The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
In NL the woman can ask to have her name changed but her passport still remains the same (it just has Echgenote van ......<<instert hubby's name) in very small type face aboe her real name. SO effectively, you can't change your name's just a ballache if you do anyway.

Saw the pics on FB Fred, Looks like you had a nice wedding lad.


Well-Known Member
I was pissed at my wedding because I didn't have any gatorade to drink. Can't stomach the stuff these days, but man was I busted up then.

Sucks you were the lone supplier for the wedding fred. It was the same story at mine, luckily I was the only one smoking.


Well-Known Member
I had to laugh at our reception (at our house) one of the girls who worked for me at the time said, "why do people keep disappearing into that room, and not coming out?" lol.....


Well-Known Member
It's good it was for the green and not the white. Been to too many of those parties. HAhaha... if us boys had our way, the side room would be for the fuckers who didn't want to smoke. The rest of the house would be blazed up! Lol... us boys never get our way. :(


Well-Known Member
I had to laugh at our reception (at our house) one of the girls who worked for me at the time said, "why do people keep disappearing into that room, and not coming out?" lol.....

Mr West congratulation My friend. Iv'e been married 4 times each one was hoot.
1st wedding the candle thing with all the flowers on it caught on fire.
3rd a horse ran off with the bride thank fuk for electric fences or that horse would still be running..LOL

mr west

Well-Known Member
we had a begger asking for spare change outside our reception. My mate told him to do one or else and he fucked off lol


Active Member
Lol n there was me worried coz I didn't want to turn up with no money or gift, prob could of managed a j lol

oh well there's always mine to come!!


Well-Known Member
That's fuckin priceless lmfao Wtf. why was she on a horse lol
We got married on horse back. And she got excited and squeezed the horse's side and away he went. LOL
Me and dad and brother were laughing so hard people were asking us what were we gonna do.
I said I guess wait till the horse get tired or she falls off. What a day. LOL. BTW the horse finally stopped and we got her off.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you mean you didn;t race off after her?! chivalry is dead hahaha just fuckin with ya buddy. holy shit hahahahahah man you got me rolling here, if only it was on video.


New Member

  • Ive been waiting for the bbc seed to pop and emerge and yesterday the seed case came off but this morning its still no unferled and opend its leaves grr.​


mr west

Well-Known Member
Proper chuffed about Palace Don, haha fucking top flight football done the palace way, by the skin of their teeth lol. @Danar, you pics seeem to be not working. bbc? big buddah cheese? Try some dippy ellsy if u wanting cheeseyness sir.