You just keep telling yourself that there are only two options for every issue.
Chomsky has tried for decades to be the Rush Limbaugh of the left while whoring himself to any talk show that can stomach him. He pushed for the fairness doctrine because he feels the lack of this is why nobody but the most gullible will listen to him.
I've left remarks about your hero out of the conversation because you have supplied more than enough material without him. But the man you worship and quote his idiocy tried to have laws changed because he feels the lack of the Fairness Doctrine is what's keeping him from being a mega-star. He'll piss and moan about the Limbaughs of the world, because they have a platform and he doesn't and are making all of the money he should be making. He's a fucking hypocrite on the scale of Michael Moore.
Back up his quote. How is our press here more uniform and obedient than the Korean Central News? I'm throwing down the gauntlet for you to one time back up your shit. Just once. This is just one easy quote from one of your masters, surely you can prove his claim or at the very least show a country who has a more free press than ours.
His quote is ANY dictator, I challenge you to produce even ONE that would trade our free press for theirs. Any would mean all of them, his quote is so off is actually the opposite of true. NO dictator would trade.