Well-Known Member
how can i delete a past post that cannot be edited?
You can ask the Mod of that forum,Or a global Mod.What forum is it in?
You can ask the Mod of that forum,Or a global Mod.What forum is it in?
if youre too shy to ask than dont make a thread? stop posting photos you will want to remove after 72 hours
i didn't make that thread, garden knowm made that. so don't get mad at me. get mad at garden knowm!
no you made THIS thread is what im referring to,
as for the pictures of yourself thread you DONT NEED to post its an option
hey i know that you have something more important to do but i am just asking on how can i delete old post.
anyways if you don't want to see this thread then delete it.
and you could ban me if you want to.
of course i will help you its my job all im saying is you cant say "im to shy to ask an admin " than make a thread in the SUPPORT section where admins check,
also please watch what you post if youre going to regret it after 72 hours im not always going to delete them over and over and over again
hey i have a freedom to say that i am shy, because that is what i really feel.
anyways, can a deleted thread be put back again on that same page?
if you don't want to be disturbed then who can i ask to delete something if ever i need to delete a post?
other than you who can reply here and help out regarding on deleting posts?
I said "of course i will help you" how is that asking not to be disturbed?
you might get mad or yell at me, that is why i am asking if anyone else can help me out, so that you can help out other people who needs your help.
anyways i am just asking, so that in the future whenever i am having a hard time / or problems on how can i delete past / old post i know who to ask.
i dont think youre getting what im saying
and no im not mad please tell me what posts you want deleted so i can get on with my day
i know you can help me and thank you for that.
no need, just in case if i need to delete it in the future i know who can help me out.
you can pm me in the future if you need it, im generally always online