Why wont my seeds germinate??


Well-Known Member
Everyone's methods are different, but in general the principal is the same -- a moist environment in a warm area with no light.

I did notice that my seeds germinated at 80 degrees took 2.5 days to sprout, while my seeds germinated at 70 degrees took 4.5 days. And by sprout I mean pop up through the rockwool cubes I use.

So if your temps are a lot lower than 70 degrees, that might account for the slowness.


Active Member
This is a sure fire way to test seeds for germination ggrowth take a shot glass filled with worm distilled water pallace seeds in glad cover with solo cut and put on a hot water heater if in 24hrs the seeds suck u can place them in soil and apply heat light and boom a few days you will have sprouts

Kite High

Well-Known Member
This is a sure fire way to test seeds for germination ggrowth take a shot glass filled with worm distilled water pallace seeds in glad cover with solo cut and put on a hot water heater if in 24hrs the seeds suck u can place them in soil and apply heat light and boom a few days you will have sprouts
What is worm distiller wAter?


Well-Known Member
soak um in h202 overnight this softens the outer shell to allow moisture to penetrate and crack to bean....yea don't soak your beans that goes against nature .....hahahahaha :)


So you guys think the op should have just planted his 75 soggy beans and he woulda got a magic beanstalk out of them ?

Maybe you guys are suggesting 75 solo cups lined up waiting for the dirt to move, really?

I doubt it, most bagseed has been improperly stored and won't germinate because temp and humidity have most likely already made them start to germ and fail way before the op tried to pop them.

If it is designer seed from a breeder sure pop them in soil, but you want a known quantity before you commit to giving it a pot and some fancy soil.


Active Member
Worm distilled water, if your water comes from the city it has all kinds of additives in it, by letting the water sit for 24 hours it distilled it and let the chemicals evaporate. Then heat the water up place it in a cup and then place the seeds in the cup. Cover the cup with another cup and keep in worm place like a hot water heater and in 24 hours the seeds will sink if they will grow. Then u don't even need to worry bout the tails u can put them directly into soil and walah


Well-Known Member
To me, the paper towel method makes little since. It seems likes it's used mostly for instant gratification purposes. When I used the paper towel method, I accidently dropped a seed on one occasion and lost like $60 when the paper towel dried out on me on another occasion. Then you also risk damaging the seed or roots while planting them into the medium... Then you have people debating on which direction the taproot should be planted (up or down).It just seemed to me like I was taking all of these extra steps and unnecessary risk that increased the chance of something going wrong during and after they have germinated. Not a smart thing to do when you only have 5 or 10 seeds that you've paid and waited days-weeks for. The less handling the better IMHO...

  1. I lightly score the seeds with sand paper.
  2. Soak it in water for about 12 or so hours.
  3. Predampen, not drenched, my FoxFarm Light Warrior Seed Starter soil which was placed in a clear Dixie cup with drainage holes (so I can view the roots) which is then placed into a colored Dixie cup without drainage holes (to keep light away from the roots and to catch the watering runoff).
  4. Use tweezers to handle the seed. (A small wet seed is hard to handle and locate if dropped especially when it may stick to clothing other things instead of hitting the floor.) I learned this the hard way.
  5. I plant the seed just below the soil.
  6. I let it sit in a warm dark place for about a day or day in a half. (not sure if this is nessarray, but with my seeds planted so close to the surface, I do not want light to disturb them while they're germinating.
  7. I then place it about a foot or so under my t5 and wait for it to sprout.
  8. After the plant has sprouted, If any stretching has occurred, I simply add more soil to the cup to cover up the stem (a covered stem will grow roots). I then bring my t5 closer to my plants. (about 4 -6 inches or so).
  9. No watering at all until the medium is completely dried out which will be easier to gage via the clear Dixie cup. I do not use any nutes at all.
  10. I periodically monitor my plants root system to see if they are root bound... Which again is easy to do when using a clear cup...
  11. Once the seedling is root bound or close to it, I transplant into Predampen FoxFarm Ocean Forest soil. You still will NOT need to use any nutes at this point... Nutes are already in the soil.

I've done this 6x so far and everything has gone smoothly so far. All my plants broke ground within 3-5 days as healthy has can be...


Well-Known Member
So you guys think the op should have just planted his 75 soggy beans and he woulda got a magic beanstalk out of them ?

Maybe you guys are suggesting 75 solo cups lined up waiting for the dirt to move, really?

I doubt it, most bagseed has been improperly stored and won't germinate because temp and humidity have most likely already made them start to germ and fail way before the op tried to pop them.

If it is designer seed from a breeder sure pop them in soil, but you want a known quantity before you commit to giving it a pot and some fancy soil.
Well I think we're saying that the OP has tried the paper towel method to "know the quality before he committed", and did not have any success. His way with his those seeds didn't work, so we're telling him how we have been successful to hopefully help. We're not suggesting 75 solo cups, but instead many 10 or 20 using our methods could be worth a try... Nothing is lost if the seeds do not germinate and the puts and soil can be reused....


Well-Known Member
I have never had any issues back in the day when I used to pop beans with the paper towel method......just don't let the tails get too long :) My bros all told me to drop um a glass of water the ones that sink usually pop no problems... the floaters don't...those you have to score


Active Member
It's true with the floaters. Most often then not even scoring a floater won't make it grow, the ones that sink will stink the ones that float don't