caregivers really give free meds?

I grow my own though it's tough sometimes to keep the timing right. Plus just when I think I have it right I screw something up.
LOL the rights to grow LOL. I should pay my employer some money for the right to work for him too eh? I mean he is letting me work there for money, so why wouldn't I give him some money for letting me work for him seems legit and reasonable ROTFL beating the dead horse deader and deader every time I read these threads.

Except that technically according to the law, having a patient gives you the right to grow 12 plants... So how this doesn't make sense to you is beyond me... Your patient is protecting you from jail. If you didn't have patients, in the eyes of the law you are a felon. Compensating someone with free medicine for the right to grow 12 more plants in their name seems like a fair trade to me.
Except that technically according to the law, having a patient gives you the right to grow 12 plants... So how this doesn't make sense to you is beyond me... Your patient is protecting you from jail. If you didn't have patients, in the eyes of the law you are a felon. Compensating someone with free medicine for the right to grow 12 more plants in their name seems like a fair trade to me.
True enough....if I care to grow more than what I need for me. My point it is it's more work more hassle and more everything to take another patient on so what right am I being granted here? I can do for myself and keep to myself with my 12. I need you to entice me into helping you out; I'm not begging anyone for the right to work for them. seems you want the right to have me grow for you. I grow for me just fine and when people get a taste they want more. I don't go looking for people so maybe that's why I find more people asking me to grow for them than I can handle, I don't know but the "right" to do extra work for someone and that someone requiring compensation for me to do more work to help them crazy...wait...its crazy stupid!
....And obviously weren't afraid of the law before 2009 so what's the big deal now? Penalty is not more stiff, it's actually easier to get off now days. I grew for myself since 97' and friends and "patients" since about 04 a pro like yourself should know you can do almost as much with 12 as you can with 36 or even 48, right? what was the point here? You think more people should give others free stuff? You just playing devils advocate or what man? Rare dankness is not a non-profit is it? Room for altruistic dudes and capitalists both at the table, give what you want to who you want but don't knock me for making a buck.
LOL the rights to grow LOL. I should pay my employer some money for the right to work for him too eh? I mean he is letting me work there for money, so why wouldn't I give him some money for letting me work for him seems legit and reasonable ROTFL beating the dead horse deader and deader every time I read these threads.

thats not the same thing but Roll it up is never short of shitty analogy's. The Patient forfeits his own rights in order for his care giver to grow the xtrta 12 plants. And your analogy doesn't make sense the gov doesn't cap the amount of jobs your allowed to hold but they do the plants your allowed to grow so yes in exchange for the caregiver to grow the patients 12 plants its only fair he gets free meds without that patient the caregiver is down 12 plants lets all be honest the grower should always come out on top if they dont they they have no business growing anyway
I do it because it feels good to help people. How about that C&T? Growers show their true colors when it comes to $ I guess...

And also working with more plants when popping seeds, and doing breeding projects allows a grower a bigger selection pool. If you have no bigger aspirations with this than growing your 12 plants and making $, then fine, that's you. A lot of us have dedicated our lives to this plant, for more reasons than just that it is medicine. Being part of the progress of man is more important than an extra $200 a month.
I do it because it feels good to help people. How about that C&T? Growers show their true colors when it comes to $ I guess...

And also working with more plants when popping seeds, and doing breeding projects allows a grower a bigger selection pool. If you have no bigger aspirations with this than growing your 12 plants and making $, then fine, that's you. A lot of us have dedicated our lives to this plant, for more reasons than just that it is medicine. Being part of the progress of man is more important than an extra $200 a month.
i see both worlds alot working at the dispensary the grower who really cares then u got the guy who asks "what sells the best!" . wish i could tell em to leave i understand you gotta make something but you cant be cunty bout it (especially if your a caregiver and not just a patient)
True enough....if I care to grow more than what I need for me. My point it is it's more work more hassle and more everything to take another patient on so what right am I being granted here? I can do for myself and keep to myself with my 12. I need you to entice me into helping you out; I'm not begging anyone for the right to work for them. seems you want the right to have me grow for you. I grow for me just fine and when people get a taste they want more. I don't go looking for people so maybe that's why I find more people asking me to grow for them than I can handle, I don't know but the "right" to do extra work for someone and that someone requiring compensation for me to do more work to help them crazy...wait...its crazy stupid!

