Sickmeds: Green Crack S1 Feminized

@ Jorgo
It's a clone and it's a real deal.
pictures a posted took them several weeks ago. I am flashing my 36 girls right now. I will take new pictures this weekend
the only thing is, my one has no purple at all, and my ones have very orange hairs.

Thanks. Its an impressive room.

That's kind of what I thought, because there is no way you could get 36 S1 plants from seed to all look similar like that. These had to be clones, just don't know if you cloned a Sickmeds S1, or the "real deal" clone only line.

On purple, again, nobody ever sees purple in the true "clone only" Green Crack line. You're not "supposed" to.

Purple only starts to show up in ceeds from self-pollinated (ie "S1") Green Crack, and most growers working with Sickmeds or other versions of this have seen it. I assume this has to be because of recessive purple genes from one of the original clone only lines parents.
Jogro. Thanks
I hope i have a real clone. The same guy (which happens to be my good friend) also gave me DubTech7 and Riverside Bubba, which available as a clone only. and I remember him giving GC clones to my other friends way before seeds were available.
I think that I am done flushing. PPM is down to 68. I'll start cutting them later tonight or tomorrow.
Pictures are coming very soon.

your ladies look beautiful. is this a sog? at what height did you switch to 12/12?

i have switched to 150w hps, finally. both plants are green crack from seed. veggie day 39.

Because many dispensaries don't want their product to be associated with hard drugs like cocaine, this strain does appear commercially under other names including "Green cush", "Green candy", and just "Cush" (with a "c").

As if Kush is even known as a Sativa. LOL:finger:
This grow was a little disaster (long story). they were vegged only 4 weeks from clones in 5 by 5 tent with T5's they were very bad looking. plus week 4 into flowering electricity was out for almost 4 days. I love this strain because very forgiven
I can't even call it SOG or Scrog. I used this trellis just to support them.
I am doing slow drying right now. 70 degrees with 55% humidity
Many descriptions of the original "clone only" Green Crack I've seen say its truly finished after only 42-49 days exactly as you say. But I've also seen others saying that the original is better when you let it go 55-60 days (or even more). Sickmeds says these S1s should take 49-55 days for the S1 (which may be slower than the clone-only line).

In the south bay there are two different plants going around called green crack. The buds look, smell, and taste identical but one is MUCH stronger than the other. I don't get this...
In the south bay there are two different plants going around called green crack. The buds look, smell, and taste identical but one is MUCH stronger than the other. I don't get this...

I don't know the real answer, but I can speculate

Its possible one of the two represents a degraded line (ie a clone of a clone of a clone. . .etc) to the point where its lost some vigor.

Check THIS out; this cut of GC flowers tested out at over 26% THC at SCL labs:

There's another one at 23.8%

Most of them appear to be testing in the 12-18% range, tending to confirm what you're saying here.
I don't know the real answer, but I can speculate

Its possible one of the two represents a degraded line (ie a clone of a clone of a clone. . .etc) to the point where its lost some vigor.

Check THIS out; this cut of GC flowers tested out at over 26% THC at SCL labs:

There's another one at 23.8%

Most of them appear to be testing in the 12-18% range, tending to confirm what you're saying here.

Vigor generally doesn't effect potency, more often it effects veg time and clone success rates. Oddly enough lower vigor can increase yields.

I'm not sure about genetic diseases that effect potency though. That is certainly possible, I'm just unaware of any.

The problem in the Bay area is that the major clone companies (especially dark heart) are putting out thousands of the shitty pheno of green crack (dream queen as they call it). The bad pheno is spreading much faster than the good pheno. I flowered out the dark heart cutting and while it had all the other great GC charataristics I'd guess it was somewhere in the 12-15% range.
I have 1 that the buds are almost black. she is low yielder and has seeds in it. she hermied in side of buds. sucks.... but the other 2 are fat budded and smell like mango, both stayed green and didnt hermi.
Sorry to hear about this negative experience, but thanks for sharing it.

For what its worth, I've now grown this three times, and haven't seen one hermie flower yet, not even one banana, period. That includes grows in which plants right next to his one in the exact same conditions have thrown off hermie flowers.

