Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
So happy to be growing again. Dropped the seeds in soil yesterday.

I have come to realize my life has no purpose without plants in my closet.


Well-Known Member
I'm using clones so I'll have mine in the ground about the 10th of June.
Hopefully the Clowns the are on the City Counsel for Redding don't close down every thing :(:(
they need some one going after liquor and taking it off the market because of all the health risks... Same with Tobacco!!!!
Then the assholes would feel the same as us MMJ users do when they have their Medicine made impossible to get...


Well-Known Member
Moving from 12/12 FS paid off. Instead of pulling 1 -2 ounces per, I am pulling 3 1/2 +. Just finished my first FIM'ed Ex Cheese with 18/6 veg for 21 days from FIM days, Still haven't saved enough for the much desired HPS. The 3 1/2+ is an estimate based on the 5 grams dry weight of the popcorn that was too small to hang or to put on the dry rack. I pulled the 4 colas from the FIM, a freak 5th, and a handful of popcorn.

Work was OK, but getting home to the boss lady, a Mike's (something) and that 5 grams of popcorn was all I wanted to do. When yer like me, it's a pretty damn cool thing to find a woman that knows what I am, and still loves me, and understands (or tries to understand) my perspective... Talk about patience of a Saint! Pretty bitchin' that she's sexy, also.


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Staff member
At risk of tangles with the boss lady and my (her) straight razor, Imma go ahead and say, yeah, she's hot... That's some psycho threesome love in those eyes.
Until a knife, an USMC machete (in my case), an axe or a restraining order is involved you have not had a 'real' relationship LOL


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Nice... Fuckin' Ginger, right? No offense meant.
Green eyed too. Yeah curtains still match carpet. LOL no offense taken. It's pretty hard to offend me.

One of my mothers cousins has been shot and stabbed by his wife (on more than one occasion) and they're still together.
Well in the interest of full disclosure I was the chasee, LOL. Although if I'd managed to take it away from him I'd have used it. ;/ We are happily divorced now and he has the pretty, stupid, wife he always wanted!


Well-Known Member
Green eyed too. Yeah.
I made a green eyed ginger think I was going to break her heart, she tried to shoot me the next day.

I'll stick with my sexy Native and Mexican beauty. She'll do it right and poison me, or finish me in my sleep, across the throat.

One of my mothers cousins has been shot and stabbed by his wife (on more than one occasion) and they're still together.
Well in the interest of full disclosure I was the chasee, LOL. Although if I'd managed to take it away from him I'd have used it. ;/ We are happily divorced now and he has the pretty, stupid, wife he always wanted!
You've seen a bit of shit. Curious, all the people that pot brings together.

I'm not sure I'd be down to getting shot and stabbed, more than once. Do it, do it right, or don't try again, cuz I know you suck at it.


Well-Known Member
I was just offered a 1/2 of an 1/8 for 25. Sounded like good bud, but, not for that price, even when I wore a suit and tie, and bought from a courier. And, as the boss lady pointed out, I've got quite a bit of "the best weed <my neighbors> have smoked," for 25 and some change.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
You've seen a bit of shit. Curious, all the people that pot brings together.

I'm not sure I'd be down to getting shot and stabbed, more than once. Do it, do it right, or don't try again, cuz I know you suck at it.
Mom said she wasn't really trying to kill him, she's just crazy. She said they were perfect for each other because he's a crazy SOB too from what I heard.

I can't remember if he was the same one she was writing to in prison after he got busted selling drugs while in a biker gang or not.