Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Morning bakers, Today Mojo's radio is saying goodbye to Ray Manzarek, keyboard player and founding member of The Doors, he was 74. So with him in mind we'll spin the tune that started it all on that beach in L.A....it's time for a Moonlight Drive.

R.I.P Ray


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Morning bakers, Today Mojo's radio is saying goodbye to Ray Manzarek, keyboard player and founding member of The Doors, he was 74. So with him in mind we'll spin the tune that started it all on that beach in L.A....it's time for a Moonlight Drive.

R.I.P Ray
OMG! so young. Yeah the kiddies are laughing. But one day you will say the same thing. But when I think of Ray this is the classic for me. I'm playing this from the Hollywood Bowl. His keyboard riffs are above Jim's voice (rare).

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
wake and bake time gang!! fire in da hole!! bongsmilie ... fleetwood mac ..love them!!

put this in your pipe and smoke it...
Talk about a roller coaster.
That took me from Mojo's post of a proud & respectful tribute to a very artistic, productive & full life that continues to give ......to Grandpapy's great post & lmao......then back to The Dr's post & a lump in my throat.
Between thinking about the little ones growing up & all the people that have lost loved ones (especially children) in the tragedy & disasters......that one is also an excellent song/post that really hits very deep.
We may see & feel the landslide when they leave the nest or move on....but we will always see/hold them close to our hearts and at the top of the highest peaks.

"Dude! I said .....you must spread some rep around before hooking up Mojo, GP & The Doc, again!?!"

Ya know....I just don't think I feel like waiting today. It's already been done & its right here in the record books to prove it!:peace:


Well-Known Member
i WAS having a good morning until the other half got up (notice i didn't say my better half)...i think i will go fish lol

happy tuesday to you guys :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
After work today I helped carry off debris at one of the housing areas hit by yesterday's tornados here in Oklahoma. Some of those people lost everything, it was so sad.
After that I came home and fell asleep on the couch. A 3 hour nap does a body good!:-P Feeling re-energized, it's time for a little night-time wake n bake action.bongsmilie


I hope everyone's doing well. Have a great day on Wednesday!


Well-Known Member
Morning bakers, Today Mojo's radio is saying goodbye to Ray Manzarek, keyboard player and founding member of The Doors, he was 74. So with him in mind we'll spin the tune that started it all on that beach in L.A....it's time for a Moonlight Drive.

R.I.P Ray
the music is finally over.. the doors are closed. ray manzerek was by far the best keys player and one of my favorite musicians. i just found out about this from mojos post and this fucking sucks.. :(


Well-Known Member
Good morning my friends, Mojo's radio is going to take a freight train, down at the station and we don't care where it goes.

match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. Didn't sleep last night too tense. The soon to be ex will not give up her keys to my car. One of the reasons I filed for divorce was she signed my name to the title of another car we owned and gave it to her daughter. I hope she sees an attorney before she does something dumb. Man what a downer I am first thing. Whine whine whine sorry. I hope you all have a have great day.


Well-Known Member
Match, you need to play Mojo's video for today a few times. Hang in there.

I'm starting the day with Headband 707 and some Fire OG hash before heading down to work in the garden a bit.



Well-Known Member
Morning All!

John Prine has a scratchy voice, the tunes are bad to ok, but the lyrics......
No matter how shitty (my) life gets, this guy knows how I feel.:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
hey hey good morning everyone
i hate to hear that Match...hopefully it will be over soon brother
waking and baking with a little elvis and some kandy kush :eyesmoke: