Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Well, ya know that's not a "bad" idea.. ;) thanks bro. Yeah I certainly wouldn't reject it.. haha.. ;) but I'm I don't mind really. I just like doing it bro.. I like making others happy, or "trying to" atleast. Maybe making a new frind in the process, and knowing that a few of my Dads stuff & mine are going on other places!
Hey man, you never asked, or even mentioned it, but I've sent out a few, and I know on a large scale, "giving" stuff away" can get deep into the pocket, even though people might not realize what it costs to ship a small package.


Well-Known Member
Good size garden it looks like!

Yeah its not to awfull bad.. just makes it hard on me tilling the damn thing! Its been raining round here non stop the past 4 damn days!! I have to try & catch it when it stops!! :cuss:
Got a break today, but hell it was so clumpy it was unreal!! Atleast I got what we got in the ground though.. ;) I was checking out the "garlic" box today & noticed that little white flower coming off one of the stalks! I didn't know garlic bloomed white flowers! Well, this is the 1st yr I've ran garlic so that may be why I was dumb to it! Lol.. I planted it last yr around Sept. I planned on harvesting it today but the rain screwed all that up!!


Staff member
*ahem* take it to pm ...watch what you say...eeek if you guys are talking about what i think you are its a big no no here


Well-Known Member
Hey man, you never asked, or even mentioned it, but I've sent out a few, and I know on a large scale, "giving" stuff away" can get deep into the pocket, even though people might not realize what it costs to ship a small package.

I know I didn't bro. I really wasn't wanting anything in return, just saying that wasn't a "bad idea", & if someone did feel like it it would be a nice thought, ya know.. ;) but certainly wasn't exspecting anything in return.. ;)
I just like doing it is all.. makes me feel good.. if that makes any since..


Well-Known Member
I know I didn't bro. I really wasn't wanting anything in return, just saying that wasn't a "bad idea", & if someone did feel like it it would be a nice thought, ya know.. ;) but certainly wasn't exspecting anything in return.. ;)
I just like doing it is all.. makes me feel good.. if that makes any since..
Naw man, I'm just saying, you come out of pocket more than most realize when you send out gifts.


Well-Known Member
*ahem* take it to pm ...watch what you say...eeek if you guys are talking about what i think you are its a big no no here

What do you think I am talking about? Well, I decided to "make things alittle more interesting" and started a "guessing game" as to what "strain" I decided to grow. The "winner" will win a FREE "gift"... where does it say anything about this in the rules? A "free" gift that I give out to the "winner" is a "book" I've wrote myself.. ask anyone they'll tell ya... thanks 4 the info though.. ;) much apperciated .....


Staff member
because youre talking about seeds, its obvious its against the rules dont do it please,also we dont allow contests either unless approved by the admin.


Well-Known Member
Naw man, I'm just saying, you come out of pocket more than most realize when you send out gifts.

I hear ya bro.. yeah shipping coats when dealing with heavy ass "books" cost quite a bit!! ;)

Anyways, here's pics of the chickies's... :mrgreen:

Boy the China Yunnan is really coming along nicely! ;) and damn ol' damn is she stinking to high heaven!! Haha.. the wife is starting to flip out on me! So I may have to go get some kind of "mask" 2mar!!

I went ahead & posted the other while I was at it lol.. ;)



Well-Known Member
because youre talking about seeds, its obvious its against the rules dont do it please,also we dont allow contests either unless approved by the admin.
Ok "we"... does that make you an offical member of the "adminstration" for RIU? One being, I was not talking about "seeds"! Where does it say I was? If you will look I may metion where I got my seeds from, or whatever.. and thanks 4 the info. What are you going to rat on me 4 something I wasn't doing? Damn! Can't have NO fun anywhere anymore without someone trying to stick there nose into it!


Staff member
Ok "we"... does that make you an offical member of the "adminstration" for RIU? One being, I was not talking about "seeds"! Where does it say I was? If you will look I may metion where I got my seeds from, or whatever.. and thanks 4 the info. What are you going to rat on me 4 something I wasn't doing? Damn! Can't have NO fun anywhere anymore without someone trying to stick there nose into it!
im a global moderator i dont need to rat on you. all i did was kindly ask you to not do what youre doing so that you may continue to enjoy the website that is all no need to be so rude and hostile towards me .



Well-Known Member
im a global moderator i dont need to rat on you. all i did was kindly ask you to not do what youre doing so that you may continue to enjoy the website that is all no need to be so rude and hostile towards me .

Wasn't being rude, just thanked you 4 the info, & asked you a few :??: is all..


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm.. well, let's see here.. ;) what to do. Well, I guess I am going to smoke a fat joint, watch a movie & get my hind end in the sack! 6am comes early! That & I still have just alittle plowing to do in the garden, and "TONS" of planting to still do! 9 or 10 types of corn is going into the ground in the morn... ;) y'all want some?? :mrgreen:

Good night everyone. Hope to talk at y'all 2mar.. take er easy! Your friend, Dank.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Do your thing Dank. Just don't post anything about a giveaway as a public post. Keep it in the pm. Ill still guess your strains as there's nothing wrong with it. And what you mail to whom is up to you in my eyes. Thanks again for everything you've done and will do! Top notch in my book, even if RIU turns the page on you!


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm.. well, let's see here.. ;) what to do. Well, I guess I am going to smoke a fat joint, watch a movie & get my hind end in the sack! 6am comes early! That & I still have just alittle plowing to do in the garden, and "TONS" of planting to still do! 9 or 10 types of corn is going into the ground in the morn... ;) y'all want some?? :mrgreen:

Good night everyone. Hope to talk at y'all 2mar.. take er easy! Your friend, Dank.
Corn nuts....Mmmmmmmmm........


Well-Known Member
I'm still down for the game even if there isn't a prize man. You have so many genetics, and are always cracking something new and interesting its a fun challenge.
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