Wanted to try a grow, so here we go... C99


Active Member
Thanks for the kudos everyone. Making some butter with the trim and bottom airy stuff and going to do some baking. Curing will start soon.


Active Member
Do you have a good butter recipe? I'm gonna have a lot of trim at the end of summer...
I do, but it's from another site. What is the accepted practice of putting a link on here from another site? If I give an attribution is that O.K. ? I don't want to get a bad reputation from my friends here on RIU. :-)

Kite High

Well-Known Member
I do, but it's from another site. What is the accepted practice of putting a link on here from another site? If I give an attribution is that O.K. ? I don't want to get a bad reputation from my friends here on RIU. :-)
copy and paste it here rather than link it


Active Member
Do you have a good butter recipe? I'm gonna have a lot of trim at the end of summer...

This is what I used. Thanks to Hashmouf for posting.

Hashmouf's Recipe Guide For "CannaButter"

This is a very simple recipe guide, but as always you will need a few tools and ingredients.

Lets begin with the equipment

1. A pot

2. Large glass bowl

3. Large strainer.

4. Small fine mesh coffee filter

5. Potato masher (a large spoon will do)

6. A large spoon

7. Stove set on medium

8. Storage container any old plastic container will work fine.

Now the only 2 ingredients you will need.

1. 2 sticks of real butter ( I do not suggest using margarine)

2. 1/2 ounce of trimmings, buds or even stems. ( 7 grams will work as well, but the more the better)

Now lets make CannaButter!

Step 1. Place the 2 sticks of butter into the pot on the stove on medium and allow to melt.

Step 2. Add trimmings or buds of choice

Step 3. Turn heat to low and stir well and let simmer for 5 minutes.

Step 4. After simmering for 5 minutes, pour the butter and trimmings into the large bowl and place into the refrigerator for 24 hours (an hour or 2 will do but 24 is best)

Step 5. After butter has set for 24 hours, remove from frig and scrape the bowl

Step 6. Turn stove on low and slowly re-melt the butter in pot

Step 7. While waiting for butter to re-melt assemble your filtering station

Step 8. After butter has completely re-melted stir well and strain

Step 9. Allow to strain, then squeeze out remaining butter with potato masher

Step 10. After squeezing all butter out of the trimmings stir well with clean spoon and place into storage container then move to refrigerator for 1 hour

An hour later you will have beautiful intoxicating CannaButter for your edible enjoyment. Here are some pics of the finished product

And its a simple as that! Now give it a try!

[HR][/HR] Last edited by Hashmouf; 07-17-2008 at 12:41 AM.



Active Member
Hmmm. Your cut and paste needs practice! Lol. But it's understandable.
Sorry Kite, it is pretty ugly isn't it!? LOL. I have it saved as an HTML document so when I open it, it goes to the website and right to the thread. I tried to just highlight the info, copy and paste. It showed up with no photos and other information that I went through and deleted. Above is the result. I can only suggest to google the OP's name and recipe and maybe...


Well-Known Member
Wow, nice yield GreatDane! Bravo! They look sooo nice hanging from that line!

I'm gonna try to do a SCROG next time too (never done it before), to try to get even light to all of the buds.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Transplanted to 10 gallon containers
Now in the Chamber...80F 50% rh 1400-1650 ppm co2



Active Member
I'm sitting here saying WOW over and over Kite. What an amazing setup you have there. It looks like the perfect indoor environment; the girls look great too. My humidity in the jars has settled at 62% with the humidipaks and I am curing nicely. I open them every couple of days and stick my nose in. Hard to describe what it smells like; pungent and a hint of pineapple maybe. I am hosting some non-smoking folks for a few days, so I won't be able to sample until next week. Might just be a good thing; three weeks in the jar before the first smoke. I did make some brownies with the butter and trim, very strong high that had us zipping for quite a while. Gotta go, more later. Have a great week.


Well-Known Member
Looking fantastic Kite, I really like the way the Cindys seem to stack the nodes so well. Both of the ones I've got are growing that way and it seems yours are too. I just took about 5 clones last night off what is becoming my Cindy Mom, should be able to take 4-5 more in week or so.


Well-Known Member
I'm cutting mine tomorrow! The tester bud I took earlier this week was decent, I think I'm gonna be glad I left it the extra 4-5 days. The plant looks gorgeous, absolutely no def. unlike a few of my WW. I'll post pics in my thread, and maybe drop one over here for you guys.