Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!

Grrrr my order is still being processed! I'm patient but DAMN I want to cook some soil man!

I may get up on your new mix seeing how I'm pretty much up to date.


My ladies again , are looking good. Leaves are looking like they're in need a hit with a cal-mag solution. Is this because of my water? Or soil issue? Or could be both?
Do you have hard water? And what's you current soil mix looking like bossman?!

I'm 100% sure that this one will be a KILLER!(Not that all the other's didn't kill it lol) :peace:
Yo okay, so whats hard water?

Soil mix is just FFOF but it has no more life in it. So I'm using nutes for now 'till I get the new setup going.

As for watering - I'm using tap water and letting it sit w/ a bubbler .
Ok, hard water is basically tap water with build up in it...

And ok ok, but could be several things boss. I can't see to tell you tho lol!
Could be the soil. And if your using on them bcuz the soil is outta life you gonna have to do so til you chop chop :peace:

heres an interesting question ;

so yeah remember how i used MG soil in 1# pots then transferred it into a 3# FFOF soil pot? Would it be a bad idea to recycle this soil as well since the MG nutes are probably done/gone? Also used MG Perlite. People say theres chems in that as well ? :confused: I'd love to recycle it just so I can have more soil- but again this would change how much stuff I would have to amend it with.

If I should toss it - I'll just use it for my outdoor garden.
Hmmm?? You can def. give it a try and see how it comes out.
And yeahh the MG perlite has time released nutes, but since you've used it already it may be barren of eveything, and you just need to build it back up.

The most important part of amending that mix will be making sure you replenish the humus source(Compost and EWCs).
I'd "flush" the soil before I amended it as well bossman :peace:

And good morning sir! Bright and early is how it's done!
I hear ya.. I'll just keep my current soil out to the outside garden. I'll add compost + EWC to it. So check it out.. My ladies got a little lop sided today and I completely forgot a cool "organic"-like thing to do.

I have a bunch of wild 'standing' bamboo in my yard so I cut it down - cleaned it and am using it now. Though I have to be careful for bringing in mites, but I got that covered any how.

Home made things I've done so far :

Bamboo Sticks

Shits looking good bro.
Seriously thanks to you man!

BTW I know it's late but good morning to ya / evening! I just got back home.
Fox farm was bought out a year or so ago. They change the recipe for ocean forest for the worst and now its one of the shittiest soils out there.
I hear ya.. I'll just keep my current soil out to the outside garden. I'll add compost + EWC to it. So check it out.. My ladies got a little lop sided today and I completely forgot a cool "organic"-like thing to do.

I have a bunch of wild 'standing' bamboo in my yard so I cut it down - cleaned it and am using it now. Though I have to be careful for bringing in mites, but I got that covered any how.

Home made things I've done so far :

Bamboo Sticks

Shits looking good bro.
Seriously thanks to you man!

BTW I know it's late but good morning to ya / evening! I just got back home.

Congrats on the success boss! Smoke to that why don't we :joint:
I'm about to get those worms popping! And I'm EXTRA proud of this latest soil mix boss! It's got it all lol, and it smell like straight EARTH!
About to gear up and have at it again boss!
Fox farm was bought out a year or so ago. They change the recipe for ocean forest for the worst and now its one of the shittiest soils out there.

I don't care who owns what or any of that..That's all WAY outta my hands boss.
I can say tho, that everything I've done has been in an FFOF base & I can't complain bro.
Not in the slightest :joint:

And I see ppl doing their thing in Miracle Gro, so I've learned to not get on that band wagon of saying something's bad just because ppl say so..
I use to tho. But not anymore.
Try roots organic or pro mix or make your own mix from scratch. You will see a huge difference. I used to use ffof then tried Dr earth (the worst). Empire soil. Black gold. Roots. Then now I use pro mix bh for my base. $30 for 4cu ft at lowes. All the others were bad. Except for roots. I also do rols. Now I wont have go buy soil again or until I buy more pots.
Yeah I feel you. But the plan is to stick to one thing and get better with it, rather than bouncing around.

I started with Fox Farms Ocean Forest and just kept working with it to build on how I was amending it.
Since I started tho, I've only bought different types of compost and worm castings.
The base mix that I have now is all reclaimed, re-amended Fox Farms Ocean Forest.

I've got 5 full 18 gallon totes of my soil mix tho. I've bought maybe 3 or 4 bags and won't be buying anymore soil either.
And I scoped the no till thread out for a while bcuz there's A LOT of good info there, and that guy Heedtreep grows FIRE, but I don't grow that way, so it doesn't really work for me.
I finish everything in 3 gallons. I don't top dress uproot and plant something in the same place, I use teas for that. That's the main difference.

I.e When I harvest a plant I break the root ball up, get the biggest roots out, break it down back to soil and wait until I have a bin full of old soil, and re-amend it. Once I re-amend it, I give it a tea, let it sit for a month and use it again.
So like you, I haven't bought anymore soil, and won't buy anymore, just in a different way.

