The IRS and Beghazi


Well-Known Member
So Obama is using the IRS to stifle free speech and covered up (lied) about Benghazi. Is anyone surprised? Let the games begin!
The "G" is the master of obfuscation and spin and has been doing it since Washington and Jefferson.
So Obama is using the IRS to stifle free speech and covered up (lied) about Benghazi. Is anyone surprised? Let the games begin!
Cantor said in a message announcing the schedule. “We will continue to accommodate Members with longer distances to travel home and provide at least one constituent work week each month, with the exception of June.”

Indeed, June 2013 will be the House’s busiest month, with a whopping 16 days scheduled for legislative work in Washington. Lawmakers will meet for 14 days in July and October, 12 days in the months of March, April and May and nine days next September.
Oh yes, plenty of time to grease the necks. Plenty of time to tighten the noose.

Both these issues are being so downplayed by the offenders you know how serious these charges are. We just don't know enough to understand how serious it can be.

- Malfeasance of Office
- Dereliction of Duty
- Interfering with a Presidential Election
- Impeding a Congressional Investigation
- Consipiracy to Deceive Congress

Just words, so far, but actual, serious bad ju-ju, legally. Nothing, has been said , yet, about all public appearance of Obama and Clinton on Pakistan TV. Those riots were spread that week, over the "video" that had nothing to do with it. The world had no idea of this without the the Barry & Hillary show.

People died in these, riots incited. And that is Felony Murder.

So, plenty of time for the dog and pony. Plenty of time for idiots on all sides and in the middle to speak up. It is all agonizingly slow....but, remember, without those self taping moments WE would have nothing on Nixon, either.

I don't expect it to come of much.....this is just 2016 pre-season.
Hilary has led a charmed life. She got a complete pass on the White Water scandal even tho she was the attorney of record and legally responsible. She illegally interfered with the investigation of the "suicide" of Vincent Foster. You remember Vincent Foster, a one time sexual partner of Hilary, the guy who left a suicide note written in somebody else's hand, and killed himself with a gun not his own when he did own a gun.
Oh yeah, Chelsea's bio dad, sure....suicided to death.

I fogot about a most important civil rights issue. The so called "Color of Law" abuses.
FBI and so Justice and so Eric Holder, however...
.....Preventing abuse of this authority, however, is equally necessary to the health of our nation’s democracy. That’s why it’s a federal crime for anyone acting under “color of law” willfully to deprive or conspire to deprive a person of a right protected by the Constitution or U.S. law. “Color of law” simply means that the person is using authority given to him or her by a local, state, or federal government agency.
the obama derangement syndrome is in full force lately.

bunch of douchebags taking their marching orders like the good little tools they are.

hilarious to watch.
Where is the link?
I need my "orders" for the coming week.

In purporting to "take a look back" at how the economic recovery plan "grew, and grew, and grew," Fox News' Jon Scott referenced seven dates, as on-screen graphics cited various news sources from those time periods -- all of which came directly from a Senate Republican Communications Center press release. A Fox News on-screen graphic even reproduced a typo contained in the Republican press release.
I used to say that Fox and CNN both creeped me out. But, this anger Pres, press conference this morning was truly spooky. It really reminded me of the last days of Nixon. "I am not a crook!"

We will see. I enjoyed the Nixon thing immensely. And I enjoy all the things of all the Presidents.....self rule, only. A joy to behold.

Folks think taking sides is They won't say enough for me to take sides.
So Obama is using the IRS to stifle free speech and covered up (lied) about Benghazi. Is anyone surprised? Let the games begin!

Another scandal this big isn't the best way to deflect attention. Judging from the media (even MSNBC calling this tyranny) and the comments this has all parties outraged. If they find out anything leaked to anyone close to Obama it will be devastating for democrats. We are starting to see Hilary's chances dwindle the Obama bus is getting very crowded.
Another scandal this big isn't the best way to deflect attention. Judging from the media (even MSNBC calling this tyranny) and the comments this has all parties outraged. If they find out anything leaked to anyone close to Obama it will be devastating for democrats. We are starting to see Hilary's chances dwindle the Obama bus is getting very crowded.

birth certificate! woops, didn't work.

secret muslim! nope, didn't work.

obama has a gay lover! nope, try again.

birth certificate again! still not working.

solyndra OMGZ! didn't work.

OMGZ fast and furious! fail.

let's try the birth certificate thing again! now an international joke.

OMGZ benghazi! didn't work, no one but FOX news cares.

but yeah, this one is certainly the one that sticks.

you guys are fucking pathetic.
Yes, but Syria is landlocked, that one certainly sticks. Oh, wait...not that...uh....Iran doesn't need a route to the Med Sea....

That sticks..