Stories you won't see in the Main Stream Media.


New Member
If you ever watch the Iraqi side of the war, I Do. you would know that Muqtada Al-Sadr hates the US occupation and he controlls a few hundred thousand Iraqis. It's just a matter of time before he revolts. He's just biding his time, waiting on the US elections. If McCain wins, I'd bet there will be all out war, If Obama wins, I think he'll wait to see if the troops are really going to leave. Lets be real about Iraq, They hate our guts. You can't go into a country and kill or maim hundreds of thousands of citizens and expect them to like you.


New Member
No comment on the articles? Deaths are down. Violence is down. Al Queida is defeated. Why aren't you rejoicing?



Well-Known Member
Al Queda is not who we are at war with. We are at war with our own government. It is not the middle east causing us harm, it is our own selfish, thoughtless government, who think us americans are blind and naive to what they are really doing. They are brainwashing us to believe that all they show us is really how it is. Which IMO is a crock of shit. I don't trust bush or any of his appointed officials. He got into office on a scam and some bullshit, which is just what his term has been. Enough said.


Well-Known Member
No comment on the articles? Deaths are down. Violence is down. Al Queida is defeated. Why aren't you rejoicing?

Yeah ...

Rate of Violence Skyrocketing In Afghanistan

In terms of enemy fire, May 2008 was the second deadliest month of the war since hostilities began in Afghanistan shortly after 9/11. This also marked the end of the deadliest 12-month period for U.S. troops in combat in Afghanistan since the war began nearly seven years ago. 14 Americans were killed by hostile fire in Afghanistan last month (equal to the same number killed in June 2006). The deadliest month of combat in Afghanistan for U.S. troops was in June 2005 when 25 died–16 in a single helicopter shoot-down.
While 14 hostile fire fatalities may not seem significant when compared to the fighting in Iraq, there are two facts that we must take into consideration:
1. We have just experienced the deadliest 12-month period of the war in Afghanistan in terms of hostile fire–by far.
99 Americans have been killed in action since 1 June 2007. The previous 12-month high was 70–between 1 June 2005 and 31 May 2006.
2. The hostile fire death rate for American troops in Afghanistan last month was four times that of Iraq.
One out of every 2,500 (.04 percent) Americans in Afghanistan died last month at the hands of the enemy. This is much higher than in Iraq, in which one out of every 10,000 (.01 percent) American troops died.
While hostile fire casualty rates in Iraq have been higher than .04 percent in about half of all months since the invasion, this shows us one fact that cannot be overlooked: The violence in Afghanistan only seems minimal to Americans because there are a mere 33,000 troops there. But the rate of violence there is clearly comparable to that in Iraq–where 155,000 troops are now serving. For those 33,000 troops in Afghanistan, for the first time now, life has become more dangerous than in Iraq.

... and you won't see this on ... not MSM ... it's no longer that ... it's nothing more than corporate media ... propaganda ... :-|


Well-Known Member
Again I ask you to look at Iraq from the iraqis perspective. Widen your view,, open your mind. It is not all like the MSM tells you. All is not well in Iraq.
Is Nick Berg the point of view you speak of?
Do you really believe less Iraqis will die once we are gone?
"all is not well in Iraq."-totaly agree!!
.....can you tell me when all was well?
Pull out all media and come down with an iron fist and end this bullshit in a month. Lets use some of this super power and put the fear of god into them. Have them beg us to end this fight! Then we fuck'em up even more so and say "this fight ends when we say it does,you smelly fuck!!"
do'em like the Japs!!
-John wayne Mccain style!!!


Well-Known Member
business in Iraq is booming, that place is going to have a different kind of explosion soon, and its a boom the likes of have not been seen since they first found oil in the in the Saudi desert:mrgreen:

oil prices go up arabs like me say cha-ching:mrgreen: literally


Well-Known Member
The government has been manipulating figures like that since vietnam, cousin. it doesn't matter what side you look at it from.

on our side we kill some innocent civilians with a bomb to get one terrorist leader. No big fucking deal. When troops are ambushed in the street and their bullets stray and kill two people they get discharged and jail time. that doesn't make fuckin sense to me... nothing the white house does makes sense to me

on the other side i guess you could say we have minimal support but soon we won't need it. Theres a lot of people out there blowing themselves up and killing a lot of innocent people. what they from us isnt exactly the heroes and saviors we paint ourselves to be but they also see... muslims killing muslims the threat isnt one sided for them.. and when people are backed into corners they act just as vicious as a coyote with its leg stuck in a bear trap. its slowly catching their attention and i think may have a good chance at turning the attitudes of said people maybe not into a more pro usa kinda deal but hey enough is enough lets riot this shit out for a few years..


