So Obama is using the IRS to stifle free speech and covered up (lied) about Benghazi. Is anyone surprised? Let the games begin!
Cantor said in a message announcing the schedule. “We will continue to accommodate Members with longer distances to travel home and provide at least one constituent work week each month, with the exception of June.”
Indeed, June 2013 will be the House’s busiest month, with a whopping 16 days scheduled for legislative work in Washington. Lawmakers will meet for 14 days in July and October, 12 days in the months of March, April and May and nine days next September.
Oh yes, plenty of time to grease the necks. Plenty of time to tighten the noose.
Both these issues are being so downplayed by the offenders you know how serious these charges are. We just don't know enough to understand how serious it can be.
- Malfeasance of Office
- Dereliction of Duty
- Interfering with a Presidential Election
- Impeding a Congressional Investigation
- Consipiracy to Deceive Congress
Just words, so far, but actual, serious bad ju-ju, legally. Nothing, has been said , yet, about all public appearance of Obama and Clinton on Pakistan TV. Those riots were spread that week, over the "video" that had nothing to do with it. The world had no idea of this without the the Barry & Hillary show.
People died in these, riots incited. And that is Felony Murder.
So, plenty of time for the dog and pony. Plenty of time for idiots on all sides and in the middle to speak up. It is all agonizingly slow....but, remember, without those self taping moments WE would have nothing on Nixon, either.
I don't expect it to come of much.....this is just 2016 pre-season.