BC99 at it again! Blue Cheese x LUSH , Peyote Purple x Tahoe Og, Chemband et al.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
When you wake up to a bowl of cereal, you want this specific one. Because you like that one, you prefer it.

So when you wake up and wanna smoke a J because you prefer too. Is that not addiction? You can't help but want it so bad you do so


Well-Known Member
I have more withdraw from not drinking coffee that smoking a joint, and thats where I consider an addiction.
Not saying weed doesnt have an amount of dependance, but for me personally it isnt something that will make me sick if I dont have it.
I dont smoke as much as lots of others do though.
I agree that sugar and several other things we consume are addictive, and not really recognized as such.
Try the Adkins diet if you dont believe we are addicted (or need) carbs.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Withdrawal is only Part of it My Friend.

Their are some people who go through Ganja Withdrawal, does that mean they are the only ones addicted?
I'm not saying All Pot heads are addicted to Pot, just like not all Asians Are Addicted to eating Cats. But there is a Fine Line between Can't Live Without - Can Live Without.

I do belive it's a Medicine. But Can't Vicodin Be Addicting Too?


Well-Known Member
Withdrawal is only Part of it My Friend.

Their are some people who go through Ganja Withdrawal, does that mean they are the only ones addicted?
I'm not saying All Pot heads are addicted to Pot, just like not all Asians Are Addicted to eating Cats. But there is a Fine Line between Can't Live Without - Can Live Without.

I do belive it's a Medicine. But Can't Vicodin Be Addicting Too?
Vicodin def is addicting, and that because the alkaloids from opium were seperated.
Without balance it will be a problem
Not saying pure opium isnt addicting, abut less to be sure.
Just like thc separated from the rest of cannabis or solely synthesized will most likely prove to be addictive, and be means for the FDA (Fucking Dumb Asses)
to say MMJ is a DRUG and addictive.

Anyway I would rather be addicted to Mary Jane that anything else.
I know I am addicted to pussy, and have withdrawal if I dont get it, but thats another story....

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Ambz will Arizona recognize me having a MMJ Rec even though its from California???
yes, Arizona accepts Califorina medical mj cards. so you can have 2.5 oz on you here. unless they just recently changed the law.
im looking forward to tokin on
some your sweet dank ass herb bruda.
Are you sending it to WA or CA?

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
He Can't.... So he's either gonna have to grow his own, or obtain it from another Patient... Kinda Gay how that Works...

Wait a minute!! Maybe he can brin his own? Will they take his Meds away at the Border???


Well-Known Member
Do you feel like you can get addicted to Marijuana?

(I Love Starting These Conversations)

(90% of the Time I Piss People Off)

imo no. people that get addicted to pot dont realize its just them being assholes becuz they havent smoked. addicted no. can it change and alter your personality permanently i do believe so. but the altered personality i believe isnt from addiction. i feel its more from smoking for such an extended amount of time like i do that when you dont your mind just doesnt feel right. if i dont get my wake and bake bowl anymore im a terrible asshole to those around me until i do. my personality has been altered from it for good im probably gonna say. so if im ever an asshole to any of yall i apologize.


Well-Known Member
So because Exercise Helps you sleep good, and has Positive effects, can't exercise be Addicting?
no becuz you dont get physically ill from not exercizing a day you just feel like being lazy. my dad has withdrawls from alcohol just after one day. he has to have a beer everyday by about 230 in the afternoon or he starts getting headaches and sweats.


Well-Known Member
Withdrawal is only Part of it My Friend.

Their are some people who go through Ganja Withdrawal, does that mean they are the only ones addicted?
I'm not saying All Pot heads are addicted to Pot, just like not all Asians Are Addicted to eating Cats. But there is a Fine Line between Can't Live Without - Can Live Without.

I do belive it's a Medicine. But Can't Vicodin Be Addicting Too?
i feel the withdrawal is mostly in their heads. marijuana is proven to be none addicting. can people become addicted to the high itself? yes i believe so. but not the actual smoke or dro imo.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
imo no. people that get addicted to pot dont realize its just them being assholes becuz they havent smoked. addicted no. can it change and alter your personality permanently i do believe so. but the altered personality i believe isnt from addiction. i feel its more from smoking for such an extended amount of time like i do that when you dont your mind just doesnt feel right. if i dont get my wake and bake bowl anymore im a terrible asshole to those around me until i do. my personality has been altered from it for good im probably gonna say. so if im ever an asshole to any of yall i apologize.

Apology excepted... Ha jk

I do belive you're spot on about the personality changes... Which is why when People Addicted to LSD or Ebombs sort of... Lose their Mind I blame the addiction. Which is why you sort of... Contradicted yourself. But that's coo

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
no becuz you dont get physically ill from not exercizing a day you just feel like being lazy. my dad has withdrawls from alcohol just after one day. he has to have a beer everyday by about 230 in the afternoon or he starts getting headaches and sweats.
People that are addicted to Pot Go through that same issue


Well-Known Member
Anyway I would rather be addicted to Mary Jane that anything else.
I know I am addicted to pussy, and have withdrawal if I dont get it, but thats another story....
i used to be so addicted to pharmacutical drugs that i had pretty severe withdrawals from it. was sick for about a week. chills aches and pains. headaches. was totally shitty. 90 vicoden, 60 valium, not to mention nerontin and a few other shitty pills that can become addicting. also if you take a bunch of tramadol it will get you high as a kite. found that one out on accident. back hurt popped a few good sized ones and half way home had to pull over and get a ride. :( but now i smoke and drink once in a blue moon. m good buddy jack helps with what weed wont.


Well-Known Member
Apology excepted... Ha jk

I do belive you're spot on about the personality changes... Which is why when People Addicted to LSD or Ebombs sort of... Lose their Mind I blame the addiction. Which is why you sort of... Contradicted yourself. But that's coo
no becuz being an asshole isnt being addicted. your body being chemically dependent on something that isnt naturally found in the body is an addiction.


Well-Known Member
People that are addicted to Pot Go through that same issue
its all mental with pot imo. i had a friend that said the same thing. but in all honesty found that this person was seeking freebies and sympathy bowls. but my crippled ass does not do much sympathy for pain. some people complain but dont realize that i live with horrible back pain that makes me have to lay down mid day for an hour to rest it otherwise by the end of the night im in tears.


Well-Known Member
Proven by who? Why do we smoke pot?.... To Get HIGHHHH!!! Haha
I love the high dont get me wrong...but the main reason (for me) is to medicate.
I used alcohol and speed etc...then big pharma....
Now I use pot for anxiety, sleeping aid mood elevator, as a substitute for alcohol, for headaches, nausea and to help with preventing cancer, diabetes and what ever else it does.
I even find that a sativa in the morning will make me feel more confident and outgoing.

Pills I quit for pot
BP meds
Anxiety meds
GERD med
Acid Reflux med
Sleeping pills
Still take Ibuprofin a lot when bud wont cure the migraine

It was a simple choice for me as soon as I realized all the propaganda behind weed was ALL BS.