The IRS and Beghazi

Everybody had a problem with the embassies being attacked. Are you stupid? Most had a problem with the patriot act, too. You rail against who you think we are, but you have no idea of who we are. You drag race into the debate and call us racist. You hold up as an alternative a man who has been convicted of filing false reports, perjury, and malicious slander.


we have no idea who you are.

we have no idea what you're capable of.

we have no idea what your sexual capabilities are, either.


hey fuckwad, the archives go back to 2006 or 2007 here, and many embassies were attacked between then and jan 2009.

go ahead and please point out the outrage from you guys back then, if you're capable of that.

alas, you will find nothing. not a single thread about any of the embassy attacks, much less months worth of fake outrage over one embassy attack.

you guys are just sheep, bleating exactly what you're told to bleat. and guess what? it's a national joke. it was even parodied on SNL the other night. that's how much of a joke you guys are.

but you guys are way too dumb to see that, so please keep bleating about benghazi for my amusement.

thank you!
maybe if you guys keep pressing the fake outrage on this benghazi thing enough, time will reverse, obama will lose the elction, and finally your chosen one can take his place in the white house!


we have no idea who you are.

we have no idea what you're capable of.

we have no idea what your sexual capabilities are, either.


hey fuckwad, the archives go back to 2006 or 2007 here, and many embassies were attacked between then and jan 2009.

go ahead and please point out the outrage from you guys back then, if you're capable of that.

alas, you will find nothing. not a single thread about any of the embassy attacks, much less months worth of fake outrage over one embassy attack.

you guys are just sheep, bleating exactly what you're told to bleat. and guess what? it's a national joke. it was even parodied on SNL the other night. that's how much of a joke you guys are.

but you guys are way too dumb to see that, so please keep bleating about benghazi for my amusement.

thank you!

The uproar is over the reaction to the attack (or lack of) and subsequent cover up and lies, not the fact terrorists attacked. You might as well have demanded the stock symbol of Benghazi. You're losing it.
how many embassy attacks under Bush were blamed on a video? I'm not claiming he didn't lie and cover up, I'm just not aware of any. If we had been made aware of this we would have spoke up, as I'm sure you would have.
The uproar is over the reaction to the attack (or lack of) and subsequent cover up and lies, not the fact terrorists attacked. You might as well have demanded the stock symbol of Benghazi. You're losing it.

the "uproar" is over ritt momney trying to politicize the death of americans, then fox news bleating about in non-stop until the election, and then you guys getting sand in your vaginas when you lost to yet another obama landslide.

now it's a joke that gets parodied on SNL, and yet you guys think the fact that you're viewed as an international punchline is "traction".

this just proves the theory that you guys are proud to be stupid clowns.
i'll await similar uproar from righties about lies that lead to 4,000+ american deaths, thousands more life changing injuries, half a million dead iraqis, and trillions of dollars spent on a lie.

or, maybe just some uproar about an embassy attack from our archives.

An hours long attack at a US consulate in Benghazi occurs. The US ambassador is murdered. Several US citizens are like wise murdered. The president's response is to order that the US military "stand down" during the attack and just let it happen. For weeks afterward the white house talking point to the nation is that the whole incident is all just a spontaneous reaction to a youtube video created by some anonymous nobody, it has nothing to do with terrorism or Al Quaida. It turns out that was all a lie.

I will have to put on my hag face here:

"What does it matter?"
the "uproar" is over ritt momney trying to politicize the death of americans, then fox news bleating about in non-stop until the election, and then you guys getting sand in your vaginas when you lost to yet another obama landslide.

now it's a joke that gets parodied on SNL, and yet you guys think the fact that you're viewed as an international punchline is "traction".

this just proves the theory that you guys are proud to be stupid clowns.

It is so much more forgivable when Obama and Clinton actually succeed in politicizing the deaths of Americans.

"What does it matter" - Hillary, 2016
I guess I'm not a righty in your eyes? I felt he should have just said the world needs to rid itself of Hussein. It's a better world now that he's gone and I'm grateful for that, but I wish he had handled it the way we got Bin Laden. I don't agree with the wars. I disagree with dropping bombs in sovereign countries without a declaration of war too.

I take you are cool with the whole Libya, Afghanistan thing. You must be a righty.
An hours long attack at a US consulate in Benghazi occurs. The US ambassador is murdered. Several US citizens are like wise murdered. The president's response is to order that the US military "stand down" during the attack and just let it happen. For weeks afterward the white house talking point to the nation is that the whole incident is all just a spontaneous reaction to a youtube video created by some anonymous nobody, it has nothing to do with terrorism or Al Quaida. It turns out that was all a lie.

