Pollen pics anyone??


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any microscopic pics of pollen?? Just found out my 1 plant had some balls forming, and a couple opened, looked through my 60x microscope and seen these little clear/whiteish balls on the leaves of both plants, I know thats what it probably is:cry: but have nothing to compare it too, thanks:peace:
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Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any microscopic pics of pollen?? Just found out my 1 plant had some balls forming, not sure if they opened though, looked through my 60x microscope and seen these little clear/whiteish balls on the leaves of both plants, I know thats what it probably is:cry: but have nothing to compare it too, thanks:peace:
good question.

no, i do not. yes, i will go take some. give me a few minutes. :mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Fdd, I know this is a dumb question but lets say I have 2 hermies now(only 2 plants growing, 3rd week flowering) should I just finish it out?? It will take longer to finish, cause its producing seeds?? anything I can do to reverse?? put it back into Veg??


Well-Known Member
Thanks Fdd, I know this is a dumb question but lets say I have 2 hermies now(only 2 plants growing, 3rd week flowering) should I just finish it out?? It will take longer to finish, cause its producing seeds?? anything I can do to reverse?? put it back into Veg??
kill it unless you want seeds EVERYWHERE. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
they are the only 2 plant I have growing and they are 26 days into flowering, first grow ever!!! I've taken care of them this far, Im gonna finish it out, this suks I know but from all the awsome intel on RIU I knew already that this could happen, dont really understand how some of the "bud leaf" has this and some others dont:confused: Is it pollen or are they trichs???? last pic is to show the hairs starting to turn red, all comments and advice is welcomed



Well-Known Member
those little white this on leaves are call trichs they are good!!!!!! males you get big sack instead of buds... keap um gouin buddy those is some good lookin girls


Well-Known Member
Thought for a minute my glaucoma was really f-ing up. Didn't see any balls just trich. Nice Nice buds grow on!


Well-Known Member
Noooooooooo, I was never goin to kill em!!!!! Like I said Im gonna finish the grow whatever happens, ok so those are trichs, 2 days ago i did find a pod on my 1 plant though, after checking the whole plant I removed about 7 or 8, 2 of which looked like they had opened, they had lil hairs comin out of them, sorry I didnt get pics but when I found the 1 I freaked out and got em all off!!! the other plant had none, and I only have 1 grow area so I cant seperate,

Will bud production completly come to a stop and the plant will concentrate on making seeds??


Well-Known Member
I've asked before, and never really got an answer, and I think that it would be an excellent experiment to perform. I think it would apply to people like you and I, because I do plan to breed, just probably not with these plants.

I've read that breeding is done by purposely pollinating the female (by hand), then bagging the bud/flower so that it will not be pollinated by any other plants. I think this is done with some fruits and vegetables (some high end apples, pears, maybe tomatoes?) with results being top-grade produce.

Is this or could this be done to prevent pollination altogether with this plant, and does anyone know factually (whether by personal experience or can cite someone knowledgeable? I'll accept empirical data!) whether or not bud quality might be affected by this practice? Think lightweight clear plastic that would allow light only, yeah?

What do you experienced growers and breeders think?


Well-Known Member
you would have a horrible humidity problem inside bag witch till cas bud rot... you would have to find a breathable materal that would let pollen out...


Well-Known Member
you would have a horrible humidity problem inside bag witch till cas bud rot... you would have to find a breathable materal that would let pollen out...
mwahah qoute myself i ment to say WOULDNT let the pollen out


Active Member
its not hard to pollenate a single flower on a plant, and u dont need anything more than some pollen and a sandwich baggie. pollenate the flower, i usually use a lower flower, and i do it with a small art brush. then i put the clear plastic baggie over the flower, and leave it for 2 days, to give the pollen a chance to do its thing whilst not being blown to other flowers. thats all there is too it.

heres the but.. i use a magnifying glass and use as little pollen as i can on each little flower bract (sp)?.

hope that helps and good luck


Well-Known Member
Noooooooooo, I was never goin to kill em!!!!! Like I said Im gonna finish the grow whatever happens, ok so those are trichs, 2 days ago i did find a pod on my 1 plant though, after checking the whole plant I removed about 7 or 8, 2 of which looked like they had opened, they had lil hairs comin out of them, sorry I didnt get pics but when I found the 1 I freaked out and got em all off!!! the other plant had none, and I only have 1 grow area so I cant seperate,

Will bud production completly come to a stop and the plant will concentrate on making seeds??
if it had hairs coming out of it it was NOT a male pod. sounds like you are seeing swollen calyxes. people often confuse these as seeds or male pods. they are neither, they are just swollen calyxes. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Fdd, Man I was trippin that they were both gonna be hermies:cry: is that a common thing about the swollen calyxes??? It looks just like a male pollen pod!! Well I hope that is the case and I have nothing to worry about, I'll keep checkin to see if I find more and get pics if I do, Can a female plant be pollenated at any point of her flowering cycle??