As it stands, if you grow only your 12 plants, then you have nobody to sell buds to. I'm fairly certain you've indicated that you do this for a living, or are at least trying to. So you do kinda need those patients more than they need you.

Nobody is telling you that you have to grow for others. If you choose to only grow just your 12 and keep all the meds for yourself, then great, whatever blows your hair back. BUT, if you want to grow more than 12, and have the potential to earn some money doing this then you certainly do need the patients and the right to grow their plants to accomplish this. I'm not saying that it's right, or fair, but that's the way it is right now in MI.
thats not the same thing but Roll it up is never short of shitty analogy's. The Patient forfeits his own rights in order for his care giver to grow the xtrta 12 plants. And your analogy doesn't make sense the gov doesn't cap the amount of jobs your allowed to hold but they do the plants your allowed to grow so yes in exchange for the caregiver to grow the patients 12 plants its only fair he gets free meds without that patient the caregiver is down 12 plants lets all be honest the grower should always come out on top if they dont they they have no business growing anyway

You gotta figure that if you are too challenged to "give" good analogies, you're probably not going to be good at recognizing a good one like C&T's. You really aren't doing a very good pretending to be intelligent.

And as long as we're all being honest, your whole argument about why you are deserving of free meds, is your supposition that the caregiver is going to divert and profit from the overages. That bird flew the roost with the recent supreme court decision, and HONEST caregivers can only recoup their costs from their honest patients. Until that changes, or unless DTE starts suppling free electricity, patients should expect to PAY a fair rate for the medicine they receive.

and you know, it's real funny that the weezers who cry out most loudly for their "free" medicine are the same serial repeaters still whining about welfare bankrupting the USofa...
As it stands, if you grow only your 12 plants, then you have nobody to sell buds to. I'm fairly certain you've indicated that you do this for a living, or are at least trying to. So you do kinda need those patients more than they need you.

Nobody is telling you that you have to grow for others. If you choose to only grow just your 12 and keep all the meds for yourself, then great, whatever blows your hair back. BUT, if you want to grow more than 12, and have the potential to earn some money doing this then you certainly do need the patients and the right to grow their plants to accomplish this. I'm not saying that it's right, or fair, but that's the way it is right now in MI.

So with his god given right to grow 12 plants, he has no ability to transfer meds, but with the patients plants he does? That is the same self-serving logic all the other low-brows profess. I see this logic on Judge Judy every day, and it's not coming from the judge...
what the holy fucking who gives a shit whatever boy! I grow what I grow. I do what I do. Obviously no matter what anyone says there will be dicks that like the current system and live in communes giving everything away for a smile a hug and cheese wheel for trade. There will be the evil profiteers and there will ALWAYS be threads about how one side hates the other. fuck it! but know this turds: without the profiteering drug dealers over the years there would be no marijuana to fight over. If we had all obeyed the law we would no have gotten to where we have these laws. here is an analogy for you: you're all like hamsters so dumb you think every time somebody opens the cage its a new day and you can't remember yesterday as soon as today gets here. we're all legal beagle now and always were yesterday didn't happen.
Caregivers that sell or trade medicine (especially those that are not themselves patients) should provide each of their patients with an ounce of good quality bud per month, plus a sampling of any waxes or medibles that were cooked up, as well as access to any trimmings that they want as well. Patients should then be able to also purchase good quality bud for 1/2 the price you are selling it to others, provided that they are using it for personal use.
He said , she said and its all controversial in the end !

The best is that we each make our own choices on this matter and in the end it really does not matter to one another , as we all get a piece of the pie one way or another ! If one can grow worthwhile that is lmao , otherwise its just crumbs most likely for the club at hand .

I see it this way , each Caregiver and his patients are a private club and in the end the club members will work together or ride out .. Its that simple in a sense , make your club as you like but remember that patients are not obligated to ride with you and in the end its all about respect and honesty I believe as we all have many variables at hand to deal with and these too become a part of the final equation that each club leader is presented with time after time ..
He said , she said and its all controversial in the end !

The best is that we each make our own choices on this matter and in the end it really does not matter to one another , as we all get a piece of the pie one way or another ! If one can grow worthwhile that is lmao , otherwise its just crumbs most likely for the club at hand .