I will have to put on my hag face here:

"What does it matter?"

there was no hours long attack. there were two separate attacks that took place about 7 hours apart.

ya see what you're doing now?

by openly lying, you're admitting that you've got nothing but an irritated vagina and marching orders from your republican saviors.

you dumb cunt.
It is so much more forgivable when Obama and Clinton actually succeed in politicizing the deaths of Americans.

"What does it matter" - Hillary, 2016


"no, YOU'RE politicizing the deaths of americans".

that doesn't work, you filthy cunt.

there was no hours long attack. there were two separate attacks that took place about 7 hours apart.

ya see what you're doing now?

you dumb cunt.

You can openly lie all you want. But, I watched all the testimony, have reviewed what is pubic and you are flat wrong. The overwhelming attack began and the ground personnel were split up. The Ambassador was being burned in place. Finally there was a break out by SUV,with a few guys and firing continued along route and there was firing on the safe house to keep them pined until 1AM.

And we know what happened as the relief rolled up near dawn. They had no flanks our and were pre-sited with Mortar.

We also found out, the reason we couldn't get the body of the Ambassador. Ansur Al Sharia had it in one of THEIR controlled hospitals. Now I fully understand the concern of re-election, but that is Politics. There have been Presidents that wouldn't run again. Some that cling so the Consitution has to be changed to 2 terms.

Obama was not man enough to tell the truth.

Very simple. He failed to be Commander because he wanted to be Preisdent again. Commander for him is an Albotross. Prideful fall to come, and if so, he deserves it.

Now this was the initial story I posted back when. What you have is the thin partisan gargle, changed beyond recognition for politics. For some the end justifies the means, hey buck? Just make it look like a drive by.

No it doesn't matter to me but it is the blind spitting, like this that we will get to the bottom of this summer, I hope. Why is it being down played? It was a total mess that could have been explained. What the fuck about this video? The vote was in the bag. Mitt would have lost.

And now it's pundits out in force.. 1/2 doing, forget the video. The other 1/2 going with, oh the video was in the mix.

Stinky. What is this horrible thing they hide?
the "uproar" is over ritt momney trying to politicize the death of americans, then fox news bleating about in non-stop until the election, and then you guys getting sand in your vaginas when you lost to yet another obama landslide. now it's a joke that gets parodied on SNL, and yet you guys think the fact that you're viewed as an international punchline is "traction". this just proves the theory that you guys are proud to be stupid clowns.
Your claims of politicization are nothing but an transparent attempt to demonize anyone who would dare to point out the faults of your hero. this just proves the theory that you are proud to be a liar
i'll await similar uproar from righties about lies that lead to 4,000+ american deaths, thousands more life changing injuries, half a million dead iraqis, and trillions of dollars spent on a lie. or, maybe just some uproar about an embassy attack from our archives. waiting.
How dare you politicize the deaths of 4,000+ Americans!!! What were their stock symbols. Uh? Uh? What? Answer! What were their stock symbols? You must answer or admit defeat!!!..........You have no argument, so you attempt to change the topic.
there was no hours long attack. there were two separate attacks that took place about 7 hours apart ????????????????????
ya see what you're doing now?

by openly lying, you're admitting that you've got nothing but an irritated vagina and marching orders from your republican saviors.

you dumb cunt.

Thanks for posting exactly what I was about to type....
Your claims of politicization are nothing but an transparent attempt to demonize anyone who would dare to point out the faults of your hero. this just proves the theory that you are proud to be a liar

stormfront red, you are a dumb cunt.


this is a months old partisan politicization and witch hunt.

it's perfectly transparent, you guys couldn't have given less of a shit at any similar attack and the RIU archives prove it.

cry all you want, the rest of us will stand by and laugh and make light of your sandy vagina-ism.
stormfront red, you are a dumb cunt.
this is a months old partisan politicization and witch hunt. it's perfectly transparent, you guys couldn't have given less of a shit at any similar attack and the RIU archives prove it. cry all you want, the rest of us will stand by and laugh and make light of your sandy vagina-ism.
And what embassies were attacked since my join date, July 2011? The debate isn't about the attack, its about Obama & Hilary lying to cover up their complete failure to handle it. You're remarks are intended to change the subject.
And what embassies were attacked since my join date, July 2011? The debate isn't about the attack, its about Obama & Hilary lying to cover up their complete failure to handle it. You're remarks are intended to change the subject.

my remarks are to expose your transparent hypocrisy and bleating to the marching orders of those who wish to politicize this.

you won't find one single righty of any kind bitching about any embassy attack on these forums. go ahead and try to prove me wrong, stormfront red.