Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Active Member
Damn that sucks... Yeah every thing is good just working a lot now but I harvested a lil over 16.5 ounces! Got a new grow going including some ATF and chemdawg '91 ill post pics later if you don't mind


Well-Known Member
I'm literally tripping on shrooms right now so did I read it correctly that you put 52 plants outside today dank? Thats one hell of a busy day, I was happy with myself for getting the lawn mowed and taking care of all my garden stufff like I was supposed to. Props man thats ambition!


Well-Known Member
Shit bro, I thought you had grown some kick ass looking garlic there! Haha.. ;) I would've clamed that shit.. ;) naw, I wouldn't wanna put my tag on anything I didn't do, so therefore I don't think you would either.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks... Yeah every thing is good just working a lot now but I harvested a lil over 16.5 ounces! Got a new grow going including some ATF and chemdawg '91 ill post pics later if you don't mind
Hell yeah bro! You know I don't mind... bring it on.. ;) haha.. I want some ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm literally tripping on shrooms right now so did I read it correctly that you put 52 plants outside today dank? Thats one hell of a busy day, I was happy with myself for getting the lawn mowed and taking care of all my garden stufff like I was supposed to. Props man thats ambition!
Now that's what I'm talking about!! :) I LOVE some shrooooms!! Never really feel up to going out & plucking through "cow piles" round here though! Lol.. that & no 1 round here does shit like that except me! Lol.. when located..


Well-Known Member
I'm literally tripping on shrooms right now so did I read it correctly that you put 52 plants outside today dank? Thats one hell of a busy day, I was happy with myself for getting the lawn mowed and taking care of all my garden stufff like I was supposed to. Props man thats ambition!
Yup. You read right bro.. ;) haha... 52 mixed girls of all the ones (strains) that everyones seen me grow out here recently.. and that's not all of um.. those where just the 1's big enough to place outdoors.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Dank long time no talk how did the voodoo and skunk come out? post some pics for me lol,
mine came out awesome got about 1oz of the p.v and about 2 off the skunk.. dude my slee stack
and space queen are doing awesome also have another voodoo and critical jack..the crit. jack
has 11 fingers on the leaves lol amazing ..i took the super croping you taught me to the extreme
my space queen has 6at least 25 colas lol and the sleestack has even more...so much
topping it looks like a.bonzai... i wish i could show you i will one of these days also the sleestack is putting so many
pistils it absurd lol hys,


Well-Known Member
hope the fam is well aling with your other ladies
look forward to hearing from you cheers ole buddy:bigjoint:

Holly shit!! Haha.. what up bro!?? Damn its been awhile!! I'm so glad 2 hear the girls are doing good! ;) the (2) Purple V's & (2) Skunks#1's I started & grew out to around 11" ended up being males! :( still have quite a bit of the Purple Voodoo beans, but only (1) of the Skunk#1. Sure hope that last 1 is a female..
If not, I guess I will just breed him with 1 of these many strains I have going now.. lol.
Hell, I just put 52 outdoors earlier! All the strains I had at the start of this thread. Plus I have some more, just there not big enough or I would've put those out aswell. :mrgreen:
Hell yeah bro.. I told you that the "supercropping" was the ticket to a ton of colas.. haha.. ;)
I have a Bluedream I did a lot on, and she is taking up almost the entire grow room! Had to tie that bitch down!
Hell bro, I'm going to give you a call sometime 2mar! You still got the same #??


Well-Known Member
yessir &nbsp;lol man i lost your # &nbsp;so send me a text i cant wait to show you some pics they came out awesome<br>ive been doing quite abit of breed.collecting<br>i have several i want to send to you just &nbsp;for your collection or for you too work with..<br>plus i have a very special suprise lol my p.v hermed alittle and i got 3 seeds off of it.<br>so im hoping there fem. also must have got some pollen on the skunk because<br>i ended up with 5 beans off of it it had to be the purp that pollinated it cause the<br>skunk had no nanners..i now have over 40 breeds. lol cant wait to send you the list..<br>your going to cream lol haha sorry to hear about the voodoos, i will def send u a fem<br>one &nbsp;looking forward to hearing from you ole buddy lots to catch up on, esp on the notes and pics side<br>ttyt night chief


Well-Known Member
part of the skunk harvestIMAG0699.jpgheres a close up of the trics
you gotta get one of these things called a 420 scope look them up its made for this... 60x mag to 100x and it has a built in led light to light the nugs up


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