n0tmycupoftea's PC Grow G13 Labs Northern Lights X Skunk // Dinafem Critical + AUTO

Day 27

Wasn't going to update today but figured I would because I trained the girl today, so I snapped a few pics.

Oh ya, GREAT NEWS!! Algae is completely gone with 2 runs of 3% H2O2 to affected areas (I used 5mL per half a gallon, will actually continue this for 2 more feedings in between nutes). Roots are completely white and no more hints of green in the media and container.

Everything seems to be going great, she's growing A LOT, not very pleased with my lsting but ehh... it's my first run at it. She has completely filled up all the squares on the rack now. The container she's in is 14" long and she is overflowing on one end by 2". My case is 1'4" long, 1'4" tall, and 7" wide so we'll see how these last 4-5 weeks go and if I'll have to just chop some off for a comfortable fit.


Your grow is going Sooo quick, it unreal!

Thanks, I wondered this same thing also because I've been comparing my critical + auto to MysticMorris's same exact auto in his old thread (Critical Jack Vs. Critical + (Dinafem)) and it seems as though my little girl is growing much more quickly than his did. I noticed that my plant went into flowering about 6 days earlier than his and our day 27's look different also. If I am 6 days ahead of MysticMorris's auto then I'm expecting some serious bud formation here real soon along with frosty leaves (hopefully) :D
Day 33

Another quick update w/ plenty of pics @ a decent size this time haha!

Watered her yesterday and raised the lights some more because one of her top fan leaves had burned a bit. Still training her A LOT and running out of ideas on where to stretch her stems and where to pull down leaves, etc. I've actually pruned a couple of leaves for space and have bent the rest in order to allow light in to the lower sites. Have come to the realization that 1'4" L x 1'4" H x 7" W is definitely not a comfortable fit for ANY plant; a mid-tall sized tower is definitely ideal for any sort of PC grow. Already have my tent up and running, but I'm going to finish this grow off in the PC just for shits and giggles. Borrowed a 30x loupe and snapped a few close up fun pics.

Starting to notice some brown hairs, hoping that I start seeing some calyxes fatten up soon.

Anyways... ENJOI!

hey n0tmycupoftea, gotta say its looking great, glad to hear everything is going well.
good luck and happy growing
Nice, yeah those buds are looking really nice they will be epic in another 6 weeks.

Thanks man, I'm sure hoping so. This first grow has been rewarding thus far.

Damn dude that thing is cruising right along...looks great!

Ya, she's been healthy since she's popped, except for that slight algae prob. Congrats on your pull man!! I read your whole thread and hope I can pull 80g off a plant in my tent.

+rep for ya

Dude, your grow went insanely fast, and great setup btw. I look foward to see the harvest!

Thanks dude, it does seem to have just flown right by, as for the harvest I'm pretty scurred lol. I fucked up by throwing her in 12/12 and she's an auto. Reason being was I saw an outside grow of the same strain and the dude pulled about 2oz so I figured if I mimic his grow as close as possible I would end up with a decent harvest. After reading up on autos (which I neglected to do so because I never intended on growing autos), I discovered my fuckup. Slowly re-introducing her to a 18/6 cycle hoping to fatten up those bud sites. Was hoping to pull at the very most half an ounce, now just hoping for at least 6-7g, but we'll see what happens here in the next few weeks.

just now found your thread lol but nice grow dude the ladies look great!

Thanks for stopping by and your ladies don't look so bad either ;)
Day 39

Not very much to update. Fed her today and she's been doing just fine and since I stumbled upon my auto-boo-boo I slowly reverted her back to 18/6 for these last couple of weeks during flower hoping she will pack it on. Either way we'll be fine with the smoke that we get since it is our first grow. Definitely a learning experience and still hoping for at least 7-10g; praying for 14-18g at this point.

I've noticed more brown/red hairs and more and more trichs appearing. At night when the lights go off my blue led fans just light up all the trichs and they look sooo sick. Colas are starting to fill up real nice and I've been minimizing new growth at the lower sites of the plant. So far I can see about 4-5 decent sized colas forming and a nice handful of popcorn buds.

Will update again at the end of the week to check back in with her progress.

Happy Long Weekend Everyone!!! (At least for those of us that have it :P)

Don't you love seeing the trichs come in more and more...mmm. Everything is looking great for you dude. Thanks for the rep brother. I think you will pull just fine. She looks healthy and still has plenty of time to mature.
ditto madrush, looking good, it`ll be great to compare all the different strains. good luck and happy growing
Day 47

The stinky one has been packing on the weight and the trichs. Have noticed a couple of leaves starting to turn in color which lets me know that this grow is nearing its end. Trichs are about 70% cloudy 30% clear; no amber yet. The 5 main colas I have growing are the size of a regular lighter and look pretty fat. I actually ended up pulling two small popcorn buds for my fiance to smoke since she let me know she was running low and funds have been tight and sure enough she just had one of those days where the pain was too much. Was surprised because I know that this strain doesn't seem to be very potent at all however she said that she liked the high that she got from it. Didn't really nullify the pain completely like her previous stash, but also didn't inhibit her from wanting to do the things she wanted to do. Overall she was fine with it and the day ended well.

I made a small side dry box for the small popcorn buds using a cigarette box wrapped in foil to keep light out and punched a couple of holes in the back for ventilation. I then shredded small paper bags and put those inside of the cigarette box, dropped the small nugs in and taped the box to the back of one of my intake fans for 2 days. Stem didn't completely break when I bent it but did have a nice pop to it and everything was dry to the touch. Didn't get to use the humidipaks I got for curing because she needed it that 2nd day of drying.

I also seemed to have run into an ant dilemma. Had some kids over for the weekend and they had wrappers and just food out all over the place. Slowly but surely discovered ants popping up in random places even after cleaning up and now today as I write this I found ants in the PC box. Mixed Borax and syrup and left a strip of it inside the box along with a Borax barrier around my box and raising it off the ground. Will let you guys know in a few days how it goes.

Anyways here are the pics. These are a collection of the past weeks photos. I had planned on doing updates but never got around to doing so, so I'll just upload all of them.


Ants are gone!! Had to pull the girl out to clean the mess of dead bodies but the box is clean once again and I believe I will keep her elevated every time I decide to use her. Other than that not much else to report from yesterdays update.

Looking at maybe 2 more weeks (hopefully). I'll have another update for you guys in a couple of days with how the buds looking. Feed her tomorrow so will most likely post up some pics the day after.

Really can't wait for this grow to be over because I want to swap one of my veg plants into the case and run clones in my tent, but we'll see maybe I'll just start another small PC grow just because I find it fun trying to get the biggest yield you can from such a tiny space. Thinking now after looking at each bud site that I may hit my half an ounce mark (fingers crossed).
hey n0tmycupoftea, looking great m8 and just another 2 weeks :-) I`m sure you`ll reach and or exceed your 1/2 ounce. it is fun growing in a pc box, wud never have thought it cud be done though. good luck and happy growing
1/2 ounce from a pc-box grow... In my books, that's livin the dream! :D

Good luck cuppa, I'm rootin for ya.