Well-Known Member
Everybody had a problem with the embassies being attacked. Are you stupid? Most had a problem with the patriot act, too. You rail against who you think we are, but you have no idea of who we are. You drag race into the debate and call us racist. You hold up as an alternative a man who has been convicted of filing false reports, perjury, and malicious slander.
we have no idea who you are.
we have no idea what you're capable of.
we have no idea what your sexual capabilities are, either.
hey fuckwad, the archives go back to 2006 or 2007 here, and many embassies were attacked between then and jan 2009.
go ahead and please point out the outrage from you guys back then, if you're capable of that.
alas, you will find nothing. not a single thread about any of the embassy attacks, much less months worth of fake outrage over one embassy attack.
you guys are just sheep, bleating exactly what you're told to bleat. and guess what? it's a national joke. it was even parodied on SNL the other night. that's how much of a joke you guys are.
but you guys are way too dumb to see that, so please keep bleating about benghazi for my amusement.
thank you!