Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Go eat some foreskins you failure... 20years to save up? In your case try 40... That would require a job and last time we checked, you were trumped by illegal labour. fucking pathetic....

I do believe you have your tongue placed firmly in the prison planet cesspool while giving netenfuckhoo a reach around.

Israel FISTERS jimmies are a rustled...

then i assume it is agreed, you continue being petty bitter anti-semite who blames "The Jews" fo9r all your failures, and ill continue to work hard, save money and buy me that farmstead i been wanting.

ill check back with you in 20 years and see how your shit worked out for you. provided you havent hung yourself , or blown yourself up with the IED you were planning to use on the local synagogue...

but until then, feel free to cram your comments and replies up your ass.

PS. my jimmies aint even rustled. you overestimate your importance in my world. my concerns over your comments is somewhere between my interest in repainting that little spot on the living room wall where my nephew laughed and blew a droplet of chocolate milk out his nose, and my desire to get another prostate exam.
Go eat some foreskins you failure... 20years to save up? In your case try 40... That would require a job and last time we checked, you were trumped by illegal labour. fucking pathetic....

I do believe you have your tongue placed firmly in the prison planet cesspool while giving netenfuckhoo a reach around.

Israel FISTERS jimmies are a rustled...

At least Keynes has a respectable job and works hard. You're just a lazy ass who's too stupid to realize what an arrogant little prick you sound like when you open your mouth about shit you know nothing about. I mean I don't agree with a single syllable in any sentence Keynes has ever said. I'm just trying to convey to you what a dumb little prick you are, because I don't think you understand. You're in the nutcase category.
At least Keynes has a respectable job and works hard. You're just a lazy ass who's too stupid to realize what an arrogant little prick you sound like when you open your mouth about shit you know nothing about. I mean I don't agree with a single syllable in any sentence Keynes has ever said. I'm just trying to convey to you what a dumb little prick you are, because I don't think you understand. You're in the nutcase category.

Socialists LOL... Want what everyone else has for free... Respectable job? Picking vegetables, pumping gas or lighting fires? Try again moron the above is nearly as good as this;

You get called out for blowing Keynes
At least Keynes has a respectable job and works hard. You're just a lazy ass who's too stupid to realize what an arrogant little prick you sound like when you open your mouth about shit you know nothing about. I mean I don't agree with a single syllable in any sentence Keynes has ever said. I'm just trying to convey to you what a dumb little prick you are, because I don't think you understand. You're in the nutcase category.

It's why we have ignore list...a very few people provide nothing but personal ass ridding....attention seeking, sociopathic yada, yada....
Socialists LOL... Want what everyone else has for free... Respectable job? Picking vegetables, pumping gas or lighting fires? Try again moron the above is nearly as good as this;

Yeah what do you do for a living? Anything?

I won't even get into the idiotic misunderstanding of socialism..
Bugs Bunny: Look, Doc. Are you looking for trouble? I'm not a stewing rabbit. I'm a fricasseeing rabbit.

Elmer Fudd
: Fwicasseeing wabbit?

Bugs Bunny
: Have you got a fricasseeing rabbit license?

Elmer Fudd
: Well, no. I...

Bugs Bunny
: Do you happen to know what the penalty is for shooting a fricasseeing rabbit without a fricasseeing rabbit license?

I've seen this bit many times but I'm now seeing another fricasseeing level!

Some real fricasseeing shit, we watched as kids......
Bugs Bunny: Look, Doc. Are you looking for trouble? I'm not a stewing rabbit. I'm a fricasseeing rabbit.

Elmer Fudd
: Fwicasseeing wabbit?

Bugs Bunny
: Have you got a fricasseeing rabbit license?

Elmer Fudd
: Well, no. I...

Bugs Bunny
: Do you happen to know what the penalty is for shooting a fricasseeing rabbit without a fricasseeing rabbit license?

I've seen this bit many times but I'm now seeing another fricasseeing level!

Some real fricasseeing shit, we watched as kids......
Sometimes I wonder if you even understand half the shit you say.
For the Foreign Born and the under-educated...... I'm still looking for the text in the original Pidgin slave language, Gullah.

These, some 168 Uncle Remus stories, were printed in that Atlantic-Monthy, beginning in 1870.

A translation of Brer Rabbit and the Tar-Baby compiled by Joel Chandler Harris
One day Brer Fox thought of how Brer Rabbit had been cutting up his capers and bouncing around until he'd come to believe that he was the boss of the whole gang. Brer Fox thought of a way to lay some bait for that uppity Brer Rabbit.

He went to work and got some tar and mixed it with some turpentine. He fixed up a contraption that he called a Tar-Baby. When he finished making her, he put a straw hat on her head and sat the little thing in the middle of the road. Brer Fox, he lay off in the bushes to see what would happen.

