More on the evils of capitalism.

But that's not to point. Winners and losers are a real phenomenon, and it would be slow suicide to disregard the imperative to culling of the losers. There's a kumbaya undercurrent to not recognize losers as what they are, and that is political correctness raised to something fully as bad as cancer as well. cn

We could stop rewarding selfishness. That alone will show people the benefit of mutual aid.

Even Joe Rogan is growing out of hipster capitalism.
The greatest philosopher of our time.

Common ground brother AC. All I ask is when you overthrow the government you leave me and my gulch alone. I promise to do the same. Can I co-exist with the anarchists without throwing a wrench in your plans? Before you answer, I have to be up front in the fact that my clan will still hold to personal property rights. You can consider us like those crazy moonies or something as long as you stay away.
George Carlin was an anarchist by the way.

Don't believe it? He was an unapologetic socialist who last voted for George McGovern (left of Bolshevism). and you have seen his anti-gov't rants?

Here is a conversation he had with somebody in 2003.

somebody: You're known as a very liberal comic. Are you trying to change people's political views when you go out there? Do you have an underlying agenda?

George: No. First of all, I'm not liberal. I'm just about (being) anti-United States. I don't like the way this country operates. I think we've ruined this place. And I think it's largely because of businessmen. And businessmen are not liberals. So if that makes me a liberal, then that's just an association. It's not a choice. ...

I do not care about changing anybody. Nobody. I go out there to show the rest of the Americans how badly they're doing. This country has been, for about 180 years now, badly mishandled. And it's been in the wrong hands. It's been in the hands of the business interests.

And a lot of the beauty of this country has been shattered by them. The physical beauty and the kind of institutional beauty that was originally built into this place - this experiment, this magnificent experiment in democracy is just being shredded to pieces by these right-wing Christians, the Ashcroft branch of Republicanism. (They're) just shredding the rest of the Bill of Rights which hadn't been shredded already. They'd been doing a pretty good job on it up until then, anyway.

Somebody: Do you feel like this country has progressed any way, shape or form in the past 20 years?

George: Everybody's got more jet skis and Dustbusters now and sneakers with lights in them. They've got more cheese on their thing that they buy. They get double helpings. See, Americans measure all their progress in the wrong way. They measure by quantity and by gizmos and toys. And not by quality and by things that are important.

The most interesting thing to me is that the things that people would seem to have the most right to have - that is to say health, food, shelter and a job - are the things that are last on the list. To me, that is fundamental. Those are the things humans most need to function, and we have placed them at the bottom of the list. So I think that says a lot about national character and priorities.

and here is what he thought of libertarianism (the Rawn Pawl flavor)

One of the more pretentious political self-descriptions is "Libertarian." People think it puts them above the fray. It sounds fashionable, and to the uninitiated, faintly dangerous. Actually, it's just one more bullshit political philosophy.
Likely so but his shows were never so hateful as they were at the end. He turned comic genius of the obvious toward religion into a vile personal vendetta that was no longer funny. He did the same toward government too. I fear he may have died a very angry man. Hope not, he was still brilliant and I will defend any hypocrisy or inconsistencies hey may have had to the death and without logic. Bring it on. You are not the only one capable of illogical hero worship buddy.
Likely so but his shows were never so hateful as they were at the end. He turned comic genius of the obvious toward religion into a vile personal vendetta that was no longer funny. He did the same toward government too. I fear he may have died a very angry man. Hope not, he was still brilliant and I will defend any hypocrisy or inconsistencies hey may have had to the death and without logic. Bring it on. You are not the only one capable of illogical hero worship buddy.

I think he said what he felt he needed to say. I also think he was qualified to do so. Quite qualified, he saw it. He wanted everyone to see it. We are the victims of our own design. We need to see that.
I think he said what he felt he needed to say. I also think he was qualified to do so. Quite qualified, he saw it. He wanted everyone to see it. We are the victims of our own design. We need to see that.

Victims of our own designs, products of our own design, success stories of our own design, etc. It all depends on an individuals perspective. Where to place blame or credit is also up to the individual. If I'm happy with my life, why do you feel you have the right to take that happiness away? What kind of person does that?

