Club 600

I would need a scooter about this pimp to consider riding it :)
Hey guys! I got to visit such a great system over the weekend. Spent all day yesterday making oil.

AND! as i parted out, i was gifted a hugeeee bitch! i never had a plant with such a fat stalk yet :]

she was in a green house, veggin away in a 1 gallon. i just transplanted her to a 3 gaL, Made some babies, now getting her ready to throw into the flower chamber! i have no room in my veg kingdom for a plant this size, so im using up the living room while everyone is away :]

I shall name her, Calisi, my queen!


trippin snippin in the living room :]

DST! looking lovelyyyy on the vert.
Doobie. If you're looking for a real good upgrade an older gsxr750 is a good 2nd bike. A lot of people are going to tell you to ride a 250-600 for a year or two, but whatever. My first bike was actually a ninja 1000. Insane fast, but I did do a ton of riding as a kid not that it really is a good comparison, but I understood how easy it was to lock up the rear brake, dump it etc. If you get another bike I would get a 600 at least. The thing with the 1000 was I didn't need to ride high in the rpms all the time, plus a bigger rear sprocket helps with torque. Maybe you can get a bigger sprocket for your moped? It will make your top speed less, but get you up to your speed quicker.
Long but good day of work in. Fish fry and skettie for din, about to smoke a fat doobie while listening to the country night,,, then washing it all down with a milkshake! :-)

Thanks for all the pr0n everyone, you all make life more enjoyable :-)
holy shit a fucking hurricane just rolled in. they're saying 70mph winds. I wouldn't doubt it. Crazy storm right now. Hope I don't lose power, but whatever... Have jail for a week starting tomorrow :( LOL
Well I finally got this humming bird that has Ben coming to the feeder to land on my finger in front of feeder what a trip it.was like for 10 seconds but wow was a cool feeling ......going to try and build a trust maybe he let me pet him later on like my grandpa was able to do with one years ago next mission is pics. But I have to be standing by feeder when he comes just can't walk up to it so kinda difficult
Well I finally got this humming bird that has Ben coming to the feeder to land on my finger in front of feeder what a trip it.was like for 10 seconds but wow was a cool feeling ......going to try and build a trust maybe he let me pet him later on like my grandpa was able to do with one years ago next mission is pics. But I have to be standing by feeder when he comes just can't walk up to it so kinda difficult

Thats hella tight I've been wanting to try that. I have 3 or 4 that visit on a regular basis. 3 will eat at once I have.
Thats tight. We can stand right next to ours their not scared or anything. Been thinking about putting my finger out.

That's what I did if ime near the feeder the come right up no problem so I just stuck my finger where they sit and he kinda just came up and sat and started eating I tried moving him.away from feeder on my finger he wasn't havin that and took off
cool stuff method. it is amazing hiow light birds can feel, I guess it's their hollow bones. Not sure I would want my friendly visiting pigeon to sit on my finger though, lol....probably shit on it knowing the fat little fuk that it is, lol.

holiday here today, it's called Pinksterdag (Pentecost) well today is Tweede Pinksterdag, yesterday was the first day, the Dutch are so nice to give us holidays on a Sunday, the bloody tools!
DSCN0727.jpgDSCN0730.jpgDSCN0731.jpg....holy shit , posted pics then my battery died....anyways here's day 19 of 12/12. Seems as the majority of the club is doing good and or happy. I wanted to share some pRon with yall. Happy growin errybody
You thought about washing it like Jorge C does in his video. Some oxyplus in some water and give the branches a bath, then rinse them off and hang them with a fan on them directly to get water out then hang normally......You got everything in house so why not try it?