Well-Known Member
That is very hard to say with a mouthful of grapes. cn
Not if they are Germanic slave girls...
That is very hard to say with a mouthful of grapes. cn
so judgemental young man.
What if my job is to teach your grandma how to walk after having a stroke. My success is her success. We both win if Im winning, we both lose if I mess up. Who loses if me and your Grandma win?
You keep promoting we are all in this together but then say shit like this. Some people devote their life to helping others, and make bank while doing so. That's gotta really suck for you. I not only get to help people, but I get rewarded for it handsomely. Am I doing it just for the money? Does it matter what my motivation is if the result is the same?
Sometimes I gotta say you think in slogans but don't think what they mean.
The Greeks had the Olympics, we have Global Trade. It is all good.
You really need to stop "deciphering". It interferes with hearing what others say. Jmo. cn
So what if someone offers her physical therapy for cheaper? No matter how you cut it the division of labor puts people in competition with eachother for survival. The world is a rat race.
Not if they are Germanic slave girls...
So since the state exists to protect private property and the state has a monopoly on force which is necessary to protect private property, we should privatize the state and let the owners of capital employ private armies and create jobs.
Create jobs
create jobs
create jobs
enslave humanity
create jobs
drudgery for survival
wage slavery
create jobs
don't free humanity, employ humanity.
create jobs
create jobs
buy the things you need for survival even though they all grow on trees and flow through the land and atmosphere.
create jobs
consolidate greater pieces of land
pass them on to your kids and not mine
my kids call your kids "your highness"
Yeah I've heard this stuff before.
FYI Anarchocapitalism is an oxymoron. It is right there with military intelligence, deregulation law, jumbo shrimp, military intelligence...your mom...etc...
What the? I don't even.....
I'm fighting the urge to do a dickhead translation. I think I'll just slowly back away from you instead. You got some bad juju going on in your head. Such a Debbie Downer. You are just damned depressing, I can't do this with you anymore. I mean this with all offense, you suck at life right now, I hope it gets better for you.
I can only afford slave girls frrom se dechenerate raaazes. cn
Abandonconflict out of curiosity, does your outlook on life make you angry towards the world or are you in your mind trying to share a sense of enlightenment you feel with others? Like it terms of a career or motivation, knowing you compete with others and the state of things...Whenever I talk to people who share your beliefs, many of which I find validity in, they tell me it gets them down. How do you believe what you do and still continue along with the same ideas in society which you dislike?
zey arr zelf-peeelink. cn
Abandonconflict out of curiosity, does your outlook on life make you angry towards the world or are you in your mind trying to share a sense of enlightenment you feel with others? Like it terms of a career or motivation, knowing you compete with others and the state of things...Whenever I talk to people who share your beliefs, many of which I find validity in, they tell me it gets them down. How do you believe what you do and still continue along with the same ideas in society which you dislike?