I want to apologize

Last week I wrote a thread about sub and not getting a response to my emails. I was wrong to criticize in any way. He has done so much for the mmj community I feel bad even bitching. I AM SORRY.


Well-Known Member
I got kicked/banned from his shitty undernet irc channel for being a pig too and I'm not sorry.I've heard (alhtough I don't know for sure) he practices off the wall shit and his soil made my fave hydro store smell like a bait shop.
I got kicked/banned from his shitty undernet irc channel for being a pig too and I'm not sorry.I've heard (alhtough I don't know for sure) he practices off the wall shit and his soil made my fave hydro store smell like a bait shop.
Hahaha, what do you mean off the wall shit? That caught my attention.
why was the op mad? I am missing something.
I think tga strains smell good.

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Last week I wrote a thread about sub and not getting a response to my emails. I was wrong to criticize in any way. He has done so much for the mmj community I feel bad even bitching. I AM SORRY.
Dude I have posted in your original thread. It takes a BIG man to say he fucked up, especially over the internet where no one is truly accountable. I dont know Subcool but they way he dealt with you and others in your original thread makes me respect him as both a breeder and business man. All I can say is I think he may deserve the respect for you to issue your apology in the original thread where you issued your complaint. Kinda a closure thing for someone who reads it a year from now ya know??? nip it in the bud. Much respect for steppin up though, more like you would make the community a better place. -S0uP


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, what do you mean off the wall shit? That caught my attention.
why was the op mad? I am missing something.
I think tga strains smell good.
I may have used the wrong term, I don't follow sub and was trying to remember just what was said, that's as close as I could come.


Well-Known Member
While you may have been incorrect with your original thread, or made a mistake, NO ONE is above criticism. You may have made a mistake but you were not "wrong to criticize". Only bad things can happen when one is surrounded by "yes men".