Simple and Plain


Well-Known Member
im retarded...cause i would be sitting here looking at the bud...then that gold & electric blue would take my attention


Active Member
im retarded...cause i would be sitting here looking at the bud...then that gold & electric blue would take my attention

It came out really good in the pictures so I thought it would add a little sex appeal to the weed. To the contrary though, I feel it took some of its glory..

So, ive been going back and forth in my head as to the contents of the first tea im going to give...

I watered one Black Ice with plain water a couple of days ago... The rest dont need their first water just yet, but soon.

Here is the recipe that im going to be brewing up tomorrow night.

-5 gallons of water
-3-5 10 inch air stones(you want to get a lot of air in there)
-2 cups of earth worm castings
-5 tablespoons UBSM

I will be pre inoculating the EWC tonight with 1/2 tablespoon bran wheat per cup of earthworm castings.
After I put in the wheat bran I will moisten the soil with heavily diluted UBSM and let sit wrapped in a paper towel for 24 hrs.

More to come on that later....

Here is an update for today...

They are coming in splendidly:bigjoint:

Black Ice:

Reserva Privada



Well-Known Member
ROCKIN IT!!!....................(skips around the room w/ air guitar to Ozzy's S.I.T.D.)


Well-Known Member
Wow ^^^thats^^^ what I forgot the other day....lmao

I meant to ask about how to give a rep+....


Well-Known Member
Im totally trippin on the fact that I never touched that star cause it looked like a fucking badge...LMAO
Im nuttz

I have looked at that shit for years & just assumed it was for flagging a post...

Damn i get the bone head



Well-Known Member
I KNOW!!!! I cant win...

I started out on this site half cooked...I did my registration HIGH as fuck...:eyesmoke:
PLUS, my girl & I spilled beer on the keyboard:hump:... so some of my keys would STICK....(stfu to all the perverts lol)

So im all signed up... im all super crunktastical...then I saw my tag name...:o
AWwww wtf, i fuckin missed a "O" in good...SHIT!

went back to fix it...yeh right...been eating it ever since...:wall:

I had to smoke 2 more grams to figure out how to explain 'godwork'...SMH...Maybe if say goddamn a lot ppl woulnt trip so hard ready to shut the fuck up more high jacking...& sticky keyboard jokes.


Active Member
I KNOW!!!! I cant win...

I started out on this site half cooked...I did my registration HIGH as fuck...:eyesmoke:
PLUS, my girl & I spilled beer on the keyboard:hump:... so some of my keys would STICK....(stfu to all the perverts lol)

So im all signed up... im all super crunktastical...then I saw my tag name...:o
AWwww wtf, i fuckin missed a "O" in good...SHIT!

went back to fix it...yeh right...been eating it ever since...:wall:

I had to smoke 2 more grams to figure out how to explain 'godwork'...SMH...Maybe if say goddamn a lot ppl woulnt trip so hard ready to shut the fuck up more high jacking...& sticky keyboard jokes.

Hahaha its not a high jack if its funny:bigjoint:

Anyways here is a little bit of an update for today.
Plants are doing well and have grown substantially.

Some plant's leave are starting to canoe a little bit and grow crooked.

My humidity has been kind of low for a couple of days when i first transplanted at less than 10%RH.
They were fine at this point and afterwards, so I dont think that caused it.

Temps: Highest: 80F Lowest:61F at canopy level so I dont think its a temperature problem.

I think this is stemming from the fertilizer I used and they are having a little nitrogen toxicity.
I just started using this brand and im thinking it is a little faster acting than I had originally thought and with the combination of the seaweed extract I used caused this.
When I first planted them they were doing great.
Since seaweed locks up nitrogen for a little bit though and then releases it, I'm thinking that the nitrogen is now becoming more available and causing a bit of toxicity.

Im debating on giving them a low(5.7-5.8ish) ph watering or just riding it out.
I decided not to give them their tea just yet because of this.
I also raised the lights up a little bit just in case somehow it has light exhaustion.

