Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member

U guys having a nice scuffle?

I thought everyone wud be smoking good shit and chatting bout love

not toking on crack and talking about arses!



Well-Known Member
Wow quite the read through, typically I'm mad when I missed something, but this time I'm happy as little as it might have been.

On to other jibber, my ride yesterday was awesome... I'm coming to Canada to a show in Halifax if any members are around I can get you free tickets to the monster jam show just pm me for details


New Member
I don't mind, I'm pretty much immune to the net. Also I'm American and we laugh at everybody, including ourselves...well the ones who understand comedy anyways, the Canadians are a little better at it.


Well-Known Member
Never get any complaints here. :-P
so many directions i could go with this one...

-chicks can't complain when you drug them unconscious
-never use it, never get any complaints
-honey boo boo can't complain through the TV
-no complaints, but a constant query of "is it in yet?"
-no complaints, just lots of pointing and laughing

and so on and so forth.

match box

Well-Known Member
Well we had part of a bridge fall after it was hit by a truck. We also had a young mother that made a video of her giving her toddler a hit from her bong. She must have put it on youtube or something anyway she is in jail now. I sure am glad I not young I would have done stupid things and posted them.


Well-Known Member
Well we had part of a bridge fall after it was hit by a truck. We also had a young mother that made a video of her giving her toddler a hit from her bong. She must have put it on youtube or something anyway she is in jail now. I sure am glad I not young I would have done stupid things and posted them.
I'm very grateful you tube wasn't around then.:weed: