
ok im doing my first grown and if you have any tips for me plz let me know I have a few questions that need answered also first off I just germinated two seeds they have sprouted out of the soil is it ok to put them both in the same cup and if yes when should I separate them I also have them in miracle grow auto release feeding orchid potting mix people say its not a good idea but its the only thing around and they seem to be doing fine I also only have about 6-8 cfl lights and 2 really big florescent lights to grow with is that ok im going to let them get abt 10 inches or so out side and then take them inside for veg and flowering so my neighbors don't call the cops I am going to put them in my basement with a 18/6 light cycle then a 12/12 light cycle for flower how long should I veg and how long until the start to flower right now it is may and im only getting about 16-17 hours of light outside which I think should be fine do I need to set up make shift walls in my basement or can I just put them in a corner with foil to reflect the light im litterlly broke with no money and have to work with what I have so don't suggest any high priced stuff thank you


Active Member
First suggestion use some periods so this is not one long sentence! Lol. Put each plant in separate cups. Let them fill out in those cups until the are roughly as wide and tall as the cup. If your using something like a red party cup. Then transplant into larger 3 gallon pot. You will not need to give any fertilizer for a while with that soil. Once you go to 12/12 the plants will double in size. So my advise for what you got is grow then to around 12 inches. Then flower they will prob double in size. You can get by with your lights for now but will prob want more when they get bigger. Keep them close to light 2" away once they are past the seedling stage. Don't use foil. It is bad idea white walls or Mylar. You can make something for makeshift walls/tent box. Might not need that at all if you can ensure total darkness when lights are off.


Well-Known Member
ok im doing my first grown and if you have any tips for me plz let me know I have a few questions that need answered also first off I just germinated two seeds they have sprouted out of the soil is it ok to put them both in the same cup and if yes when should I separate them I also have them in miracle grow auto release feeding orchid potting mix people say its not a good idea but its the only thing around and they seem to be doing fine I also only have about 6-8 cfl lights and 2 really big florescent lights to grow with is that ok im going to let them get abt 10 inches or so out side and then take them inside for veg and flowering so my neighbors don't call the cops I am going to put them in my basement with a 18/6 light cycle then a 12/12 light cycle for flower how long should I veg and how long until the start to flower right now it is may and im only getting about 16-17 hours of light outside which I think should be fine do I need to set up make shift walls in my basement or can I just put them in a corner with foil to reflect the light im litterlly broke with no money and have to work with what I have so don't suggest any high priced stuff thank you
Ask yourself if it's worth it. You need the proper lights to get big buds, is it still worth it to you if you get a bunch of popcorn buds?
First suggestion use some periods so this is not one long sentence! Lol. Put each plant in separate cups. Let them fill out in those cups until the are roughly as wide and tall as the cup. If your using something like a red party cup. Then transplant into larger 3 gallon pot. You will not need to give any fertilizer for a while with that soil. Once you go to 12/12 the plants will double in size. So my advise for what you got is grow then to around 12 inches. Then flower they will prob double in size. You can get by with your lights for now but will prob want more when they get bigger. Keep them close to light 2" away once they are past the seedling stage. Don't use foil. It is bad idea white walls or Mylar. You can make something for makeshift walls/tent box. Might not need that at all if you can ensure total darkness when lights are off.
This is good advice, but you had asked about putting them into the same pot? Big No-No. If one is female and the other male, it will pollinate giving you seeds, and you cannot remove one plant without damaging the root system of the other. How long you let them VEG for depends on the grow size that you have, and the light you are using. I suggest getting a 250W MH/HPS conversion light, depending on your grow size. Growing 2 plants is not worth it unless you use proper lighting, you will make out with under a 1/2 oz. Ebay has some decent prices for lights if your willing to shop online. Also not good to bring a plant indoors that has been growing outside. Keep your CFL lights as close to the plants as you can.. 1-2" it will not hurt them. Tinfoil is garbage, use white paint or Mylar safety blankets from wali world.


Well-Known Member
You would be better off going out and just buying bud. Big ass waste of time coming up for you.


Well-Known Member
Your post is amazing there is not one comma or full stop in sight I will attempt to answer the question no they should not be in the same pot please give them their own pot they don't need nutrients for a while definitely don't feed any extra nutrients for a few weeks I don't understand why you are going to put them outside just put them inside from the start the cfls need to be the right colour spectrum for veg and flower and veg for a few weeks I don't know it's up to you it's not a cheap hobby this indoor growing it is not a case of just throwing some seedlings under some lights well you can do it but I'd say that you will probably run into some issues and or get a really bad yield like so bad it probably wasn't worth doing but if you read up get some good seeds or clones some good lights medium ph meter ppm meter temp gauge and some fans it will be worth it


Active Member
I agree with everyone's post. But hey you have to start some place. You may find this is not for you and not worth the effort for what you harvest at first. However you may love the hobby and this may be the start you need to learn what upgrades are required for a proper grow. I started the same way making my own grow box with 4' stand 40 watt fluorescent tubes. What people think is a good idea to save some money and have their own personal Stash turns into a hobby and love for growing and learning about the hobby. Keep learning and keep growing!