Well-Known Member
Mcain has all the right things that have made the greatest presidents in the history of this country

i would estimate he may even become as important or even more imporatant than some of our most famous presidents


Well-Known Member
The government has been manipulating figures like that since vietnam, cousin. it doesn't matter what side you look at it from.

on our side we kill some innocent civilians with a bomb to get one terrorist leader. No big fucking deal. When troops are ambushed in the street and their bullets stray and kill two people they get discharged and jail time. that doesn't make fuckin sense to me... nothing the white house does makes sense to me

on the other side i guess you could say we have minimal support but soon we won't need it. Theres a lot of people out there blowing themselves up and killing a lot of innocent people. what they from us isnt exactly the heroes and saviors we paint ourselves to be but they also see... muslims killing muslims the threat isnt one sided for them.. and when people are backed into corners they act just as vicious as a coyote with its leg stuck in a bear trap. its slowly catching their attention and i think may have a good chance at turning the attitudes of said people maybe not into a more pro usa kinda deal but hey enough is enough lets riot this shit out for a few years..

hell ya, i mean you cant expect in a world surrounded by death that you wont have to push back a little and dish some out every now and then

its impossible,

just read the book its all in there (the history book)

i dont see whats so hard to figure out here, its all in the fucking book all you gotta do is read it


Well-Known Member
this war is laughable.. its not even profitable. the end is not justifying the means.

the gov isnt even establishing the gov properly. they're seperating the races when they should be trying to melt them into a diverse pot. haha pot

but anyway..

they're just reinforcing the fact that they are seperate from each other. force them to integrate.

they could

A : get along and sing campfire songs
B : get along and shoot at us with missles
C : kill each other in a mass civil war for control - wait thats gonna happen if you dont integrate..

either way shits fucked up and some brute military force aint gonna make shit better.. and apparantly neither is diplomacy..


Active Member
actually, the war is very profitable, just not for us people who aren't in it. PMC's are the majority of the fighting force over there and they get huge contracts, ie: Blackwater. Despite pillaging a village, they were rehired with a new contract after their old one expired. Banks are also probably going nuts with profit, too. War is expensive. Expenses call for cash, and who's got that? The banks, who loan out money with interest. Let's not forget the oil companies, here too. They're copmletely taking advantage of what's going on, saying we can't get oil because of the conflict and that's why prices are going up even though their profits are higher than ever.

The ends still do not justify the means. Mainly because there isn't supposed to be an end. The Bush administration set up this war to last forever on purpose. Let's see, whose one of the big guys profiting? Oil. Who has connections with oil companies? Bush. Who is another big guy profiting? PMC's. Who has connections with PMC's? Cheyney. There never was a plan to get the Iraqi government together, that's why it's such a clusterfuck over there. Even if there was a plan to get things moving in the right direction, Iran wouldn't let it happen. Most of the insurgants are either from or getting their weapons from Iran. I haven't done any research on wether or not Iran is profiting from this, but by keeping the fighting ground in Iraq, it keeps it away from them. They probably see as a huge distraction so they can continue with their nuclear testing. So in a way they are profiting. It's a war fueled by two countries inside of another country, for no reason whatsoever. It never needed to happen and everyone knows it.
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New Member
hell ya, i mean you cant expect in a world surrounded by death that you wont have to push back a little and dish some out every now and then

its impossible,

just read the book its all in there (the history book)

i dont see whats so hard to figure out here, its all in the fucking book all you gotta do is read it
Hey Panda, If McShame wins, you better get right with Jesus,~LOL~, armaghedden is on the way.


Well-Known Member
Hey Panda, If McShame wins, you better get right with Jesus,~LOL~, armaghedden is on the way.
It's out of Mccains hands.You are questioning the actions of someone eles. To just turn our back on the enemy will delay the chance of an armagheden in america?..


Well-Known Member
Mcain has all the right things that have made the greatest presidents in the history of this country

i would estimate he may even become as important or even more imporatant than some of our most famous presidents
Highly doubtful, considering he will just bring more of the same old shit.


Well-Known Member
the only good news coming from this insane war would be that the troops were coming home. there was no excuse for this farce in the first place. its unfortunate but likely there will be another foolish war in the near future with Iran. I wonder how many politicians family members are serving in the war? I doubt there are very many if any.