48days (first grow)


Well-Known Member
48days (first grow)
How are my plants looking ?
sorry the cam is abit blurry and not very good pics



Well-Known Member
sorry pics arnt clear.i will get some on digital cam later of sum of the leafs closer so u can look if there ok :)


Well-Known Member
they grow real rapid dint realise how fast the grew tbh.i have 4plants all that height and as bushy. 29inch tall. Been told gunna get a fair bit :)


Well-Known Member
aint to sure.all i know is there 400watt bulbs :).

4plants - 2x400Watt bulbs - area size 7ft wide 4ft height -


Well-Known Member
im guessing its a HPS OR MH so yh shes looking ok but not great for 2x 400w blubs damn
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Well-Known Member
Not Great ? or great lol. isit a bad thing 2x400watt bulbs? its only 2plants under 1bulb. and then 3foot away is the next 2plants and bulb


Well-Known Member
a 400w Hps is around 55000 lumen intenisty good for around 3-6 plants
how many plants you got coz you might find there no point in useing 2 x 400w
and its ok
but not for 2 x 400w


Well-Known Member
Work it like this the bigger room you got the more the lumens get shared
like 1 x 400w = 55000 per a squared meter so having a smaller box the lumens intenisty is better if you havnt got much plants like 4-7 only use 1 Hps


Well-Known Member
i see so basicly ur saying its a waste of light to have 1x400 bulb over plants?
The light gets bounced all around the room with refelctive material.

So next grow i should put say 5/6 plants under the 2x400 watts?


Well-Known Member
No the more Room you have in your box the the more the lumens are shared
so if we both have the same lights (1 x 400w hps) (55000 lumens)
but you got a bigger box your plants will have less lumens between the plant


Well-Known Member
ah i think i understand :) im rather dumb at this moment ha.
Obviously smaller room the more lumens the plants get then.and thats a good thing right?
sorry im a asshole at this stuff haha