The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i actually really liked that burnt rubber pheno it was different and distinctive, other dog ive had didnt taste like that and didnt enjoy it as much as i did the rubber pheno.

ive got the fucking ump stupid cunting postman has delivered my drugs next door! was only cause i see him in the street and asked if he had delivered to my address yet that the mongo then told me he had posted next door by mistake! and the fucking women is not home sometimes shes out all wkend!
Lol, do u know next door, will u be able te get it off them when they are back?


Well-Known Member
Lol, do u know next door, will u be able te get it off them when they are back?
i dont really talk to her but shes friendly enough, worst thing is i can fucking see it threw the door! proper winding me up, she will give me it but like i say shes often away all wkend.


Well-Known Member
i actually really liked that burnt rubber pheno it was different and distinctive, other dog ive had didnt taste like that and didnt enjoy it as much as i did the rubber pheno.

ive got the fucking ump stupid cunting postman has delivered my drugs next door! was only cause i see him in the street and asked if he had delivered to my address yet that the mongo then told me he had posted next door by mistake! and the fucking women is not home sometimes shes out all wkend!
think i would have throttled him like,but would make it a bit ov,lol daft wee dic


Well-Known Member
i dont really talk to her but shes friendly enough, worst thing is i can fucking see it threw the door! proper winding me up, she will give me it but like i say shes often away all wkend.
I can see u out with a coat hanger or sumthing tryin te get it lol, how's the moving goin, u don't sound like a boy thats shiftin much stuff if your sittin on here


Well-Known Member
i actually really liked that burnt rubber pheno it was different and distinctive, other dog ive had didnt taste like that and didnt enjoy it as much as i did the rubber pheno.

ive got the fucking ump stupid cunting postman has delivered my drugs next door! was only cause i see him in the street and asked if he had delivered to my address yet that the mongo then told me he had posted next door by mistake! and the fucking women is not home sometimes shes out all wkend!
ffs, cant ye get a coat hanger and make some kind of hook, not like ur not already a criminal ;/


Well-Known Member
bet if you got caught trying any of that shit you would get done with attempting house breaking lol,go try it sambo lol
thats why u dont get caught, ull surley hear the door at the bottom of tha landing openin/closin, i only advise that if shes out all wikend like.


Well-Known Member
sambo if shes out all weekend just kick the door in do it proper lol,you will end up doing it pissed,then falling asleep on her couch after having a munch ha ha


Well-Known Member
sambo if shes out all weekend just kick the door in do it proper lol,you will end up doing it pissed,then falling asleep on her couch after having a munch ha ha
i could just imagine that, sambo sittin eatin out her fridge and watchin all her prerecorded programmes sittin in her front room lol

and ye sambo if its where ur moving from, deffo go get stom steelies and get that door in, nick ur mail and close it again... simple, yale locks are the best can be kicked in time and time again...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Blue pit - lazy trimming I know
Dog to follow
looks fucking lovely that fella, tried it yet?

I don't doubt it mate, I've been checking whenever I've got cash but their never in stock when I've got money. It's been on my to grow list for ages lol
there'll be regulars for ages now
i actually really liked that burnt rubber pheno it was different and distinctive, other dog ive had didnt taste like that and didnt enjoy it as much as i did the rubber pheno.
ive got the fucking ump stupid cunting postman has delivered my drugs next door! was only cause i see him in the street and asked if he had delivered to my address yet that the mongo then told me he had posted next door by mistake! and the fucking women is not home sometimes shes out all wkend!
it was a weird one that pheno, billy reckoned his lot loved it but i just couldn't get away with it, apart from it being too strong too haha

and wtf man postie sounds a reet div


Well-Known Member
with her thongs out her dirty washing,over his heed lol 2 funny,and im only smoking rocky
am smokin some soap lol, aye better keep quiet, net itl be in the newspaper, attempted burgler lmao

i think ud getput on the register for sniffin panties like but give it a go sambo.


Well-Known Member
Not yet, the rest of my weekend is free though now and will be sampling them both thoroughly ;)
cant beat a good sampling, i got 1g of perty good soft hash for free from my guy, he just got some in when i was down pickin up a q, but hes sellin a tenner a g so i aint interested too expensive for me right now, hes sellin soap as a fallback, my weed well an oz prolly gone, sof black and i think hes got some slate but i dont realy like it that much.

ill be sampling this hash through paper plastic and water...


Well-Known Member
roots.jpgthis is last harvests roots, now u understand why i had to double pot. and also the only way i can cool my bulb to keep the temps below fuckin 90/33c cant wait to get my rvk fan for extraction this budget one is shiyte, might just use it as a carbon scrubber after i get my new shit, clean the smell before it even gets to the rhino filter im gettin.
