Make your bud last


Well-Known Member
you lost me bro..
No problem, let me clarify my statement.

too much?

Too much weed for my consumption. Looks good though all stacked up like that.


Anything in excess can be bad for me, including cannabis. I don't need this drug for illness or pain. I use it recreationally in a very small amount. Addiction whether it be chemical, religion, food, or working, isn't a good way to live and I do my best to stay in balance.

I referred to the photo as me being unbalanced "addiction", had I that much product for personal use. I can imagine my wife opening the closet and seeing those jars. Well, she would expect an explanation.

caring what people think?

I'm not a young rebel but a husband, father, son, president/ceo, and I care about my image in the community. Growing mj is not a statement but a hobby for a few ounces of a product I personally consume per year. The rest (80%) goes to my best friend at no cost. I am very careful about who knows I use marijuana, three people, I think.

My comment was an observation of myself in reference to your photo. You should be proud of your efforts, just like I am! We are craftsmen. :-)


Well-Known Member
My harvest is 2 weeks away last harvest was february but now ill be pulling 6 5 gal plants every 2 months should never be dry again :)


Well-Known Member
too much?

I have less then 9 jars left of the above left (not inlc the one I just harvested) sometimes it seems there may never be enough. I am one of those who needs a bit more to get the pain relief I need.. I prefer medibles for long term relief but I'll smoke to save up on usage I was using about 7-10gs a day in medibles packed on the lbs too..


was on 22 years of rx's.(1 year off all rx's 6-8-13!). never felt more alert now in my life
cost with rx's was $250 per mo.. last years grow was less then 400$ with dr cert..

caring what people think?

I'm a husband-step-dad
-dad-grandfather-pet owner-former local gov employee.. been alive long enuf to know someone somewhere somehow is gonan talk shit about you..

(not taking your comments in a neg manner either..)


Ursus marijanus
too much?

I have less then 9 jars left of the above left (not inlc the one I just harvested) sometimes it seems there may never be enough. I am one of those who needs a bit more to get the pain relief I need.. I prefer medibles for long term relief but I'll smoke to save up on usage I was using about 7-10gs a day in medibles packed on the lbs too..


was on 22 years of rx's.(1 year off all rx's 6-8-13!). never felt more alert now in my life
cost with rx's was $250 per mo.. last years grow was less then 400$ with dr cert..

caring what people think?

I'm a husband-step-dad
-dad-grandfather-pet owner-former local gov employee.. been alive long enuf to know someone somewhere somehow is gonan talk shit about you..

(not taking your comments in a neg manner either..)
Sometimes you simply have to stand h̶i̶g̶h̶ tall. cn


Active Member
omg cant believe I didn't mention this one sooner. take a triple dose of omega 3 fatty acid. its a potentiator. what it does is it super-saturates the same pathway that breaks down thc, essentially prolonging the peak of your high. best way to do it is to take them 30 minutes before you smoke, the first time you smoke of the day. a 90 capsule bottle costs only like $4 and will give you a months supply. they're good for your heart and what not too. don't get time released capsules or u will have to break em open first. the mango thing works to, just not nearly as dramatically as the omega 3 fish oil. do em both in combination. also vitamins guys. and staying hydrated. the healthier you are the better your high will be.


Active Member
also caffeine. and cigarettes (newport kings are best). I quit 4 years ago and haven't looked back, all though it was hard getting used to blazing without a cig afterwords (for the longest time it felt like my high was missing something). both of these kind of change the high tho.. coffe cleans it up and speeds it up and cigs cloud it and slow it down. don't take up either of these habits though, neither are good for your body.


Well-Known Member
I love coffee after vaping...I crave it in fact. I really don't get the munchies, but I do get a very strong craving for coffee!


Active Member
After 9pm i wont smoke any more( y waste the bud i usually pass out by 10:30pm) but if i keep waking up through the night ill roll over and take a fat rip.
Best advice in my opinion.
Bongs with small bowls are usually very efficient at smoking. People usually smoke waaay more than they need. No use. I say usually a lot.


Well-Known Member
unless you're on anti-depressants or prescription amphetamines -- you only need one good 'ol fat hit to get stoned -- but if you 'rack disciprine, you're gonna smoke-up more than you really need to. hence addiction.