Glass jars making my buds stink...


Well-Known Member
i keep a few g's in an airtight/watertight (rubber seal) tupperware thing. its not so much to cure but is there a reason glass is used so much over plastic? i thought as long as it was airtight.


Well-Known Member
some people think losing a few trichs to static is the end of the world.

also to the OP I once farted in a glass jar and it stayed fresh a good week. maybe you should look into that. could be a phantom shitter lose around town.


Well-Known Member
I just got a pack of new jars (Ball) and by god they DO smell, like more than they used to! I simply blew out the jars with a fan for a few seconds and things are fine, but I can see how if you didn't it would mess things up.


Well-Known Member
It may be that they're using a different plastiszer or polymer that out gasses. I don't use Ball but the ones you find at World Market called Fido.001.jpg

These were just in the fridge so there is some condensation here and there.


Well-Known Member
New glass jars with lids smell? Go figure. Aunt Bea would never put her prize pickles in an unwashed jar - new or not. The solution is so simple.


Active Member
I have been using the large mouth pickle jars for my last 2 cures and I like the way they work a lot. Takes a bit of washing to get the pickled smell out but they work great after that.


Active Member
Well anyone drink Starbucks coffee? I drink it all the time. I buy the 4 packs from the grocery. I simply wash out the glass after I drink w/ reg dish washing detergent and water. I cure and store in these jars w/ no Prob no smell and they are a nice size


Just happened to look back at this post! Yeh I did end up taking all the people's advice saying to use spaghetti and other used jars. Seemed to work alot better on my recent harvest. But I did wash the jars out and it still had the smell after they completely dried. Maybe I have a way better sense of smell than I know! I don't know but i know what weed almost always smells like and those jars i used the first couple times made mine stink. Thanks for all the input though! Much appreciated.


Active Member
Just happened to look back at this post! Yeh I did end up taking all the people's advice saying to use spaghetti and other used jars. Seemed to work alot better on my recent harvest. But I did wash the jars out and it still had the smell after they completely dried. Maybe I have a way better sense of smell than I know! I don't know but i know what weed almost always smells like and those jars i used the first couple times made mine stink. Thanks for all the input though! Much appreciated.
The last time I bought a case of Ball jars, I had the same issue you originally had. Fresh out of the case, they had a glue/epoxy/rubber/something smell. But I soaked them all overnight, and washed the shit out of them. Had no issues carry over. Have since found better alternatives to Ball.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Good thread, I never thought about the jars or lids.
I have a few cases of old jars I use but replaced all the lids and rings a few years ago.
The old rings had some rust spots you could feel as you tightened them down. Also bought new lids for a better seal.
Weed breaks down over time and smells non the less.

Prolly best to follow canning instructions to wash, clean, boil all parts involved b4 filling those jars.


Well-Known Member
LMAO I GLAD I seen this I just harvested last night and drying I bought some kerr jars from wal mart . well I just opend them and smelled like chemicals so wqashing all of them and boiling lids