which one's better a white background for reflecting lights or a silver background?


Well-Known Member
hey which one's better? the white one? or the silver one?

i just fixed up my grow closet.

anyways i am using CFLs, good thing that my mom bought me some of it last sunday.

so which one's better?
this one? this was my set up like 2 weeks ago, around may 3.
or this one? this will be the current one as of today.

sorry for the black thingy with smiling face, i can't put the unedited for some really important reasons.



Well-Known Member
then why did you ask?
i asked to be sure, because i changed the background with an insulator to be use as reflectors, but as what you have said that white is better, i will just change it again to this one,

Photo-0015.jpg (the white back ground only) i have transplanted my plant already.


Active Member
I'm not too familair with cfl's, but from what I read about them they need to be close as can be to be effective, talking inches here.
Something tells me you can neglect the reflective substances at the side to bring any decent form of efficiency.


Well-Known Member
Euhm, those pots transparent ?

Better get some that dont let light through.
i have already transplanted it, but not the other one, but one of them is dead already. i only transplanted the one with the small green pot.

i'll post pics in a while for you to see what it looks like today.


Well-Known Member
I'm not too familair with cfl's, but from what I read about them they need to be close as can be to be effective, talking inches here.
Something tells me you can neglect the reflective substances at the side to bring any decent form of efficiency.
i'm putting reflective lights so that even lights will not be wasted.

hey is my grammar correct? or is it much better if i use lumens.

well anyways, i really don't have enough cash that is why i am trying to put all the necessary things that will or might help my plants grow.


Active Member
From all the grows I seen with cfls, the ones that looked best imo were the ones who almost surrounded their plants with the lights (which have hoods), and lots of ehm.

The more lights you have the more lumens you create. (doesnt always have to be positive though, coloring matters)


Well-Known Member
surround the plant with as many low wattage 23-26 ACTUAL watts cfls as possible
i already did that, my only problem is the white background, i am too tired of replacing again the insulator with the white background that i just removed.

i have asked first before putting those insulators. jizz. sorry i am too lazy to put it back today so i'll just do it tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
From all the grows I seen with cfls, the ones that looked best imo were the ones who almost surrounded their plants with the lights (which have hoods), and lots of ehm.

The more lights you have the more lumens you create. (doesnt always have to be positive though, coloring matters)

i want to put some hoods and a lot more stuff, but i really don't have cash, and i know that i cannot blame anyone for being a broke guy right now because i know that i am too lazy, and i have'nt applied for my training yet. and also because of some medical thingy.


Active Member
I think that for a lot of beginners, their setup grows as time progresses and their experiences taught them what they needed in their setup.

I have seem some pretty nifty DIY stuff on just about every aspect of growing, reducing costs to almost nothing.
You just have to have some stuff laying around the house that you can use, or be able to get your hands on material you can recycle for other purposes.

Just keep a few basics in mind when you upgrade stuff, like: more heat production from more lighting requires more temperature controle (fans / extractors)
If you eagerly upgrade just one part (lights for example), you'll likely be tipping the scale negative when you don't upgrade the temperature controle.

That sorta stuff.
When in doubt, just ask around.
Lots of people here will share their insight, and will likely point out approaching flaws.

Good luck :)