Kind of bummed but all should be ok in a week or so when they get bigger..

You guys think I should water with lower ph water or just ride it out?

Also the six Black Ice clones that I gave my girlfriend are doing great.

Just finished lsting all of them and in about 2-3 weeks ill be throwing them into flower.


Active Member
Today's update:


Black Ice

The 6 Female Black Ice Clones
Finally starting to look bushy from the lst
Just top dressed with some earthworm castings and watered them with some molasses

Inoculating some earth worm casting
1/4tsp oat bran 1/4tsp wheat bran



Well-Known Member
Plants look nice man the BI seem to be growing faster then the RP. Do they actually have more nodes, or are they just a little more stretched out?

Also I gotta ask whats the deal with the oatmeal and stuff. I'm sure I can look it up someplace, but figured it would be just as easy to ask you. I don't use soil much, is it just to add stuff for the microbes to eat, I know thats the big deal with organics is feeding the soil not the plant.


Active Member
Plants look nice man the BI seem to be growing faster then the RP. Do they actually have more nodes, or are they just a little more stretched out?

Also I gotta ask whats the deal with the oatmeal and stuff. I'm sure I can look it up someplace, but figured it would be just as easy to ask you. I don't use soil much, is it just to add stuff for the microbes to eat, I know thats the big deal with organics is feeding the soil not the plant.

Thanks TC, the BI is growing a little more rapidly then the RP.
Rp is more stretchy but the BI is more bushy believe it or not. Pics must be at a weird angle or something. A couple BI have more nodes then the RP only by 1 or 2 max though.

i use oat and wheat bran, to put it simply, for fungi.
it does a few other things, but its main objective is to feed and bring fungi into my soil.
Fungi like it as a food, so its easier for my to breed fungi with this stuff in the castings.

Right now the castings are sittin on top of my t5 light in a clone dome wrapped in a paper towel to start giving life to some spores.
I hope that answered your question...


I like it man...oatmeal & all....

Are you gonna Top these girls????

Thanks man:joint: No topping for me though, I am against it for the most part. I'm going to be doing a scrog without th screen. Mostly stakes and green nursery tape
the best females from these seeds are gonna be my mothers and the not so decent ones I'm chucking. Ill also be keeping a male from each to produce me some beans


Active Member
Today's update

Top views with the light raised

Black Ice


The Black Ice is coming along nicely and took the ferts I gave it really well.
Reserva had a little harder of time... Will remember this for when im mixing the soil for the clones that come from them

Started brewing my tea today
added a couple of things and letting it sit til this time tomorrow

A lightning storm is moving in, hoping its a good one

Have a good night everyone..


Active Member
So its been a few days, still haven't watered my plants yet...
They are a little over due for a good drench. Ive been working to much to be able to water them these past couple of days...
I was just writing the last sentence for a good 5 minutes trying to figure if its "past couple of days" or "passed couple of days"... hahah
Is that confusing for anyone else? Phack

Anyways, back to business
I was brewing up my tea, and when it hit that "sweet spot" I was unable to water them cause I had to go to work.
Now the tea is bad...
So, today, eventually, ill get in there and give em just plain water for this water, and this water only.
Ill probably give them a tea a couple days before they really need a water to give them the fungi and bacteria they missed out on this time...

The plants are looking great though! I added another 4 foot light in the mix and spaced the plants out.

Ill throw up pics in a few minutes.. just got home from work and gonna :joint:

If anyone has any questions fire away:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Past or Passed...dont feel bad

when the right weed is in the mix....I have to sound out words like "the" & "of"

Have you ever really tried to SOUND out the word "of"....u-h-v-a


Active Member
Past or Passed...dont feel bad

when the right weed is in the mix....I have to sound out words like "the" & "of"

Have you ever really tried to SOUND out the word "of"....u-h-v-a
I never noticed that of has a slight "a" sound at the end...
you just blew my mind sir
