Shaggn's 600w Hempy!! (K.C. Brains - Cristal Limit) ++


Well-Known Member
Looking MIGHTY FINE! Excellant grow my Brother, if being a procrastinator is a bad thing what about the guy that likes to jump the :cool: I barely got a fifth node on The Flavs and flipped to 12/12 lastnight to sex them out.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious to see what you yeild on this last bit of the run will be the nugs you posted looked fantastic and appear to be solid as they don't have an airy appearance.


Well-Known Member
The only airy stuff is the fluff at the bottom. Next round I plan on taking all the little stuff off. I just wanted unhindered growth to see how each pheno liked to grow. I now know which would be good for SoG, Scrog in their natural state. Can manipulate any to do a scrog, but I think a pheno that does it naturally takes the headache out of trying to control the plants growth :)


Well-Known Member
Agree with you whole heartedly a strain that will branch secondary braches without forcing is a good thing. Your pheno hunt was very well planed out, I'll be doing somewhat the same with The Flav I've got going. If things work according to plan I should end up with something like 26 to 32 clones which I will get to seed 2 of and grow the rest for stash.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the delayed update. Been quite busy cleaning up and getting the next round situated. Apparently I can't add the data to my previous post for CL1/T n /V

CL1/T: 5 = (72.2) or 14.4 each. Still haven't tried yet but will mention in an update, after /V runs out lol.

CL1/V: 1 = 10.3+ (The reason for the plus is this isn't an accurate yield. I dipped into the jar as /V seems to be the best night-time smoke.)

Current combined weight not including the last 19 is = 438.1g. I doubt I will get 162g from the remaining 19 but we will see!!!

Still have 19 more that were just chopped tonight. Did it slightly early as I wanted enough time to clean up. Here is a shot of the 64 (+1) The extra is a replacement for a clipping that looks like it may not hold up. Also adding a pic of my new seedlings that will be transplanted as soon as the hempy clippings get moved to bloom. I was interested in trying Coco hempies for my moms so I didn't have to water so often, but with the upcoming season and so much on my plate, that adventure will have to wait. All my seedlings will be tranplanted from hempy cups to 1gal pro-mix pots to start. I plan on adding a clipping of the females into the bloom tent once they show maturity. If not mature then they won't be added till next round, also ordering some beans soon (GDP, Thanks to Moe's growing n photography expertise :). Also (Agent Orange, TGA) and possibly Thc Bomb. Peace n Enjoy!!


Wanted to add that the tall seedlings are close to or possibly 100% Sat. Hence the height and internodal distances compared to the other strains of the same age.


Well-Known Member
It's sooo damn dry in my place :( Everything is down now and the last 19 almost went to dry. I may have just caught it before it wouldn't cure. Will know more in a week. Weigh-in on the 19 is 124.4. The other strain I had 5 of in there didn't turn out. A total of 27.1g all together and not that potent to be worth the loss in weight. This time around all are coming down at the same time and will be running a humidifier in there as they dry. Can't believe how fast they dried out!! Total weight of 49 plants is = 562.5, give r take a few :) Will start posting updates this weekend or early next week. Peace!!


Well-Known Member
not to be a sizequeen but you're gonna grow all those plants under 600 w?
That's the plan, just finished a round and it turned out pretty good!! Is there a restriction on the amount to do under a 600? Only ask because nobody has ever mentioned it, nor have I read it in any threads/grows. Peace!!

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
That's the plan, just finished a round and it turned out pretty good!! Is there a restriction on the amount to do under a 600? Only ask because nobody has ever mentioned it, nor have I read it in any threads/grows. Peace!!
.....from another forum the magic number is around 32-2l's if you are using 1x600 light. This particular person avg's about 15.3 grams per 2l. I think you can hit the 15 gram mark with less plants and defoliation.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Sky, Didn't know there was a magic number!! That being said 32 x 15 is only 480. Not enough for me, when I know I can get more :)


no offense intended, your results look great. i just would have expected more w's. rather than asking a bunch more q's i'll read over your specs. thanks for posting the journal


Well-Known Member
no offense intended, your results look great. i just would have expected more w's. rather than asking a bunch more q's i'll read over your specs. thanks for posting the journal
None taken :) Previously I was running 2 - 600s under parabolics with a very large number of smaller plants. Yield was outstanding but as I said the numbers were very high. The way I look at it is just because a few say this is the max or works best doesn't really mean it's that way for everyone. Just cuz that's all they could get from theirs doesn't mean that you, myself or someone else couldn't do better. That was all I meant :)

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
None taken :) Previously I was running 2 - 600s under parabolics with a very large number of smaller plants. Yield was outstanding but as I said the numbers were very high. The way I look at it is just because a few say this is the max or works best doesn't really mean it's that way for everyone. Just cuz that's all they could get from theirs doesn't mean that you, myself or someone else couldn't do better. That was all I meant :)
When you ran 2x600's how many 2l's were you running and what were you yielding?


Well-Known Member
I wasn't running 2Ls then, just learned about hempies n 2Ls right before this gro. I was running 4 - 50L omni boxes (under the bed storage containers/modified) under each 600 and growing in pro-mix. The set-up was not as nice as this one and had mites n PM problems and was still getting 1-1.5lb per light. Could have been better but some issues came up and had to shut it down. I'm using very small numbers compared to before and getting the same results if not somewhat better.


Well-Known Member
Wanted to add that I wish I was running 2 - 600s again. But with 2L hempies :) My planned goal is to get anywhere between 700-800g with just a 600. I'm not sure I will get there with my current cool-tube (cheap $80 unit) but I was shocked at the amount I just harvested. This is all testing as well. If I lose yield running 64, then I will know that that is to many and cut the numbers down. I'm also looking at running 25 - 1/gal hempies at some point to see what the result is. I wish I had named this thread something different as I want to try multiple sized hempies with different mediums aswell. Once I find what works best for me, I may settle in for awhile and just enjoy the ride and show of everyone elses projects/experiments!! :)

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
G'day Shaggn, I havent read the whole journal but it looks like you love to experiment!! There are some nice numbers of the last grow, well done. I will watch on and see what happens next.:)


Well-Known Member
First Update on next sho!! :) Things worked out great, tent cleaned up better than I expected. I think this one will be way better than the first!!!! I know, to early to really say, but I have a good feeling. Plus it looks great haha. I will post the numbers for each pheno at a later date. I didn't feel like moving my T5s into the 4x4 for the short veg so just turned the 600 on normal and raised it up high, as you can tell from the pic. Thinking this weekend at the earliest for the flip. Maybe mid week if things look like they need a lil more veg time to hit the rez. That being said most are there or very close and none are not going to hit the mark :) Peace n Enjoy!!!


sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Are your roots long enough to hit the res from your clones because I have some clones that are near ready to transfer from my aerocloner into my verm/per medium? Also how often do you feed your girls and how much do you feed each pant?