More on the evils of capitalism.

so judgemental young man.

What if my job is to teach your grandma how to walk after having a stroke. My success is her success. We both win if Im winning, we both lose if I mess up. Who loses if me and your Grandma win?

You keep promoting we are all in this together but then say shit like this. Some people devote their life to helping others, and make bank while doing so. That's gotta really suck for you. I not only get to help people, but I get rewarded for it handsomely. Am I doing it just for the money? Does it matter what my motivation is if the result is the same?

Sometimes I gotta say you think in slogans but don't think what they mean.

So what if someone offers her physical therapy for cheaper? No matter how you cut it the division of labor puts people in competition with eachother for survival. The world is a rat race.
The Greeks had the Olympics, we have Global Trade. It is all good.

So there are no losers on earth as a result of global trade?

So you're saying that everybody is a winner in this game?

You're an idiot. Give it your best shot old fogerty, but I'm going to tell you right now, your entire outlook is flawed. Just as I pointed out in your trolling of my thread about the malthusian flaws, you're a social darwinist who thinks third world folks ought not to be fed because that would result in more third world folks.

So now you're saying that global capitalism creates only winners?

Why don't you put together a real argument for once?
So what if someone offers her physical therapy for cheaper? No matter how you cut it the division of labor puts people in competition with eachother for survival. The world is a rat race.

So what if they do? As long as he does his job he and your g'ma still win. I now have a free hour I can devote to someone who would rather pay for the excellence rather the cheapest service, or I lower my prices.

You seem to grasp the mutually agreed upon, mutually beneficial transactions as the best route for societal advancement and freedom. We call that free-trade, ewwww.

Free trade is not based on utility but on justice.
Edmund Burke
So since the state exists to protect private property and the state has a monopoly on force which is necessary to protect private property, we should privatize the state and let the owners of capital employ private armies and create jobs.

Create jobs

create jobs

create jobs

enslave humanity

create jobs

drudgery for survival

wage slavery

create jobs

don't free humanity, employ humanity.

create jobs

create jobs

buy the things you need for survival even though they all grow on trees and flow through the land and atmosphere.

create jobs

consolidate greater pieces of land

pass them on to your kids and not mine

my kids call your kids "your highness"

Yeah I've heard this stuff before.

FYI Anarchocapitalism is an oxymoron. It is right there with military intelligence, deregulation law, jumbo shrimp, military intelligence...your mom...etc...
So since the state exists to protect private property and the state has a monopoly on force which is necessary to protect private property, we should privatize the state and let the owners of capital employ private armies and create jobs.

Create jobs

create jobs

create jobs

enslave humanity

create jobs

drudgery for survival

wage slavery

create jobs

don't free humanity, employ humanity.

create jobs

create jobs

buy the things you need for survival even though they all grow on trees and flow through the land and atmosphere.

create jobs

consolidate greater pieces of land

pass them on to your kids and not mine

my kids call your kids "your highness"

Yeah I've heard this stuff before.

FYI Anarchocapitalism is an oxymoron. It is right there with military intelligence, deregulation law, jumbo shrimp, military intelligence...your mom...etc...

What the? I don't even.....

I'm fighting the urge to do a dickhead translation. I think I'll just slowly back away from you instead. You got some bad juju going on in your head. Such a Debbie Downer. You are just damned depressing, I can't do this with you anymore. I mean this with all offense, you suck at life right now, I hope it gets better for you.
What the? I don't even.....

I'm fighting the urge to do a dickhead translation. I think I'll just slowly back away from you instead. You got some bad juju going on in your head. Such a Debbie Downer. You are just damned depressing, I can't do this with you anymore. I mean this with all offense, you suck at life right now, I hope it gets better for you.


Oh yes they is.

Oh Yeah, I almost forgot.

Fuck Adam Kokesh.
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum...Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune." ~Noam Chomsky.
Abandonconflict out of curiosity, does your outlook on life make you angry towards the world or are you in your mind trying to share a sense of enlightenment you feel with others? Like it terms of a career or motivation, knowing you compete with others and the state of things...Whenever I talk to people who share your beliefs, many of which I find validity in, they tell me it gets them down. How do you believe what you do and still continue along with the same ideas in society which you dislike?
Abandonconflict out of curiosity, does your outlook on life make you angry towards the world or are you in your mind trying to share a sense of enlightenment you feel with others? Like it terms of a career or motivation, knowing you compete with others and the state of things...Whenever I talk to people who share your beliefs, many of which I find validity in, they tell me it gets them down. How do you believe what you do and still continue along with the same ideas in society which you dislike?

"There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures." ~Shakespeare

Now is a time like no other. For the first time in history, the capability exists to bring the sum of all collected knowledge and make it available to all, equally. Welcome to the New Age.

Make no mistake, a revolution is occuring and the classes are in upheaval.
Abandonconflict out of curiosity, does your outlook on life make you angry towards the world or are you in your mind trying to share a sense of enlightenment you feel with others? Like it terms of a career or motivation, knowing you compete with others and the state of things...Whenever I talk to people who share your beliefs, many of which I find validity in, they tell me it gets them down. How do you believe what you do and still continue along with the same ideas in society which you dislike?

No, dude, you are new and don't yet realize. He is an admired troll and an unrelenting troll. He is trying for just this sort of confusion.
He lives for strife. His forum name is sarcastic.

When I first came upon him, he was baiting Christiians in another sub-forum. He said we was a medical student. And was he stating fights about the bible and medical pot. The Medical student bit was when I asked him WTF?? as you do here. It is just kicking the tar baby.

Next he as a Ranger Vet, shouting about the injustice of war in Iraq. Now lately he has been a weird Choms-ite Marxist, babbling about aracho-babble at every chance. You can just ignore it. I do.
Doer doesn't like me because I don't put up with his bullshit. He defends Ayn Rand, the GOP and claims that the Palestinians are actually the Gestapo. He thinks that third world hunger is a good thing.

And really you fucking moron? I was "stating fights between Christiians"?

I mean if you want to "warn the new guy about me" at least be honest. I posted a thread looking for biblical arguments against the use of cannabis and I was the one telling atheists to stop attacking Christians so that they could present a biblican argument, I'm an athiest and I never once criticized any religion anywhere in that thread.

Quote me saying I went to ranger school or that I was a medic in the army you dim wit. Quote it.

I dare you, quote it. I never said I was a ranger or a medic in the army you idiot. I was an airborne infantryman.

If you want to insist I'm uneducated at least spell correctly.

You have trolled every thread I have started. You have never offered any useful input-ever-on any of those threads. No buddy, I don't even lie about Obama.

You just hate me because I consistently make you look like the dumb ass you are.
