Hey guys! I now that it must get frustrating trying to rack your brain trying to figure out the guessing game strain! I would be "pissed" if I where "guessing"! Haha!

just don't get pissed, or give up, just wait on more clues/hints, or wait till Monday and your guesses resets back to 4..
Ok! This ort to help out a shit ton!! HINT** this strain is crossed with "Blue Kronic" plant is perfect for a sea of green (SOG) system. Also, you can plant the seeds both indoors and out. This strain is extremely versatile to any environment, its also newbie friendly! That is 3 hints in one right there!

Like said, if its getting to ya, just chill hit your bong once ot twice, then think about what strain you think it maybe..

Update: I have been up nights with a "super" bad toothache, hurting like hell!!

damn shit had me in tears it was hurting so bad lastnight...
OH! PS. I had been growing out some "Danks Purple Fire" lol. I started two of them, I let them go a week & half to almost 2 weeks vegging, then flipped them over to flowering!

I topped one of them, and let the other one go untouched. There both around 6" tall. Just wanted to see how they would do with a short veg time. Plus wanted alittle PF to smoke on aswell..

Theve been in the flowering cycle for almost 2 weeks now.
Please let me know what y'all think as to how I am doing??

Thanks guys! Your friend, Dank.