Haven't gotten a high-yielding pheno (yet). From other growers of S1 Green Cracks, supposedly you can, though that's probably not the norm and you'll have to look for one.

IMO, this one is more about smell and taste than anything else. Potency seems to be good, though not "great". With a short flowering line like this, when you harvest may have a big effect on that. Also don't know how much pheno variation affects potency, but it probably can.
Vigor generally doesn't effect potency, more often it effects veg time and clone success rates. Oddly enough lower vigor can increase yields.
That's my impression as well, but without knowing the truth, its just best explanation I could come up with.

I can think of other explanations, but they seem less plausible to me. EG:

-Maybe the "good" and "bad" cuts represent different lineages, that happen to be phenotypically similar.
-Maybe this one requires certain (unusual) conditions to achieve max potency.

I'm not sure about genetic diseases that effect potency though. That is certainly possible, I'm just unaware of any.
Me neither.

The problem in the Bay area is that the major clone companies (especially dark heart) are putting out thousands of the shitty pheno of green crack (dream queen as they call it). The bad pheno is spreading much faster than the good pheno. I flowered out the dark heart cutting and while it had all the other great GC charataristics I'd guess it was somewhere in the 12-15% range.
That sucks, though I guess it creates a "branding" opportunity here.

At only 12-15% THC, you really have to start to question the usefulness of this as a "clone only" line.

FWIW, Sickmeds version tested out at 18% in Europe. I suspect you could do better than darkheart, just pheno hunting out of a few packs of these Sickmeds ceeds looking for one with high potency and yield for a Mom.
FWIW, here's a top ten list from Dark Heart nurseries of their best selling clones from April. Dream Queen is definitely up there:

At only 12-15% THC, you really have to start to question the usefulness of this as a "clone only" line.

It's useful to commercial growers and dispensaries who rather you purchase the good shit from them rather than grow your own. IMO this is why many commercial cutting are substandard IMO. You go into a dispensary, buy their green crack. Think it's awesome, so you pick up a clone. When your flowers aren't as good as their flowers, you're more likely to just keep buying their flowers.

Most commercial clone cutters rely on selling very healthy looking tall clones to sell rather than superior genetics. It works. Most people end up buying the prettiest looking plant rather than the best genetics.
FWIW, here's a top ten list from Dark Heart nurseries of their best selling clones from April. Dream Queen is definitely up there:


Very surprising. I've grown both their bd and gc and they are both pretty inferior. Their best genetics (SFV and Platinum) are both 4%. lol.
Hi Jogro here is my review of a pack of 5 green cracks from SickMeds. They were very low yielder, like 1/3 size of everything ever ran same way. One of them turned almost black and had hermis and little seeds in it, was worst plant ever. The others all were slightly pink to light purple with 69f lows. They all had similar sweet taste. High wise they all were up buzzes and about a 6 out of 10. Overall a C+ strain.
Hi Jogro here is my review of a pack of 5 green cracks from SickMeds. They were very low yielder, like 1/3 size of everything ever ran same way. One of them turned almost black and had hermis and little seeds in it, was worst plant ever. The others all were slightly pink to light purple with 69f lows. They all had similar sweet taste. High wise they all were up buzzes and about a 6 out of 10. Overall a C+ strain.

Thanks for your report. Sorry to hear about your disappointing results.

I'd love to see a picture of that stunted black plant, if you have one.

As mentioned in the other thread on parents of Green Crack, I think some of this may be pheno dependent.

My pheno was also relatively low yielding, with a characteristic fruity mango taste. Second time I ran this, there was less mango, more generic "fruity", but still good.

Apparently some of the phenos are higher yielding, but you'll have to run a bunch of plants to find one that is. As an S1, this one is sort of a crap-shoot that way.

Potency may be pheno-dependent too; I don't know.

