First Guerilla Grow - Amendments?


Active Member
Would earthworm castings or bat guano get the job done? I don't have much to spend but I would like to use something. I am also interested in locating cheap polymer crystals and perlite. I can't seem to find it all in one place...
what type of soil are you using? If you make a supersoil you dont need to worry about ferts for a little while and yes bat guano will get the job done but using other organic nutes will make a world of difference when it comes to flowering. I'm looking for some cheap polymer crystals myself for my guerrilla grow but perlite is everywhere, shouldn't have any trouble finding that.


Active Member
perlite is everywhere, shouldn't have any trouble finding that.
Trouble is purchasing all of them in the same place to avoid outrageous shipping rates) I plan on hiking out to a remote area and making due. What I want to do is dig large holes and backfill into growing bags and mix in perlite/polymer/fertilizer. I lent out my mj book to a relative and am now regretting it. I don't know what to fertilize with and when. I've been looking here.
Trouble is purchasing all of them in the same place to avoid outrageous shipping rates) I plan on hiking out to a remote area and making due. What I want to do is dig large holes and backfill into growing bags and mix in perlite/polymer/fertilizer. I lent out my mj book to a relative and am now regretting it. I don't know what to fertilize with and when. I've been looking here.
Do you need to have everything shipped to you? I only have hard to find items sent to me. I would go to the local home depot, etc. to get my perlite and other regularly stocked items.
You dont need your mj book. This site is just as good if not better. Utilize the search feature and type in when to fert, etc. Are you going organic or chem ferts?
okay, what kind of soil are you using? If your soil doesn't have much in it already I would add azomite(65+ trace minerals), rock dust, epsom tomato tone, worm castings, dolomite lime, kelp meal to that list if you want some killer soil.
Per. 1 CU ft. of soil.... 1 cup dolomite, 1 cup kelp meal, 1.5 cups epsom tomato tone, 4 cups rock dust, 1 cup azomite but you want to cook this soil for a few weeks before using it or it will be to hot and burn your plants( to cook moisten soil and turn soil every few days)


Active Member
what kind of soil are you using? If your soil doesn't have much in it already I would add azomite, rock dust, epsom tomato tone, worm castings, dolomite lime, kelp meal to that list if you want some killer soil.
I have very little to spend. My plan is to amend the soil on site.
oh i see. How does your on soil sight look? Unless your natural soil is very good I would advise you to at least do a 50/50 mix of natural soil and 3 part mixture of peat moss, worm castings, and perlite. It shouldn't cost you that much. definitely way less than bag soil. good luck!


Active Member
oh i see. How does your on soil sight look? Unless your natural soil is very good I would advise you to at least do a 50/50 mix of natural soil and 3 part mixture of peat moss, worm castings, and perlite. It shouldn't cost you that much. definitely way less than bag soil. good luck!
I haven't settled just yet but I have a few spots in mind. I live in New England and I believe the seasons result in quality soil.


Active Member
oh i see. How does your on soil sight look? Unless your natural soil is very good I would advise you to at least do a 50/50 mix of natural soil and 3 part mixture of peat moss, worm castings, and perlite. It shouldn't cost you that much. definitely way less than bag soil. good luck!
I haven't settled just yet but I have a few spots in mind. I live in New England and I believe the seasons result in quality soil. My current shopping cart contains worm castings, perlite, Mexican Bat Guano, Jamaican Bat Guano and Indonesian Bat Guano. I plan on backfilling the soil on site with these items into grow bags.


Well-Known Member
Would earthworm castings or bat guano get the job done? I don't have much to spend but I would like to use something. I am also interested in locating cheap polymer crystals and perlite. I can't seem to find it all in one place...
Here you go, youir a begginer and its pretty late, fuck learning any soil science. Get to the basics soil and nutrients. Soil, Eveyone here may disagree, and tell you to go to a hydro shop, and spend a bunch of money but this should make it easy for ya, . scotts hyponex potting soil(walmart) nutes, osmocote. theres a few different ones, get the one with the most fitting NPK value, I believe the flower and vegitable ones pretty good, time release also so you wont have to re-apply often(also walmart). And 2 cu ft bag of perlite at home depot

$8.25/2cu ft soil
$17.00/2cu ft perlite
$10 for nutes

Your gonna have to figure out your self roughly how much soil your gonna need, and your gonna want to mix the perlite in at around 25%(the soil already has some but not enough)


Well-Known Member
I haven't settled just yet but I have a few spots in mind. I live in New England and I believe the seasons result in quality soil.
The only place I found polymer crystals(labeled water storage crystals)was at Home Depot. They are made by miracle grow...fortunately unlike their perlite they don't add any nutes. And your area is generally devoid of aged compost, which occurs naturally in our area due to native annual grasses.

In short, I have a good 6 inches of aged compost for free which you'll need to add...but it's cheap. See if you can find some humus, if not mushroom compost will suffice in a pinch and every home supply/gardening center carries it....then I'd add that Epsoma tomato tone(I use plant-tone). That's only $20 for a 25 lb bag I believe...and it goes a long way.

Also, while you're out scoping to plant, see if you can find a clearing with native grasslands...that should be better soil.



Well-Known Member
Here you go, youir a begginer and its pretty late, fuck learning any soil science. Get to the basics soil and nutrients. Soil, Eveyone here may disagree, and tell you to go to a hydro shop, and spend a bunch of money but this should make it easy for ya, . scotts hyponex potting soil(walmart) nutes, osmocote. theres a few different ones, get the one with the most fitting NPK value, I believe the flower and vegitable ones pretty good, time release also so you wont have to re-apply often(also walmart). And 2 cu ft bag of perlite at home depot

$8.25/2cu ft soil
$17.00/2cu ft perlite
$10 for nutes

Your gonna have to figure out your self roughly how much soil your gonna need, and your gonna want to mix the perlite in at around 25%(the soil already has some but not enough)
Dolomite lime must be added to this to offset the peat, and has to be dialed in...I use it for indoors at about 1/2 cup per gallon of medium.


Active Member
its pretty late
Big thanks for all the responses, helps a lot. It was actually in the 30's last night, not really late for me where I am. I'm guessing in 3 weeks it will begin to stay above 50. Until then I'll be raising seedlings indoors.
Your gonna have to figure out your self roughly how much soil your gonna need
I need to fill 10 gallon grow bags. You said 25% perlite but what about castings? I could make bat crap tea water every 2 weeks but how much can I add directly into my bags???



Active Member
LOL Winter literally just ended round these parts. Theres still chance of frost for next couple weeks