Was Bush Impeached for ignoring the warnings prior to 911, getting us into multiple wars under the false pretext of "Weapons of mass destruction', or by completely emptying the Surplus this country had and putting us in an economic hole so fucking deep it will take generations to fix it?
No-- because there was no provable examples of a conscious and deliberate violation of the Constitution in doing so...
Same for Obama-- Too many people are sheeple-- you believe whatever you hear that supports what you already WANT to believe- no matter who or what the subject.
Grow a few braincells and read the FACTS and make decisions for yourself-- do NOT be swayed and brainwashed by the 24-hour a day political media- regardless of what side you are on... both sides are biased.
Just because he is Black, his father was a Muslim, and- oh yeah! He MUST be bad/not a real American because he was born and raised outside the Continental U.S! But guess what? So was McKain!!! He was Born in Panama and spent many years of his childhoos all over the Pacific Islands! I Don't hear people saying HE isn't an American Citizen!
Oh......... that's right......
He's an old white Guy and a Republican.... so he MUST be "ok"!!?????
the "warning prior to 9-11" were the sort of inane threats the US had been receiving for decades from sandland. clinton also received those same dire predictions and did nothing about them.
Edit: and rightly so, since the CIA and NSA had been saying for decades that a plot was afoot, and then saying "but dont worry, we got this shit" or "but they cant do shit to us from all the way over there". nobody saw 9-11 coming, since the threatrs have been NON STOP and (almost) 100% baseless puffery for 50 years.
the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" were NOT a pretext. check your Wikileaks for more information on mustard saran and VX filled artillery shells, chemical sprayers with saran residue, loaded scuds hidden in junkyards, and jets buried in the desert all found after 10 years of Hans Blix's searches. even Hans Blix's report which has been widely characterized as saying
"There aint shit in iraq" actually says
"We didnt find shit in iraq but we werent allowed to look in any of the places we think the shit was hidden"
the "multiple wars" are pure bullshit. one of them was ONGOING since 1989, since we only had a
cease fire with iraq (same with north korea since the 50's BTW) and saddam didnt abide by one single stipulation of that treaty for even one day. in reality the cease fire shouldnt have lasted a afternoon, much less ten years of bush 1 and clinton's waffling. the war with afghanistan was richly deserved, and was only concurrent with iraq, because clinton and bush1 failed to do their fucking jobs.
the "surplus" never existed, it was a fiction based on long term projections that assumed the internet bubble would never burst. thats why despite the "surplus" the national debt still kept climbing . if you have a "surplus" you do not have to add to the debt since you can use the "surplus" to pay for shit interest free.
the "Economic Hole" has been 60 years in the digging, and cannot be blamed on any one party or any one person. but we can say, that Barrack is the hardest working man the Hole Factory has seen for 60 years, and he digs like he was born with a shovel in his hand. in his 5 years at the coal face, obama has moved us much deeper into the earth than all the previous diggers combined, including reagan and carter who were both a mean hand with a pick and shovel themselves. if you really want to stop the hole from getting any deeper, then i suggest giving obama some time off. hes a fiscal John Henry, laying down more debt than even the most powerful steam driven debt machine can.
ohh yeah, and obama's black too. thats the only reason im not a Barrack Booster.
Thats also why im such a HUGE FAN of jimmy carter, cuz he's not black, and why i think clinton is so great, because he too is like totally not black.
woodrow wilson is the best president EVER because he is so not black.
Warren G Harding, yeah he sucks, because he is in fact an Octoroon.
ohh wait, i hate clinton wilson and carter and LIKE Harding! wow, there went that theory,