Shaggn's 600w Hempy!! (K.C. Brains - Cristal Limit) ++


Well-Known Member
I fill my hempies about par with the holes and then transplant the clone and top up the medium. Almost all of their roots are touching with the occasional one being very close, hence the 4-5 day veg. I haven't made my aero-cloner yet :(

For the first 3 weeks they get fed as needed. As they get bigger it winds down to every 2 - 3 days. I guess I kind of starve them for the first week and a half so the roots reach strongly into the rez, but I don't let them get to dry/light. I start off giving them 8oz every feed and up it till about 10-12oz. Usually reaches the peak of 10-12oz in weeks 3 or 4 and stays that way till about week 7. Then I drop it down to 8oz again and feed only when they are dry/light, like in the beginning. Peace!!


Well-Known Member
I'm planning on giving the mass 2L grow a run I've got 34 clones in the clone dome, all healthy just waiting for roots. Getting my stock of 2L's together now.


Well-Known Member
Considering this grow was somewhat of an experiment for you, once you get everything dialed in your results are gonna end up staggering. Props again man


Well-Known Member
Awesome grow man I'm glad to see that things are working in your favor, I'm also sure you will hit your mark, can't wait to see what you pull off this next grow...


Well-Known Member
Doing this update one day early :) I upgraded my circulating fan system, worked out better than expected!! Took the 12" out and added 2 - 8"ers, mounted to shelf brackets so I could get them far enough away from the corners to be able to oscillate and cover the whole tent. Tonight, lights on is week 1 complete :) Peace!!



Well-Known Member
I like the circulation fans man, ive been considering getting some fans like that to suspend from my ceiling but i wasnt sure how i was going to do it or what fans to get, could i bother you for a more detailed pic of the mounting hardware and what kind of fans are those make and model?


Well-Known Member
I got this brand from Walmart as I didn't like any of the other similar sizes from other stores. (Sunbeam 8" Power fan) It is pretty powerful so I recommend using it to surf above your canopy or across your cooltube or hood. I have it on low and it is a lil more powerful than I thought it would be, but summer is coming and I can use more airflow during the warmer/humid weather.

Real easy to put together :) First grab as many of the shelf triangles you need. I couldn't find just a plain one so it has a loop thingy on the end for a bar or something. A bag of zip-ties (like the cops use on peeps rather than handcuffs) preferably as large as you can get as you can always cut them down. Next item is optional depending on what you're fastening the shelf bracket to. I used weather stripping for around the inside of doors (Thick enough to stop any vibration between my metal corner post and the metal bracket (Sticky on one side and fastened it to the bracket so I can adjust the height of the whole unit, easily. I think the clamps I used are for water pipes (found them in plumbing area of lowes) to clamp the shelf bracket to the corner post. All I have to do is loosen it enough to slide up or down and screw tight again. Depending on the fan will depend on were to drill your holes. I lined it up with the center of the fan so I can get a nice 90 degree coverage. If you have any other questions, just let me know :) Peace!!



Well-Known Member
Excillent idea man, i love that its adjustable its great for tents too, thanks for the inspiration man ive got some planning to do now...

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Oh I'm so sog jealous. I'm just waiting on my nutes to arrive next week so I can fire up my sog like yours. Dude I over rooted my cuttings (if that is such a thing, lol). I rooted my cutting almost a month now. My roots will hit the res for sure. They are nice long and white. I should be about a week or two behind your flowering schedule. Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Day 13 since flip!! Everything is rolling along nicely :) I'm quite surprised at how developed they are for only being day 13. Plan on turning the switch to super-lumens at the start of week 5. Also not using GH Flora series nutrients this round, will mention what i'm using at a later time, You will be surprised :) Peace!!



Well-Known Member
Hey shaggn doe you do any defoliation say at day 21 and 45?
I took most of the fan leaves on day 21 last round, but decided against doing it again on day 45 as I was still somewhat skeptical of defoliation. I do plan on defoliating this round also but will definitely do it on both the 21 and 45 days to see the difference. I am leaving some untouched this round aswell to see if defoliation works or not. I'm sure it does just on my final weight but if the untouched ones yield more then I will know. Peace!!


Well-Known Member
Been awhile since I updated on my new seedlings, ([SC] Swiss Cheese Bx - Nirvana), ( [CL/3] Cristal Limit Bx [pinks] - KC Brains) and the ( [CT] Christmas Tree - Gifted by an Ole Hippie). I got 2F/4M out of the (SC), I have a matching pair 1F/1M that are very stinky. From the (CL/3) I got 2F/1M, The one female has purple stems and the other has green stems. Hopefully the purple stem is the pinks locked in :) From the (CT) I got 4F/1M, with a couple having tighter internodal spacing and being very stinky (Lemon Pinesol smell). I have taken clones from all and all of them now have roots!! Will update progress on these as we gro along. Peace!!

Pix in order, Clones, Males n CT females side & top views, SC & CL/3 side & top views.



Well-Known Member
Hey Shaggs, been really looking through your journal instead of just looking at the pretty pics ;-). Thanks for all the detail you put in your posts, really helping me with my 1st sog I'm planning. Props