yea I know I wont get a big yield im not really trying to either, because I don't have 250 dollars for a fckin grow light that's ridiculous, but like I said im just testing it out with the cheap materials I have. we will see how they come out I don't even care if I get popcorn buds for the dumbass who said that, because you can smoke popcorn buds stupid,and sorry for making one big run on sentence I didn't relize my computer usually auto gramatizes and corrects.


so far I have two that have sprouted, and about 5-6 more germinating after they get so tall that my neighbors can look at them and tell is a weed plant I am going to start growing them inside will this turn them hermie? and what is so bad about hermies because as far as I know they just grow buds with seed in it.but hell every time I buy a bag of smoke it has seed in it. I live in a really small town were weed is not legal. and don't see much of the high grade shit and when I do its 50 a gram here so I don't ever get the chance to smoke it anyways,man do I wish I lived in cali or Colorado where people are pros at growing this shit


ok one more question. all I have after my cups is like 3-4 really big pots im guessing like 5-7 gallons something like that,basicly to big for a seedling is it ok if I fill that halfway for my seedling ,then fill the rest of the way and repot when its big enough?


Active Member
Don't buy any smoke for a few weeks and save some $ to get the correct set-up. It will pay off in the long run.

yea I know I wont get a big yield im not really trying to either, because I don't have 250 dollars for a fckin grow light that's ridiculous, but like I said im just testing it out with the cheap materials I have. we will see how they come out I don't even care if I get popcorn buds for the dumbass who said that, because you can smoke popcorn buds stupid,and sorry for making one big run on sentence I didn't relize my computer usually auto gramatizes and corrects.
OK this will be the last time I give you any advice on this forum. You are sounding like a moron, and you are at a place for advice, yet you seem to be getting defense when people give it to you. Your a newb, who doesn't sound like you really want advice.First, You need to take 250$ and set it aside for your grow. (If you can't do that, delete your account on this page right now and stop smoking pot.)

Go online, I recommend, i have never had a problem with it. Search for 250w HPS Full setups. f There is one right there for $110

You also want to check out $30 florescent 2 tube bulb systems at Home Depot or Wal-mart for your seedlings. You do not want them under the HID Light right away.

Go to your local Wall-Mart super center that has a garden center...(It could be 100 miles away, you said that you lived in the boonies.) Find Red party cups.(24 pack) and 6; 2-3 Gallon pots. Buy 2 Bags of soil, (Moisture control) As well as a bag of PEARLIGHT (Small little white balls). Mix your soil/pearlight to 1 parts pearlight to 3 parts soil when the time comes.
Buy 2 Fans, your choice, but make sure they are decent. 2 10-12 Gauge extension cords.

Find a 6x6x8 Grow space. CLEAN IT. Find a small closet, CLEAN IT. Set up your fluorescent lights in the closet, so that that you can put the RED party cups underneath them, a shelf is preferable. There is a pic of what im talking about.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GERMINATE, THIS IS ALWAYS THE CASE. Plant your seeds 3/4" into the red cups. Grow them on a timer, 19/5 (19 hrs on/5 off) If you buy that light setup, you can use the timer that comes with it. Go for about 12-16 days under the florescent lights then transplant to the bigger pots, and put under the HID light for the same light/dark period. Grow them for at least another 2 weeks under the HID or however long you please or have room for Then switch to 12/12 (Flower Mode) after the plant has at least a total life of 4-5 weeks of VEG. You want to keep the HID light about 14-24" away from the light if you do not have a cool air hood. Keep one of the fans blowing on it while it is on to keep it cool.

Once you are in 12/12 it will take 8-13 weeks depending on what type of bud you are growing to harvest. This is a rookie setup, and is not to be misconstrued by other posters that I don't know what I'm talking about. Again, this is for a Newby.

Also, you stated most of your pot has seeds. That means it probably only reached 1/2 its potency when it was grown. When a female plant is grown it will get white pistils that are looking for male pollen. When they do not get this pollen they form resin glands...the good shit. When they get pollen, they do not put out resin or thc. The pistil dies forming a seed at the base. This is why Sensimilla, or CHRONIC is expensive and never $50/ are being ripped off myfriend and smoking shwag weed, all the more reason to save some money and do it yourself for some good weed. Smoking "popcorn" bud is low level thc product and used by most top level growers to make hash, or somone like myself...cut it off before it ever turns to measly popcorn bud so that the colas can produce 2x as much weight rather then worrying about popcorn shit on the bottom.



Active Member
yo you don't even need any of that if you don't care about size of harvest etc.

just go to home depot, buy:
some big bulbs (
something to plug them into (

if you have these as well as red cups, dirt or another growing medium of some sort, paper towels, an AC unit in your home and a fan ( you can grow weed plants that will produce bud

not much, but they'll produce bud