Its almost certainly harvest time dependent. Sickmeds says on the pack that this is a 45-50 day line, and that's probably true of the original "clone only". I didn't pull mine until day 55, and that may have helped. I'd call mine "moderately potent"; not top shelf, but not weak, and it did have a bit of a racy sativa-effect.
Very surprising. I've grown both their bd and gc and they are both pretty inferior. Their best genetics (SFV and Platinum) are both 4%. lol.
I'm surprised that GSC is only #7, 4%.

In general, I can't say I'm surprised that the best genetics aren't the most popular. Some of these things are fads/"strain of the month". Maybe some of it just has to do with availability of the clones themselves. EG, Blackheart sells fewer Girl Scout Cookies clones, because for whatever reason its generating fewer of them (fewer available mothers, slower to clone, etc).

Also regardless of the quality of the finished product, Blue Dream and Green Crack/Dream queen are probably among the best yielding and easiest to grow of that list. That alone may explain their popularity. Something like SFV OG probably makes great buds, but it may not be that easy to grow well, and yield is crap.

Stipulating that you're correct about watered down versions being perpetuated to keep the dispensaries in business selling buds, I still don't understand how its genetically possible to deliberately "water down" the potency of a strain, without changing it in a bunch of other ways too, even if you wanted to.

Maybe just cloning the hell out of a plant weakens its genetics over time. . .I can't really think of a good genetic explanation why this would be true, but again, hard to think of a better explanation.
guys, don't forget we are talking about (sativa-dominant) weed. there's a ton of other factors apart from the percentage of thc. for me personally, set & setting are key when smoking. i could smoke the very same and get a different high each time. indicas usually feel the same, but sativas are rather unpredictable. maybe that's just me...
Hi guys, I'm growing out the seeds now, out of my first pack only 2 germed, 1 was much stronger than the other and never caught up so just have the one now.

my question is this. The leaves are huge and maple leaf like, to even indica Dom looking, these are the fattest leaves I've ever had and ive grown plenty of dif strains inc. pue indicas and nothing like this.
the slower one I killed had exactly same kinda leaves but just smaller.

ive just started flowering her, about day 8, also she was very light green, which is commons be read, also hardly produced branches until 12/12, she just had 10inch wide fans and inch thick stem!

id like people's views on tis I'll post some pics up, as im growing its for the sativa side ask thought it was sat Dom. I know about phenos but my two had identical leaf structure, just fat, chunky cabbagy leaves.
Theplant is starting to branch and stretch soil hoping for the change like some have experienced.

ive got 6 more beans so I'll tr again asim looking for a keeper, just didn't get good germ results.

Edit. Need to clean my iPad, lol, sorry for my bad writing, can't be assed to hange it, god damn spellcheck.
my question is this. The leaves are huge and maple leaf like, to even indica Dom looking, these are the fattest leaves I've ever had and ive grown plenty of dif strains inc. pue indicas and nothing like this. . .

ive just started flowering her, about day 8, also she was very light green, which is commons be read, also hardly produced branches until 12/12, she just had 10inch wide fans and inch thick stem!
I had the EXACT same experience with this one. Biggest, fattest indica-like leaves I've ever seen on an indoor plant, let alone one only 12 inches tall! Mine were also about 10" wide (see below). Leaves are light green, noticably lighter in color than most other plants, and its not for lack of nitrogen. The stem also quickly became as thick as my little finger, again the fattest stem I've ever seen on a plant this small.

Unlike the last poster who described weak growth, my plant definitely did NOT lack for growth vigor. Here's the pictures from earlier in the thread:

Fat, light green leaves


Fat stem:

id like people's views on tis I'll post some pics up, as im growing its for the sativa side ask thought it was sat Dom. I know about phenos but my two had identical leaf structure, just fat, chunky cabbagy leaves.
By all means, please post your pictures.

What I can tell you is that my plant virtually transformed into a totally different plant during flowering. It started off as a short fat indica, but during flowering, became much more of a sativa, with significant stretch of 2 - 2.5x the original height, dramatic increase in branchiness (all the lower branches just took off), and even the leaves became thinner. If I remember right, the breeder told me that this particular pheno pattern (starts off more indica dom, then becomes more sativa dom) is the most common one, though there are also more sativa-like and more indica-like phenos, too.