Well, he didn't have to wait long either, 'cause by and by Brer Rabbit came pacing down the road - lippity-clippity, clippity-lippity - just as sassy as a jay-bird. Brer Fox, he lay low. Brer Rabbit came prancing along until he saw the Tar-Baby and then he sat back on his hind legs like he was astonished. The Tar-Baby just sat there, she did, and Brer Fox, he lay low.

"Good morning!" says Brer Rabbit. "Nice weather we're having this morning."

Tar-Baby didn't say a word, and Brer Fox, he lay low.
"How are you feeling this morning?" says Brer Rabbit.
Brer Fox, he winked his eye real slow and lay low and the Tar-Baby didn't say a thing.

"What is the matter with you then? Are you deaf?" says Brer Rabbit. "Cause if you are, I can holler louder," says he.

The Tar-Baby stayed still and Brer Fox, he lay low.
"You're stuck-up, that's what's wrong with you. You think you're too good to talk to me," says Brer Rabbit. "And I'm going to cure you, that's what I'm going to do."

Brer Fox started to chuckle in his stomach, he did, but Tar-Baby didn't say a word.

"I'm going to teach you how to talk to respectable folks if it's my last act," says Brer Rabbit. "If you don't take off that hat and say howdy, I'm going to bust you wide open," says he.

Tar-Baby stayed still and Brer Fox, he lay low.
Brer Rabbit kept on asking her why she wouldn't talk and the Tar-Baby kept on saying nothing until Brer Rabbit finally drew back his fist, he did, and blip - he hit the Tar-Baby on the jaw. But his fist stuck and he couldn't pull it loose. The tar held him. But Tar-Baby, she stayed still, and Brer Fox, he lay low.

"If you don't let me loose, I'm going to hit you again," says Brer Rabbit, says he, and with that he drew back his other fist and blap - he hit the Tar-Baby with the other hand and that one stuck fast too.

Tar-Baby she stayed still, and Brer Fox, he lay low.
"Turn me loose, before I kick the natural stuffing out of you," says Brer Rabbit, says he, but the Tar-Baby just sat there.

She just held on and then Brer Rabbit jumped her with both his feet. Brer Fox, he lay low. Then Brer Rabbit yelled out that if that Tar-Baby didn't turn him loose, he was going to butt her crank-sided. Then he butted her and his head got stuck.

Brer Fox walked out from behind the bushes and strolled over to Brer Rabbit, looking as innocent as a mockingbird.

"Howdy, Brer Rabbit," says Brer Fox. "You look sort of stuck up this morning," says he. And he rolled on the ground and laughed and laughed until he couldn't laugh anymore.

By and by he said, "Well, I expect I got you this time, Brer Rabbit," says he. "Maybe I don't, but I expect I do. You've been around here sassing after me a mighty long time, but now it's the end.

And then you're always getting into something that's none of your business," says Brer Fox, says he. "Who asked you to come and strike up a conversation with this Tar-Baby? And who stuck you up the way you are? Nobody in this round world. You just jammed yourself into the Tar-Baby without waiting for an invitation," says Brer Fox. "There you are and there you'll stay until I fix up a brush-pile and fire it up, ‘cause I'm going to barbecue you today, for sure," says Brer Fox.

Then Brer Rabbit started talking mighty humble.
"I don't care what you do with me, Brer Fox, says he, "Just so you don't fling me in that briar patch. Roast me, Brer Fox," says he, "But don't fling me in that briar patch."

"It's so much trouble to kindle a fire," says Brer Fox, says he, "that I expect I'd better hang you," says he.
"Hang me just as high as you please, Brer Fox, says Brer Rabbit, "but for the Lord's sake, don't fling me in that briar patch," says he.

"I don't have any string, " says Brer Fox, "Now I expect I had better drown you, " says he.
"Drown me just as deep as you please, Brer Fox," says Brer Rabbit, "But please do not fling me in that briar patch, " says he.

"There's no water near here," says Brer Fox, says he, "And now I reckon I'd better skin you."

"Skin me Brer Fox," says he. "Snatch out my eyeballs, tear out my ears by the roots," says he, "But please, Brer Fox, don't fling me in that briar patch, " says he.

Of course, Brer Fox wanted to get Brer Rabbit as bad as he could, so he caught him by the behind legs and slung him right in the middle of the briar patch. There was a considerable flutter when Brer Rabbit struck the bushes, and Brer Fox hung around to see what was going to happen.

By and by he heard someone call his name and ‘way up on the hill he saw Brer Rabbit sitting cross-legged on a chinquapin log combing the tar pitch out of his hair with a chip. Then Brer Fox knew he had been tricked.

Brer Rabbit hollered out, "Born and bred in the briar patch. I was born and bred in the briar patch!" And with that he skipped out just as lively as a cricket in the embers of a fire.
The End.
Ah here is some Gullah...all kinds of root languages and accents. Preserved for WE by WE.


