The longer you go w/o smoking the better the high


I've smoked for 20 years, and the best high i ever had was at the very beginning, on junk weed at maybe 6-8% thc. Put me in a dreamland crazy, incredible high. absolutely the best high. Most fun I ever
But when you smoke all the time, every day, year after year, even crazy strong weed doesn't even come close to that kind of high.
But take some time off and you get REALLY high. I had to stop smoking because of my job a few years ago because of testing, went without for about 6 months. At a party took 2 hits off a bong and was beyond stoned, best high i had in many years.
Even now, taking a few days off and then smoking again, the high is 100% better.
Point? If you smoke everyday, several times a day, take a day or two off and you will get really stoned :)


Well-Known Member
yes but depends on allot of factors, including strain and its better to get one thats more prone to have to hallucinate happily.


Weed 20 years ago was about 4-8% thc on the street, now the best is 18% plus.

You get a tolerance to anything you consume all the time, that's just being human.

rid yourself of a percentage of what your body is accustomed to, the greater the effect was my point

if you can't go a few days without smoking to test it, is pretty sad


I meant no disrespect, my only point was if you go without smoke, FOR ANY PERIOD OF TIME, the high is so much better, and it's pretty sad if you can't go w/o smoking to try it out. someone that can't go a few days w/o smoking is a pathetic addict it would seem

Total Head

Well-Known Member
yesterday was only the third time i've smoked since new year's and i got the fucking spins because i was drinking. i've been immune to the spins for over a decade and yesterday i had to lay down. it had been so long since weed hit me like that i forgot the spins even existed. it's nice to not have a tolerance though. 3 hits of a bowl and i was baked silly.


we all smoke, if we didn't we wouldn't all be here. I have noticed that if I take a few days off, my high is 20x what it was just a few days before. take a week off and the high is even more


I partially disagree with this thread.

If it were titled, "the longer you go without smoking the more fucked up you get" I would agree. But I do not like being fucked up too much, i enjoy a melow high. When I smoke strong weed regularly, I am able to tolerate it's affect without that "fucked up" feeling.

Although I do recognize a lot of ppl enjoy getting blasted, and i respect that. It's just personal preference


New Member
Different strokes for different folks ! I prefer to have the tolerance that I do and the sense that it gives me as others have noted in this thread . I do not use cannabis for the same reasons as the next guy . I am a medical/recreational user and it has been this way for me since 1988 and my love of growing has always required my tolerance to be able to better select progeny while growing and breeding cannabis . It has allowed me to better understand the general effects as well as tolerance levels and how it alters things in the end .

I have found that no matter the tolerance level that there is always something else that I can smoke and get stupid on if I choose . I smoke more than 20 strains on a individual basis as needed so I am not just talking here . With a solid history of smoking cannabis for years and years with not one day off I am able to say that I too have the ability to get very fucked up on weed even though it does take a bit more of it than someone with no tolerance or little .

Our cannabinoid receptors in our brains are never completely down or out of order as they simply adapt like our minds even with extreme usage and intake.

Another factor that comes into play is the environment one is in at the time of the effects taking place from cannabis consumption . Environmental changes can make one hell of a difference , I have seen it all while being under the influence . Birth Life death and everything in between as smoking everday is a lifestyle and not one for all in the end ..........Peace