More on the evils of capitalism.

I'm not digging the whole altruism/selfish thing. I believe people act in an altruistic manner for selfish reasons. It makes them feel good to do good. So, in a way it's selfish. I don't think altruism exists.
It can be argued that selfishness is refracted altruism.
it can be argued that altruism is refracted selfishness.
It might be an angels/pinhead sort of argument, up until some selfish **** does me a bad one. cn
Then go out and be altruistic my friend. I dare you to commit a random act of kindness for no reciprocation.

I dare you.
Oh I'm a do-gooder. Just a few minutes ago I got my wife a roll of toilet paper while she was on the thrown because I had used the last of it while I was pooping.

She didn't even say thank you and that didn't bother me.....Does that count?
Oh I'm a do-gooder. Just a few minutes ago I got my wife a roll of toilet paper while she was on the thrown because I had used the last of it while I was pooping.

She didn't even say thank you and that didn't bother me.....Does that count?

Nah, that's kind of crooked. Is she washing her hands before she makes dinner?
Oh I'm a do-gooder. Just a few minutes ago I got my wife a roll of toilet paper while she was on the thrown because I had used the last of it while I was pooping.

She didn't even say thank you and that didn't bother me.....Does that count?
Having once been married myself, if I'd used the last and not replaced it ... I'd be ashamed. i wouldn't dream of expecting thanks for undoing my whoopsie. Fwiw. cn
No, she doesn't make dinner. She is a marxist so our gender roles are reversed. I cook, clean, work and take care of our child....she watches bum fights and doesn't wear a bra.


So you're a feminist comrade!
You really need to stop "deciphering". It interferes with hearing what others say. Jmo. cn

Isn't that the truth. And to call it "deiphering"? It is insult delivery plain and simple.

Miller, before the Commitee in Congress, tried that. They would ask a question, and he would decipher it, and attempt to answer the reworded question, "If you mean, blah, blah, then yes, but if you mean blah blah, then...well just let me answer and see if it helps you.." NO

This would make Christ proud. To resurrect a 6 1/2 yr old post that had no replies, then to see it increase to 18 pages... it's a miracle.
"According to me, the economic constitution of India and for that matter of that of the world, should be such that no-one under it should suffer from want of food and clothing. In other words everybody should be able to get sufficient work to enable him to make the two ends meet. And this ideal can be universally realised only if the means of production of the elementary necessaries of life remain in the control of the masses. These should be freely available to all as God's air and water are or ought to be ; they should not be made a vehicle of traffic for the exploitation of others. Their monopolisation by any country, nation or group of persons would be unjust. The neglect of this simple principle is the cause of the destitution that we witness today not only in this unhappy land but in other parts of the world too" ~Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi