so idk its only on about two or three plants from what i can see anyways...ill have to see if the problem resumes or not since i moved the lights up a little bit..and i was away from them for a couple of days so it could have been from them not getting as much attention as usuall lol idk what it is but thanks for the help...going to check on your grow as of right now...peacez


Well-Known Member
Nice man! I've seen far far worse burns then those. So they are about one and a half months old. They might start showing pre-flowers soon!


Well-Known Member
hey thanks VV and FOTG...appreciate the comments do u know what kind of burn it is??? im not sure what it is i get to go home and look to see how they are doing hopefully i have fixed the problem already and hopefully they are on their way to new stronger growth...ill check out your grows tomorrows dudes..peace and chicken grease..lataz


Well-Known Member
so i think i have figured the problem to my leafs turning the way they are, when i was in my closet the other day i seen a god damned gnat and have seen a couple since so im guessing thats the problem. they must not be that bad yet becuase i haven't seen too many of them but im gonna put up some of those sticky roll things for flies and shit and go and buy some neem oil or something of that sort maybe a little layer of sand even idk yet but i don't think the problem is too bad yet so i need to fix it asap. i also have seen a preflower on one of my plants no mistaken two white hairs clearly visable yay know i have atleast one girl lol id hope outa ten plants i better get one damned lady haha. ill see if i can get some pics taken and post them maybe later tonight..if u have any comments or suggestions as how i should fix my gnat problem or just wanna bulshit go for it...peacez


Well-Known Member
looking good, when do you plan to flower? i would really think about getting a small hps for flowering, you can get a 150 for 50 bucks, you will more than double your quality and yeild, i can show you how to convert to a grow light the easy way..
keep up the good work.
pm me if you have any questions..


Well-Known Member
thanks man but i have a 250w mh going right now and i have my hps bulb waiting in my closet for when i want to flower but i will defineitly keep that in mind because u never know when you might need some more light thanks for stoppin in prime...ill probably flower here in about two weeks let my FIMing finish up a little bit first..can't wait to see how your scrog gos bro peacez.


Well-Known Member
Alright here are some new pics i took over the weekend hope u enjoy them i had sprayed the plants and pots with some plant soap specifically safe for vegetables and edible plants so i figured it would be alright i sprayed all the plants and bottom of the pots top layer of soil and hung a fly strip up i only have a couple little bitches stuck there so the problem must not have been that bad hopefully i fixed i also had put a little bit of vinegar in my spray bottle so hopefully that also helps thanks to Lacy :-P...hope u enjoy the preflower is kinda hard to see but its there, no doubt about it enjoy!!! :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
sorry idk why the first time it didn't work well here they are now enjoy...



Well-Known Member
Awesome man! I for one would like to see daily pics or as often as you can take them. I wonder how soon they'll show. I'm praying for no balls with ya!


Well-Known Member
thanks FOTG ill try to keep better updates sometimes time just isn't on my side lol u know how that goes but ill try to keep them more up to date thanks for stoppin by im goin to your grow as soon as this is up...peace


Well-Known Member
what the hell idk why it didn't upload with the other posts o well here are the preflower pics hopefully you can see them...lemme know what u think peacez
They are all looking good. Too soon to determine sex yet at least imo.
Whatever you're doing, keep it up, it's working.:peace:


Well-Known Member
yea sorry if you cant quite tell but i swear its a definate female preflower it was just kinda hard to get a really close pic of it ill c if i can snap more pics when the lights come back on in about half an hour or so...i haven't really seen any other preflower yet on any other plants except for maybe one more but not 100 percent sure...thanks for stoppin in again if the pics aren't up tonight check back tomorrow and they should be up peace