'Yaas, suh,' dem say. 'Eb'n so we tek dem fowl off de roos'!' " " 'Berry well,' maussuh say. 'Ef you tek all dem got, uh haffuh study 'pun uh plan full git mo', en" V tell de fo' man 1 fun gone. Wen dem gone, maussuh study. 'E pit 'e head one side sukkuh blue jay. 'E blow smoke, en' 'e study.

Maussuh too schemy ! Bimeby, 'e say to 'eself : 'Wuh me en' de Prezzvdent gwine do? Us done ketch all de money wuh de buck- ruh got, en' us yent lef urn nutt'n' 'cep' de railroad. Niffsruh' ent got nutt'n' but dem han' en' dem foot'. Nigguh' ent fuh hab no money. Nigguh' fuh w'uk. Leh we see,' 'e say. 'Fus' t'ing, me en' de Prezzydent haffuh wu'k! Alltwo uh we duh juntlemun, en' jun- tlemun ent fuh wu'k.' Maussuh pit on 'e hat. 'E gone deepo' een Cuhlumbia. 'E ride de westyblue strain, en' 'e nebbuh git off 'tell 'e git spang New Yawk ! 'E gone to de Prezzydent' house. De Prezzydent mek'um uh bow. 'E ax'um, 'How you lef yo' fambly en' yo' crap?' Maussuh treat'um berry mannussubble.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that when farmers use patented seed for more than one planting in violation of their licensing agreements, they are liable for damages.
Billed as David vs. Goliath, the case pitted an Indiana farmer against the agribusiness behemoth Monsanto.
Almost all the soybean farmers in the U.S. use seed that is genetically altered to be resistant to weed killers like Roundup. That allows farmers to spray for weeds without killing the soybeans. But the seed is three times more expensive than regular unpatented seed, so some farmers have tried to use regenerated seed to save money.
Case in point, 75-year-old farmer Hugh Bowman, who regularly bought Monsanto's Roundup-resistant soybean seed for his first growth and signed a licensing agreement promising to use all the seed and not to use any regenerated seed for future use. But Bowman also had other riskier, lower-yield plantings, and for those, he wanted "a cheap source of seed."
So he went to the local grain elevator where farmers drop off their harvested soybeans, and he bought and planted some of those, knowing that those beans would likely also be Roundup-resistant.
He eventually produced eight separate crop yields using the second and third generations of the grain elevator seed, and he was quite open about what he was doing.
"I couldn't imagine that they'd give a rat's behind," he said.
But they — namely, Monsanto — did. The company sued Bowman, as it has sued other farmers. Bowman lost in the lower courts and was ordered to pay $84,000 in damages to Monsanto. He appealed all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that when farmers use patented seed for more than one planting in violation of their licensing agreements, they are liable for damages.
Billed as David vs. Goliath, the case pitted an Indiana farmer against the agribusiness behemoth Monsanto.
Almost all the soybean farmers in the U.S. use seed that is genetically altered to be resistant to weed killers like Roundup. That allows farmers to spray for weeds without killing the soybeans. But the seed is three times more expensive than regular unpatented seed, so some farmers have tried to use regenerated seed to save money.
Case in point, 75-year-old farmer Hugh Bowman, who regularly bought Monsanto's Roundup-resistant soybean seed for his first growth and signed a licensing agreement promising to use all the seed and not to use any regenerated seed for future use. But Bowman also had other riskier, lower-yield plantings, and for those, he wanted "a cheap source of seed."
So he went to the local grain elevator where farmers drop off their harvested soybeans, and he bought and planted some of those, knowing that those beans would likely also be Roundup-resistant.
He eventually produced eight separate crop yields using the second and third generations of the grain elevator seed, and he was quite open about what he was doing.
"I couldn't imagine that they'd give a rat's behind," he said.
But they — namely, Monsanto — did. The company sued Bowman, as it has sued other farmers. Bowman lost in the lower courts and was ordered to pay $84,000 in damages to Monsanto. He appealed all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
That's patent law, it's entirely distinct from everything you say.

If Microsoft enforces a patent are they evil?
Did he even read that? We have agreed they will sue you when you break your licensing agreement. Which they should do.

He totally made the case against himself right there.
It's like selling copied DVDs and then crying because you're in court over it.

The farmer knew he was doing wrong but did it anyways, then tries to cry foul about it?

If I point a loaded 92f at my head and start interfering with the trigger is it Berettas fault if I shoot myself in the mush?
It's like selling copied DVDs and then crying because you're in court over it.

The farmer knew he was doing wrong but did it anyways, then tries to cry foul about it?

If I point a loaded 92f at my head and start interfering with the trigger is it Berettas fault if I shoot myself in the mush?
I like that.

The farmers not only had a contract, they had help, instructions, the Co. Ag Dept is helping. And there was only one real instruction the farmer had to follow.

This thing is loaded (you just signed) Do NOT point it at your head. We will be FORCED to sue if you blow your law brains out.