should i raise my lights? need help again please!


Well-Known Member
hello to all of you again, i need some advice, i have not yet transplanted my plant,

but should i raised the lights? its hot in here:
here are some of the pics:


the first picture tells my current set up.
the second picture is my 2nd plant that have already died
third and fourth picture is the close up view of my babies that are still alive.

i didn't repot my plants yet because i don't have time and i have some personal reasons, and my account password was suddenly changed, and i don't know why, still i am thinking that i am being hacked and someones changing my passwords, thank God that i can still manage to retrieve my account. ( i don't know but i think i am paranoid because i don't have weed right now and i still can't smoke weed right now, because of some really important reasons).
oh and sorry if you see some of my undies, i washed it just late afternoon and i don't know how will they dry up fast, that is why i put them there so that the fan can dry it immediately or else i will not have any undies to wear (i don't want to use dryer to save electricity).

sorry for the pics i still use a cheap cam phone, well this is the last day i think of using the word cheap cam phone, tomorrow and as of right now i will call it dual purpose cam phone because i am also using it as a radio player.


Well-Known Member
How hot is it? Put a thermometer in there and let us know the temperature.

Also, are you just running straight tap water? I'm assuming you don't have a pH tester, so let us know what city you're in and perhaps someone experienced in your area might be able to speak up and let us know about the quality of the water.



Well-Known Member
How hot is it? Put a thermometer in there and let us know the temperature.

Also, are you just running straight tap water? I'm assuming you don't have a pH tester, so let us know what city you're in and perhaps someone experienced in your area might be able to speak up and let us know about the quality of the water.

well i only have a refrigerator room to use as a meter for the temps yeah i don't have a ph meter, i use purified water for my plants just to be sure. ( sorry i don't have cash to buy but i if get a job someday or started training and finish my training i might be able buy what i want). buying with your own money or what have you work hard for is a good feeling.

i really can't tell where my city is, because of some important reasons. i think i know someone here in my area that have studied agriculture but i am too shy to ask for help.

i check the temps using the internet, in my room as what i have said, i use a refrigerator thermometer, so that i can manage or have an idea of what the temps in my room.

off topic
i am getting hungry again, cooking veggies in a food channel. yummy. i am wondering how good it is.


Well-Known Member
You are cooking your plants. More water and air flow now, and back your lights off so they are 6" away from your poor plants, until the hopefully recover.


Well-Known Member
The soil needs some airation too it looks very compact, and very dry. I would suggest starting over honestly if you have more seeds. Start with some better potting soil, and or add a bag of perlite to the soil before you plant in it. For little plants under cfls, you want them to be 2-3 inchs away from the light, and to have a fan blowing right on them(low speed prolly while they are real young) to keep them all cool. If you do pop some more seeds in better soil keep the lights almost as clsoe to those 3-4 inchs, and this will help prevent them from stretching like it seems yours did. You won't need to feed it any nutrients for a few weeks, but in the mean time I would suggest bottled SPRING water from walmart. I emphasize the SPRING water because they have 3-4 different types of water in their gallon jug section and the SPRING water seems to always have a consistant PH level right between 6-6.5, where as the other waters did not when I've tried them. Obvioussly you seem to be limited on space and money, but if you do some real reading on here there are alot of guys that get decent yields in small spaces with cfls. I use a home made cfl fixture that holds up to 9 (26w cfls) which is over 200w actual power with relatively little heat. I'm gonna emphasize the most important thing you can do for your garden though man, and I tell everyone that asks me to help them grow the same thing.......READ! Not just on here either, cus there can be alot of flat out false information you get alot of newer people "trying to be helpful" and parroting bad infomation all over. Do some reading on actual gardening techniques, read some of Ed Rosenthals books, you can even watch Youtube videos of several of the guys like Ed rosenthal that share alot of info. Look into the soil thing, its as important as anything else in the process of growing, I just don't grow in soil so I can't tell you exactly what to use. Hope it goes well for you man, we all start some place. I started in scotts potting soil under a bathroom counter with 2 x 24 inch floro tubes. When they stretched so much they wouldn't fit any more they moved to a closet with 2 x 48 inch floros and the original 2 x24s. Long story short the harvest was basically un-smokeable and tiny but I don't consider the grow a failure because it taught me ALOT and that was the whole reason for that grow. My next grow I moved and made improvements and yielded over a 1/4 pound of some dank nugs!

