Burning at 300 PPM


Active Member
I can't be certain of the strain since it did come from a friend's bag of of weed that she said was kush, but I my educated guess is that it's 60% indica 40% sativa. Thanks alot for the facts about temperatures and the right pH level.
i've got some decent crops from bag seeds, but imo it's always better to get it from a company specialized in breeding. i prefer tga subcool myself. i order from the single seed centre. a bit pricey but worth it. nirvana and attitude also are known to be real good. if you ever do decide to order seeds, be sure to research the company because the net is filled with scammers that will take your money and send you nothing. a few bad ones i hear of are pot seed pimp, guru seeds, and dr greenthumb. if there are too many negative stories about a company on the net, they're probably not legit.

then once i find a strain i really like, i re veg it and turn it into a mother. then you can cut as many clones as needed as time progresses, even faster than seed. i raise 3 mothers of different strains myself. maybe 4 soon. gotta love keeping variety in you and your friends stash boxes. coffee in the morning, sativa in the day, indica at night.
pizzapuffer, you are where I want to be. I'm heading there though. Here's the strains I have picked out...
http://www.marijuana-seeds-canada.com/products/medical-2046 and...
I just wanted to get my hydro set up fine-tuned before I spent big bucks on quality seeds. Also, your set up is a bigger version of what I'm setting up. Where I am, if you have more than 6 plants it's automatic 6 months in jail. I am keeping my system to, two flowering closets, and a mother / cloning cabinet 5 plants total. If it takes 3 months to flower, I will harvest every month and a half with the two flower chambers. I want to some day be able to have two mothers of each of the two varieties I gave links to above but I'm so paranoid of going to jail that I'm keeping it to one strain for the time being. Anyway thanks again. Someday I'll have my morning sativa and indica nightcap. lol


Active Member
pizzapuffer, you are where I want to be. I'm heading there though. Here's the strains I have picked out...
http://www.marijuana-seeds-canada.com/products/medical-2046 and...
I just wanted to get my hydro set up fine-tuned before I spent big bucks on quality seeds. Also, your set up is a bigger version of what I'm setting up. Where I am, if you have more than 6 plants it's automatic 6 months in jail. I am keeping my system to, two flowering closets, and a mother / cloning cabinet 5 plants total. If it takes 3 months to flower, I will harvest every month and a half with the two flower chambers. I want to some day be able to have two mothers of each of the two varieties I gave links to above but I'm so paranoid of going to jail that I'm keeping it to one strain for the time being. Anyway thanks again. Someday I'll have my morning sativa and indica nightcap. lol
if your looking for the single seed site i use it's http://www.worldwide-marijuana-seeds.com/ i've never heard of the one you mentioned but they could be legit. just make sure to research it first, you dont want to lose any money over seeds. here is a thread on them though i didnt really read it https://www.rollitup.org/seed-strain-reviews/158327-has-anybody-ordered-single-marijuana-2.html

man i'd be careful bro, 1 day in jail is too long. i probably wouldnt even tell no one except very closer family and friends and sometimes not even then. people get jealous or greedy and do stupid things like snitching from my experience. im lucky im in michigan and they are very lenient. i grow around 25-30 plants all different stages. all legal thanks to mi medical laws. i keep cutting clones from my mothers. every week i try to put 1 or 2 plants in flower. so then i harvest a plant every week. this way it keeps me in my legal limits. i'd rather not have pounds of weed drying cause once it's usable, it counts as weight. and it's not up to us when it's usable, it's up to the law. i often have extra clones i dont have room for so i just give them away free of charge to other friends that are legal growers. otherwise my flower rooms get too crowded and the you get less yield per plant cause some of the branches get blocked from light.