I am aware of one time when the mail-order-bride thing actually worked out. There is this person who lives my town and is extremely rich. He owns several large new car lots. Anyway, back in the mid 80s there was a lot of hoopla when he announced his marriage because his bride came from a catalog. As far as I am aware, they are still together today. Maybe one of the secrets to making that system work out is to be a bilionaire.:cool:

I know what you mean about picking the wrong person for a potential mate 3 ou of 3 times. I always choose poorly too. Glad to know I'm not the only one to experience this. Being so inconsistant and knowing it, I've even chose the one 'other one' before, knowing that my gut choice would be wrong. lol That turned out to be a poor choice, too. Funny how it always works out that way.

You know I think after you've been married a long time you become more like brother and sister. Sad. I still dream it could be different LOL But not for me in this lifetime I'm putting it on the list for next ha!
Do you at least still have "Hall sex"?

My mother LOVED that joke.

She also had the sneakiest way of finding out how her bridge club's hubbs were endowed.
She'd tell the joke about the three two-letter words for "very small":
"is it in?"
Guffaws or sour smirks told the tale. cn
some more from yesterday..


she is so much fun..


the dogs like her too


feeding time


she looks just like me sometimes..

Awww is that a little Jack or a Rat terrier?

she's part JRT and Chihuahuahaha (roxy) gretchen is part dashaund/terrier/snake

Dillon is a Husky mutt.. (Roxy is the leader.. and the most spoiled by me)

wanted to check the snow level on some of our favorite roads, still can't get all the way through


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