If I tell you I'm happy and you say that I either don't understand happiness or am just too ignorant to realize I'm not, but could be, if I would just listen to you, I may have you shot. I'm just putting that out there.:razz:
If I tell you I'm happy and you say that I either don't understand happiness or am just too ignorant to realize I'm not, but could be, if I would just listen to you, I may have you shot. I'm just putting that out there.:razz:

True, no one should be forced into a direction. They must choose it or it will not hold. What makes you happy, be it right or not, is not for anyone to decide but yourself. Still others can provide information, some of which will be fact rest fiction but it is your job to logically and rationally determine what the best way of life is. Nevertheless, one should be aware it is possible to be sooo ignorant that you fool yourself into believing your way is the correct one. Not saying this is happening to you but just in general. I try to be neutral until swayed by fact. If I am wrong, so be it... at least I learned.

This thread has provided me with more clarity. Glad it was revived.
Victims of our own designs, products of our own design, success stories of our own design, etc. It all depends on an individuals perspective. Where to place blame or credit is also up to the individual. If I'm happy with my life, why do you feel you have the right to take that happiness away? What kind of person does that?

If I tell you I'm happy and you say that I either don't understand happiness or am just too ignorant to realize I'm not, but could be, if I would just listen to you, I may have you shot. I'm just putting that out there.:razz:

Everytime there is a winner, there is a loser. Sometimes many losers.
Everytime there is a winner, there is a loser. Sometimes many losers.

so judgemental young man.

What if my job is to teach your grandma how to walk after having a stroke. My success is her success. We both win if Im winning, we both lose if I mess up. Who loses if me and your Grandma win?

You keep promoting we are all in this together but then say shit like this. Some people devote their life to helping others, and make bank while doing so. That's gotta really suck for you. I not only get to help people, but I get rewarded for it handsomely. Am I doing it just for the money? Does it matter what my motivation is if the result is the same?

Sometimes I gotta say you think in slogans but don't think what they mean.
Winners and loser is an old game concept. It was assumed for most of History, there was nothing but the Zero Sum Game. Take from somebody to get something. But Cooperation to Compete in Contests of Conquest is reality. It has been under our nose the entire time.

It has been what humans do since the very beginning. If anyone remember my little story of the fur trader brothers. I was a FAIL by circumstance alone, Luck....(oh really? Just keep thinking that) but glad to be allowed to stand in the back. Remember that?

WE made the tribe stronger and better by competing for girls...Oh wow.

There was never a Zero Sum Game for humans. We had to invent that. In fact, in nature the ZSG is not practiced as nearly successfully as cooperating competition. We call it, in my business. Co-oppretitiion. From the Mammoth hunt. to The Pax Romana, and now E Pulibus Unum.

This is the natural state for humans. It is family, tribe, nation, world. We compete. Any and every power structure will seek to tamper with that. Theses '-isms, just seek to control competition in Humans. Most all fail.

The Greeks had the Olympics, we have Global Trade. It is all good.
Winners and loser is an old game concept. It was assumed for most of History, there was nothing but the Zero Sum Game. Take from somebody to get something. But Cooperation to Compete in Contests of Conquest is reality. It has been under our nose the entire time.

It has been what humans do since the very beginning. If anyone remember my little story of the fur trader brothers. I was a FAIL by circumstance alone, Luck....(oh really? Just keep thinking that) but glad to be allowed to stand in the back. Remember that?

WE made the tribe stronger and better by competing for girls...Oh wow.

There was never a Zero Sum Game for humans. We had to invent that. In fact, in nature the ZSG is not practiced as nearly successfully as cooperating competition. We call it, in my business. Co-oppretitiion. From the Mammoth hunt. to The Pax Romana, and now E Pulibus Unum.

This is the natural state for humans. It is family, tribe, nation, world. We compete. Any and every power structure will seek to tamper with that. Theses '-isms, just seek to control competition in Humans. Most all fail.

The Greeks had the Olympics, we have Global Trade. It is all good.

That is very hard to say with a mouthful of grapes. cn