Finish the sentence above you!

mr west

Well-Known Member
keep pets, grow plants and not give "the MAN" any of my money.

Having a major illness.........


New Member
can take your life away but not your soul as it lives on forever.

My best friend is the greatest because......................


New Member
I would not just be growing it but selling it to compassion clubs.

This summmer I am going to go to.........................

mr west

Well-Known Member
excitement, the jet car is increadable to behold, 336mph, man thats fast.

who wants this spliff? its a big un whatch out for hot rocks.........

mr west

Well-Known Member
i like to sit in front of the tv in my special power rangers suit.

i havent seen it, could you..........


Well-Known Member
stop ruining the fuckin ending before i stab you in the eye with my moms hello kitty pen... thanks!

Don't snitch cause..


Well-Known Member
police who try to intimidate me but realize im much bigger when i step out the car ^^'

if wishes were fishes..