I see it this way , each Caregiver and his patients are a private club and in the end the club members will work together or ride out .. Its that simple in a sense , make your club as you like but remember that patients are not obligated to ride with you and in the end its all about respect and honesty I believe as we all have many variables at hand to deal with and these too become a part of the final equation that each club leader is presented with time after time ..
agreed- there is nothing set in stone, however I was speaking from my personal opinion and situation - naturally every relationship is different and that is the beauty of the michigan law
You gotta figure that if you are too challenged to "give" good analogies, you're probably not going to be good at recognizing a good one like C&T's. You really aren't doing a very good pretending to be intelligent.

And as long as we're all being honest, your whole argument about why you are deserving of free meds, is your supposition that the caregiver is going to divert and profit from the overages. That bird flew the roost with the recent supreme court decision, and HONEST caregivers can only recoup their costs from their honest patients. Until that changes, or unless DTE starts suppling free electricity, patients should expect to PAY a fair rate for the medicine they receive.

and you know, it's real funny that the weezers who cry out most loudly for their "free" medicine are the same serial repeaters still whining about welfare bankrupting the USofa...
Whoa! i dont think your very well informed im not asking for free meds as im one who GIVES out free meds because when your a CAREgiver your not a drug dealer you except the Good with the bad when caring for that patient and if you cant understand that was a shitty analogy then your in the same sinking boat as C&T.

good day sir
no $ on ferts when you reuse the dirt. that helps keep costs down. electric about 400 but goin up every month.
If I found out that my DG was re-using anything other than lighting I would kick him to the curb. This is medicine and should be treated that way. I currently have 2 patients and my wife has 2 also. I have never taken any payments from my patients for medicine(you can not write anything off your taxes). Instead I have a contract with my patients that all payments and bills incurred in growing their meds will be covered by the patients. So when I have all 4 slots filled they all get every ounce of their meds for their fair share. Right now they each pay around 400-450 mnth. 2 clients receive about 4 zips a month and the other 2 take at least that. Pretty cheap for the quality and a guarantee of receiving your meds monthly. My payment for my labour come in meds for me. This is a business people...treat it like one and respect each other.
If I found out that my DG was re-using anything other than lighting I would kick him to the curb. This is medicine and should be treated that way.

It's perfectly fine to reuse living organic soil. It actually gets better over time. Not only that, it's cheaper and the quality is usually superior.
can we ever be honest on here? CAREgiver was chosen verbiage to get the law passed. I can't for one second think that everyone who voted was thinking only of an altruistic hippy style commerce where we all just gave each other our plants and materials and shared and got along all happy happy happy. A show of hands who wants this to continue just the way it is and never evolve into something accepted and legal in a total way where commerce is accepted and storefronts offer the product. Are we really hoping that for every 5 consumers there is one master grower that grows for his 5 and it never goes beyond that point? or that everyone learns to grow great herb for themselves? If I'm outnumbered in my opinion then I will go, no fuss no muss. I thought I was part of a majority on here who wanted more progress so we can pursue what we love as a career, if this is a minority opinion and everyone is happy with the current system I'm cool and I can find a flock with birds of my feather somewhere else. I mean I looked it up and checked out rare dankness as a company and I'm pretty sure they are a for profit company who sells their hard work to people who pay willingly for it and appreciate the effort. in that spirit I thought Rare D and I were on the same page, we are not and I won't talk about him or the company anymore I'm not a shit talker so your name is out of my mouth man live and let live. without getting bogged down in the numbers of plant count watts/gram/foot and costs to operate vs. cost to consumer; do you (anyone reading this) want to grow your plants and make your products for a living and to make some scratch? Maybe just a little dough on the side for your labors? I know I do. I have followed what I love doing and made what I consider successful businesses out of them. I train people who need exercise, its life and death for alot of them, no joke without the help I provide they are going to die prematurely. I charge for that. I don't charge everyone the same every time but it is pretty standard rates and like I said without the help they seek from me they are going to die from obesity and inactivity without a doubt. I think that's actually more life and death than herb for most people I meet that smoke. I have never been accosted for charging these people who need that direction so badly as I have been on here for charging for pot. I don't caregive to cancer patients, I have some legit pain patients with sever pain and some that are just hurting wink wink. so I wonder what is the difference between physical training and care giving that one should command a price and the other should have benefits of free or highly discounted medicine? Please, if your answer contains the word "legal" in it forget it keep walking don't even type it-the law was joke when the scheduling came out in Nixon's day and it's a joke now that we have an act for our state. I speak to the moral aspect in this post.