More on the evils of capitalism.

OK dude, Prisoner's Dilemma is proof done deal that it is probably best if we uphold a system of rewarding dick heads in society.

Cool impasse bro.

That's what I call an impasse.

Just retort, PD matrix, everybody being dick heads = utopia...
I'm still reading myself.

Can't resist. cn

That makes sense. Aside from marx, what do you think about the CEOs that try to boost profit by reducing incomes of workers or reducing safety by cutting operating costs? Do you think CEOs and shareholders would accept lesser bonuses for the work of a corporation in total? The whole occupy movement- are those not working men and women who feel cheated by the same companies they support.

Honestly, I am not an expert on any of these matters. That is why I am discussing it here. I would like to broaden my outlook and gain insight...

Well, I'm hardly an expert. And really the only expert we have is cn, the great white bear. He seems to be an expert in forum diplomacy, as an exemplar. The rest of us are various levels of shit heads. :)

So, no experts here to sure. But, we try to bring facts. What do I think about CEOs that do this stuff? Hang them. That's how they do it in China. Yet, no CEO functions alone. Just like no President can just be King. So there is a list of very bad CEOs and there is a list of very good CEOs. Then there are the farm teams. CEOs in the making. Vast cloud of guys working their asses off with a CEO title only.

The Boards of Directors are in charge. Thats all for another post. But, it is the main confusion about CEOs. Not Kings. Not hardly. Reports to the Board.

But, really again, I caution the broad brush. CEOs are not a class we struggle with as workers. And I know some CEOs, some big names, friends on Facebook, etc (so what?)

They are extraordinary people because they can muster something. I call it followship. They lead we follow and the Board watches. If they are marching and no followship happens. They are out. I've been through several in one Company.

You go to work confident that the job will be there. Not so the CEO. I am just under the level of Corporate Officer. And that is a stable job. I have to be laid off, because I refuse to fuck up. My boss however could be gone any day, and his boss. A CEO, they just divert his jet. :)

Seriously if you think 300 days on the road is a good job, maybe CEO is for you.

And if you like being called and emailed about everything from everybody, employees, customers, citizens and governments.....
If you want to be legally and criminally responsible for 1000s of people....
If you can work the workaholics to death and them drink them under the table...
If you enjoy testifying in Court over arcane anti-trust considerations...
If you want your boss to be, a stacked against you, board of directors, that stopped being polite long ago....
If you like explaining how the failing of your company is personally your fault, to shareholders....
If you want every day to be a stress on how you plan to keep the millions they say you make, but you can't even look up from the work....

In all, it ain't fact it is so difficult that few have the training, experience and track record to even do it. Even getting the try is next to impossible unless you start it yourself.

I just say my friend Eric Schmidt on CNN. I worked for him and then he went Google, turned it into what it is. Then was run off by the 20 somethings stacked against him on the Board.
Oh, I missed one. Occupiers feel cheated by the companies? They aren't working. They are protesting...something.

They are extraordinary people because they can muster something. I call it followship. They lead we follow and the Board watches. If they are marching and no followship happens. They are out. I've been through several in one Company.
Wisdom. cn
Well, I'm hardly an expert. And really the only expert we have is cn, the great white bear. He seems to be an expert in forum diplomacy, as an exemplar. The rest of us are various levels of shit heads.

Talk about follower. Wipe the poop off your nose.
May I borrow this thread for mini-rant?.

Economic laws are designed for one purpose, to make a select few wealthy while fucking everyone else...see history of cannabis.

End rant.:bigjoint:
Man screw those evil capitalist trying to sell us $4 prescriptions. I mean really, who the hell can afford to spend $4 on drugs?
Yup. Born and raised.

Competition breeds innovation.

Competition is not for the weak.

Sorry, but if you want to get ahead in life you have to be a winner. Losers don't do shit.
Selfishness is not an evolutionary boon.

We're killing the planet.

Endless growth is the ideology of a cancer cell.

But that's not to point. Winners and losers are a real phenomenon, and it would be slow suicide to disregard the imperative to culling of the losers. There's a kumbaya undercurrent to not recognize losers as what they are, and that is political correctness raised to something fully as bad as cancer as well. cn