Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well here's a pic of my Mamba Negra at 55-56ish days. It was a freebie I thought I'd try. She smells amazing! I'm glad I won 18 more sees from them. Ill be trying all 6 strains they sent.image.jpg
Well here's a pic of my Mamba Negra at 55-56ish days. It was a freebie I thought I'd try. She smells amazing! I'm glad I won 18 more sees from them. Ill be trying all 6 strains they sent.View attachment 2649020
Looks great
image.jpgThanks! I think this was better though. My first grow. Soil, fish emulsion from Walmart and tomato booster from Lowe's. Madness is on right. Kandy Kish is on left. LaDiva autos in middle. And either sour jack or bag seed in upper right.
I couldn't agree with you more!! But have to beg to differ on the "sugar" aspect .. I've been using "molasses" for years! Even did a "side by side" comparison. One with, one without. And from what I gatherd from my studies, the plant that received the "molasses" it buds where a lot more "thicker" then the one without. Also, it just "looked" better to me then then plant that wasn't receiving molasses! Also I would have to say that once the "two" where both finshed flowering, I then dried & cured both of them, the plant that had been dosed with molasses, its buds weighed somewhat more then the plants buds that wasn't dosed with the molasses. :mrgreen: I did that study atleast 3 yrs ago I believe. I have been using it ever since!!

most of that is absolutely in error though

for instance adding sugar is bs....only possible benefit there could be organics with a microbe explosion, but even that is questionable

As well as flowers need light...pure bs it is the leaves that need and use light...cutting a leaf to give a flower more light is botanically idiotic

The leaves produce the sugars and starches for plant growth not the flowers...wanna increase yield...keep the most healthy foliage you can and the buds will be produced
Oh! And just to let ya know, I wasn't the 1 that had wrote that. I just received it in an email, thought it may help out a "newbe" somewhat is to the reason why I posted.
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