Peace TC


Well-Known Member
You are cooking your plants. More water and air flow now, and back your lights off so they are 6" away from your poor plants, until the hopefully recover.
i forgot to tell the temps in my ref thermometer

the temps go between will never go below 84.2F

the light is like 1-2 inches on the top of my babies.

should i raise the lights higher?


Well-Known Member
The soil needs some airation too it looks very compact, and very dry. I would suggest starting over honestly if you have more seeds. Start with some better potting soil, and or add a bag of perlite to the soil before you plant in it. For little plants under cfls, you want them to be 2-3 inchs away from the light, and to have a fan blowing right on them(low speed prolly while they are real young) to keep them all cool. If you do pop some more seeds in better soil keep the lights almost as clsoe to those 3-4 inchs, and this will help prevent them from stretching like it seems yours did. You won't need to feed it any nutrients for a few weeks, but in the mean time I would suggest bottled SPRING water from walmart. I emphasize the SPRING water because they have 3-4 different types of water in their gallon jug section and the SPRING water seems to always have a consistant PH level right between 6-6.5, where as the other waters did not when I've tried them. Obvioussly you seem to be limited on space and money, but if you do some real reading on here there are alot of guys that get decent yields in small spaces with cfls. I use a home made cfl fixture that holds up to 9 (26w cfls) which is over 200w actual power with relatively little heat. I'm gonna emphasize the most important thing you can do for your garden though man, and I tell everyone that asks me to help them grow the same thing.......READ! Not just on here either, cus there can be alot of flat out false information you get alot of newer people "trying to be helpful" and parroting bad infomation all over. Do some reading on actual gardening techniques, read some of Ed Rosenthals books, you can even watch Youtube videos of several of the guys like Ed rosenthal that share alot of info. Look into the soil thing, its as important as anything else in the process of growing, I just don't grow in soil so I can't tell you exactly what to use. Hope it goes well for you man, we all start some place. I started in scotts potting soil under a bathroom counter with 2 x 24 inch floro tubes. When they stretched so much they wouldn't fit any more they moved to a closet with 2 x 48 inch floros and the original 2 x24s. Long story short the harvest was basically un-smokeable and tiny but I don't consider the grow a failure because it taught me ALOT and that was the whole reason for that grow. My next grow I moved and made improvements and yielded over a 1/4 pound of some dank nugs!

Peace TC
i still have some seeds left here i don't know if it will still sprout but i think it will still, my soil is a ready mixed soil with perlite,compost,coco bust, and soil, but i think there is not enough perlite. my lights will not be less than a 100w, well i have cash but it's not that much, i don't know if i what will i buy first, the lights or potting soil with perlite.

i am thinking of mixing my own soil.


Well-Known Member
You need to keep temps down at least below 85, 74 is ideal.
oh my i really don't know how will i do that, i don't have aircon in my room. i just open my windows and hope that cool air will pass and suck by my fan and blow it towards my babies.


Well-Known Member
Is there anyway at all you could either get a small window AC even a used one, or atleast one of those window fans to pull cool air into the room?

Caligreenzzz I'm glad that you've had higher temps with no issue, I have too. That doesn't change what the general ideal temp is for growing under normal conditions. We might have a high concentration of CO2 naturally in our grow areas which makes our plants preform well inspite of the higher temps not sure just an idea. My temps have been higher then I want lately because I added a dehumidifier to my room. Now I need to get my larger exhaust fan hooked up after having it for 3 years.....


Well-Known Member
Is there anyway at all you could either get a small window AC even a used one, or atleast one of those window fans to pull cool air into the room?
i don't know, but if ever i can get one or ask my mom to get one our electricity bill might go up, and my mom might really get mad at me.

off topic

anyways, i can tell a bit of where my place is, i born and raised in SEA, short for south east a part of the world.

people here are friendly and nice, but some aren't but that is life even in other parts of the world, because people are very unique. but life changes and attitude changes, that is why there is still hope for change, change for the better.

stirfry food, damn i am really hungry.