Hawaii Growers

funny how that happens, government employee commits a crime (whether it be a cop murdering someone, or a county employee stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fuel), they get "punished" by taking a forced paid vacation.
This is against search and seizure laws for medical marijuana. They can only enter your house with a warrant. A warrant can only be approved if the cops can show evidence of illegal activity. When your address shows up as a legal medical marijuana location, they need more evidence to get they warrant approved for example catching/photographing/documenting you selling and distributing etc. Simple knowledge of a grow op is insufficient. All cases where the cops just raided you simply to check your plant count is a violation of your rights and should be thrown out in court.

This is a great example of why its better to have the department of health running the show rather than the department of safety (which may use the information at it was not intended). The information we provide was to protect us from getting raided not put us in the cross hair.

I know it is illegal to just search all the grow ops on the books but they still do it and get away with it. Part of the reason im a card holder & caregiver who only grows guerrilla, i dont want pigs with their snouts up my ass showing up to my fortress with machine guns warrant or not
Has anyone ever heard of authorities here entering a home, even if the patient is within their limits outdoors? To check there smoke stash or any other reasons?

My friend who lives on Oahu in the Kaimuki. He holds a Blue Card too. About six months ago he emails me telling me that he's got three cops at his front door wanting to check out his card & garden. Some compliance bullshit of some sort? First time I'/ve ever heard of this shit happening? Also being on the Big Island for three weeks is some sort of a record too? What the fuck are they up to?

I lost half of my garden during those three weeks. But as you can see, I'm back at it. Current grow:

Molokai FRost

Plushberry X (Purple Kush X Grape Stomper OG)

Colombian Gold X Crystal Locomotive

Super Silver Strawberry Diesel Haze X Platinum Bubba

Super Blue Dream X Inferno Haze

Mango OG X OG

Grape God X (White Kush X Sour Diesel)
Compliance checks sound like a tactic/trick used to gain access to your property, I don't recall reading anything in the MM program that the police can show up unannounced to check your plants, I certainly don't recall even reading the word "compliance" anywhere in the MM literature. Be smart because once you give them permission to access your property you're completely fucked, without a signed warrant from a judge, don't let'm in!
Below is the only reference to the word "compliance" stated in the Physician and Patient Information document from the state.


Q) Why Is Getting the Registration Card Important?
The registration card is evidence of compliance the with law and should ordinarily prevent an arrest. Without the card, the patient or caregiver may be arrested and held under arrest until the patient’ s right to use medical marijuana is confirmed.
yea cooter i agree. i assume the people I know and a lot more didnt want to seem like they were hiding anything and have their house targeted in the future which I am sure it would be if you didnt let them in, knowing how things go on the islands. However, I sure as hell wouldnt let any porkchops on the premises without a signed warrant from a judge even though I am completely legal and dont even grow on my property
yea cooter i agree. i assume the people I know and a lot more didnt want to seem like they were hiding anything and have their house targeted in the future which I am sure it would be if you didnt let them in, knowing how things go on the islands. However, I sure as hell wouldnt let any porkchops on the premises without a signed warrant from a judge even though I am completely legal and dont even grow on my property

I hear yah brah, you have to shit can your feelings in this situation, they’re banking on your ignorance to the law, if you know your rights you’re less likely to be eating shit sandwiches in the federal pen!
Guy’s read the link I posted earlier, if you have questions, all of us should pitch in and share the correct information.

CheeHooo!!! (Lifts left butt-cheek and roasts a hot bub-lerr!!!!...lmfao !!!(literally!!!)
Oh yah...you're a target either way...I'd error on the side of not in-criminalizing myself.....keep'em zipp'd and consult a lawyer!!!
hahaha yea people often have no clue what their rights are. good to be informed. there are some good youtube videos on what to do if you get pulled over and are trying to hide something, or even if you are not. Good to get in the habit of showing the law you know what they can and cant do. Unfortunately what it really comes down to is the cops word against your word, and we all know which one holds up better in court so it only works with the 100% by the books boys in blue which I know are a minority, especially in hawaii
Thanks Cooter. We all need to know our rights.
Below is the only reference to the word "compliance" stated in the Physician and Patient Information document from the state.


Q) Why Is Getting the Registration Card Important?
The registration card is evidence of compliance the with law and should ordinarily prevent an arrest. Without the card, the patient or caregiver may be arrested and held under arrest until the patient’ s right to use medical marijuana is confirmed.
Puna Bud I will come by and help you smoke that bud !! Bra are those big ones Molokai Frost? If yes they will get 8 to 10 ft on you. My Super Blue Dreams are not going to get that big, well one might. Rain rain.
Hope the smart pots are as good as they say. The 120 gal boxes from last year seem so small next to the 300 gal smart. I'm waiting for a Chem91 to sex and she will go in here. They are pushing 4ft,008-od.jpg hope the sex soon.
Hearing eveyone's grow plans are really putting me on edge. I just started preparing for the season when my day to plant is only a few days away, to busy with some shit, dont even got all my nutrients yet. I didnt even order my seeds yet, fucking twacked out.
Can anyone help me with mid grow seasons for seedlings.
Hearing eveyone's grow plans are really putting me on edge. I just started preparing for the season when my day to plant is only a few days away, to busy with some shit, dont even got all my nutrients yet. I didnt even order my seeds yet, fucking twacked out.
Can anyone help me with mid grow seasons for seedlings.

Not to be rude, but I can guarantee no one is going to meet up with you to help you out. Would you meet up with someone on the internet and give them an illegal substance, not knowing who they are? No, you wouldn't or at least you shouldn't, if you didn't know that. It's not worth the risk to anybody here. Fortunately, you can grow year-round here, so you're not missing out per se. You can learn a lot on this thread about growing in the islands if you stick around.
So I think my first ever plant will be ready to harvest soon. I've been reading a lot. Do you guys ever clip of fan leaves before harvesting? Also is drying harder in Hawaii? Do you guys dry outside or inside
So I think my first ever plant will be ready to harvest soon. I've been reading a lot. Do you guys ever clip of fan leaves before harvesting? Also is drying harder in Hawaii? Do you guys dry outside or inside

I've tried several different ways to harvest and this is what works best for me. I chop the whole plant at the root ball. Hang the whole plant inside my back lanai (completely closed in and secure). After about 10 days I start removing the smaller stuff and trimming it. I just work my way through the whole plant one branch at a time over a few day period. As soon as the bud is trimmed it is ready. I think a slow dry is better than a long cure.