Gotta get that worm farm rocking tho!
We're growing aloe a well, so I'll be able to treat this upcoming crop with that as well!
I will be SURE to continue to share my results tho.
If things go down hill, I'll blame it on Monsato lol
The no till really works. . I just emptied a pot for transplanting 24 Romain lettuce into individual pots. The 7 gal was from my last batch. I topdressed one with ecoscraps and ewc. Watered with molasses water once. Then planted seeds. The twice with water. I guess enough enzymes formed from Compost and ewc with molasses. So a about 2 weeks from when I chopped down cheese kush I had in there. But after pulling out all the soil out of that pot for the lettuce and brocolli. All the roots from before were gone. I'm actually blown away that it worked that fast. The girls almost 3 weeks into flower are the first rols. They are the fullest and most lush ever. Buds at this point is the largest they have been. They grew so much faster in veg too. I used to break down the soil and remove roots and mix so much recycled soil with new soil and amend and cook. That would take hours. Now it takes minutes. I'm watering like you plus the top dress. Compost tea every other watering. Then just water. But no more cooking soil. Its all about constantly having beneficial bacteria and fungi .

Ill put up Pics later. I still gotta take Pics of the t5 ones to put on altars thread. I keep falling asleep early.
Yeahhh i feel you bro.

It's obvious that the no-till method works lol, it's just not what I do.
What works for you work for you. What works for me, works for me ya dig?!
It's a to each his own type thing at this point..

Only reason I don't post in that thread is because I don't grow that way lol.
But I def. check it out from time to time.
I know it's there lol and thanks for sharing the link lol, it's just not what I do.
I'm all for sharing the knowledge and spreading it around bro, just keep in mind that everyone has their "thing" lol.
There are a 100 different ways to get to the same end result. Mine and yours are just two of the many!
Luckily I found my niche my first run, so rather than changing it all up, I'll keep it constant and build on what I've started with bro.

Also doesn't take me hours to beat a root ball back to just a pile of soil and a mess of roots... It takes me minutes bro.
Its all in how you do the things you do!

But you're doing your thing apparently, so I wouldn't suggest you change your ways you know?!
Like I'm doing my thing ATM, so I'm only gonna build on that and dial it in even more boss. Not change it.
I've had very good results so far, so why would I?
No matter who owns what lol. You gotta do what works best for you bro :joint:
Try roots organic or pro mix or make your own mix from scratch. You will see a huge difference. I used to use ffof then tried Dr earth (the worst). Empire soil. Black gold. Roots. Then now I use pro mix bh for my base. $30 for 4cu ft at lowes. All the others were bad. Except for roots. I also do rols. Now I wont have go buy soil again or until I buy more pots.

No go on the Dr. Earth eh? I use a shit ton of their organic nutrients. I'm vegging a few in their POTting soil and they seem to like it. Pro Mix BX is my favorite base for sure tho. I think my next mix will just use pro-mix as the base and then I'll just go crazy with that.

I should have some ladies going into my latest mix in the next week or so. I really wanted to try the ecoscraps products but my local home depot doesn't stock them and shipping was a bit unreasonable for the amount I want to order. Kinda pisses me off really. They have thousands of cubic feet taken up by 8 different miracle grow soils but they can't dedicate a couple hundred to a product like ecoscraps. Bleh.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend!
When i would take hours breaking down soil it was 10 7 gals at a time. Cool cool. I'm not pushing it. I'm just saying what has happened. Thats all.

No go on the Dr. Earth eh? I use a shit ton of their organic nutrients. I'm vegging a few in their POTting soil and they seem to like it. Pro Mix BX is my favorite base for sure tho. I think my next mix will just use pro-mix as the base and then I'll just go crazy with that.

I should have some ladies going into my latest mix in the next week or so. I really wanted to try the ecoscraps products but my local home depot doesn't stock them and shipping was a bit unreasonable for the amount I want to order. Kinda pisses me off really. They have thousands of cubic feet taken up by 8 different miracle grow soils but they can't dedicate a couple hundred to a product like ecoscraps. Bleh.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Dr. Earth only makes 2 good things their kelp and fish bone meal. Ecoscraps is only sold in 2 counties in socal. You should be able to have it shipped to the store at no shipping cost.
It's all good homie! And damn man, those had to be some BEASTY ass bushes huh?!
If you beat the hell out of the root balls, they'll fall apart without a problem!
It's a descent workout too lol!

But no prob at all tho bro, I appreciate you sharing for sure. I probably like just about everything in the ROLS thread, just don't pertain to me atm.
I'm about to start a new thread for this run here in a bit tho, so you can see what I mean.

This one is just my hoarding of all things that I've found pertaining to growing organic that thought was worth sharing! That's all.
In a year or so I hope that there's nothing you can ask me about organic growing that I don't know.
I'm getting there and working hard towards that goal bro :joint:

My understanding of everything to this point has me right where I am!