Nigeria (Nairaland)

I feel that pride when my linens turn out just so. But not like this. cn


Public Outrage Kills KKK Detergent Ad

Tuesday, 28 June 2005

Detergent blamed for dirty tricks.

International fury has erupted after the airing of a TV commercial using the Ku Klux Klan to promote a new laundry detergent.

Broadcast stations and official media watchdogs had their lines jammed when the 45-second clip promoting ‘Snowblind' washing powder went out across the European Union.

Tagged with the strapline ‘So white, so right', the advert, transmitted in 12 languages, has caused offence across the Continent, forcing the Swiss manufacturer, Delmer Pharmaceuticals, to withdraw it immediately and issue an international apology on prime time TV.

The ad, part of a $40m marketing campaign, featured a group of Klan members marching through a small town at night behind a burning cross. All freeze when they're caught in a white glare. The camera then focuses on another Klansman emerging from the dark, with his robes radiating. The camera then zooms in to reveal him carrying a box of ‘Snowblind' and a voice over states ‘So white, so right'.

Within minutes of being aired, complaints started to pour in, some from the other side of the Atlantic where viewers had picked the advert up by satellite and claimed it mocked a cherished tradition.

Scheduled to run six times after the 9pm viewing watershed, TV stations pulled the plug after the first showing.

The uproar even prompted condemnation from heads of state, forcing Delmer Pharmaceuticals to air a hastily filmed apology.

In it, the obviously uncomfortable chief executive Pierre Routledge (52) stated: "It was our mistaken assumption that viewers would see the humour in our commercial. We appreciate that, perhaps, it could also be seen as insensitive and we unequivocally apologise to all those we have offended."

A statement issued on behalf of the White Knights Imperial Wizards condemned the advert.

"This is an affront and attempts to mock the American pride evident in every Klansman," said a spokesman.

"We do not endorse any European products and would not want to be associated with any European detergents.

"This advert is an insult and a pathetic attempt to make light of serious issues and ridicule our nationalistic commitment."

This is not Delmer Pharmaceuticals' first brush with controversy. In 1998 the company was censured by the European Advertising Standards Agency after targeting a fabric conditioner advertising campaign at men. It claimed that, if used on underwear, it could promote penis enhancement.
Oh those Swiss.

I had a chems catalog from a Swiss firm from the '70s. It had a preface in four languages. One of the sales pitches was for their special container, which claimed ease of safe use ... I'm not making this up ... "even by females". Ohhhh my. cn

dont care what you think.

as a redneck i find the very existence of "honey boo boo" offensive, and as a honkey i am ashamed.

every time i see jeff duham or gallagher my white pride dies a little inside.

most of the new 'country" records are pure shit which not only degrades "country" culture but reinforces negative stereotypes about rednecks, crackers and honkeys in general.

likewise it has been expressed to me (even this very afternoon, at lunch) by numerous individuals of the negro persuasion that in fact they feel much the same over black popular culture and the deplorable state of Black Pride in america.

black folks need to reject the bullshit that is taking over their society, just as we honkeys need to drive out the despicable shitstains like vanilla ice, and dane cook.

the chicano authorities have already nearly eliminated carlos mencia from their cultural landscape and soon it will be Los Del Rio's turn.

God your life is stressful. You're under attack left and right.
God your life is stressful. You're under attack left and right.

poor thing has to worry about his "white pride" being harmed every time brad paisley pumps out more garbage.

not to mention how his race is threatened every time a rapper signs a lucrative deal.

good thing the john birch society is here to make sure that communists don't make us all have gay babies via the fluoridated water scheme.
Uses an obscure word incorrectly in an attempt to sound smart then copy pastes the definition of the word,

i especially love the way the definition of the word (which is not obscure if you read beyond a 9th grade level you illiterate poltroon) clerarly prove i used the word CORRECTLY, and simultaneously proving you are an uneducated, dimwitted, catamite.

ignores the rest of the argument

which was still far more attention that your failed and pointless assertions deserved

and displays his vast knowledge of the motives of a "RIGHT WING EXTREMIST".

you forgot to put the "right wing extremeist" in quotes, but thats because you are an ill-mannered troglodyte with a substandard education. your assertion that breivik was a "right wing extremist" flies in the face of the evidence and displays a great deal of pretended insight into the mind of a CRAZY PERSON which is a FACTUAL assesment not an opinion, and is based on the testimony of actual experts on crazy people (psychiatrists) your assertion however indicates that you have some information we lack, perhaps you and breivik were pen pals, or perhaps lovers...

Where is the rebuttal to the argument that your views on culture and race are bigoted?

only a fool argues with the wind, and your claims were nothing but hot air. specifically, Flatus.

Why are you so opposed to multiculturalism
i oppose multiculturalism, because it only succeeds by destroying the culture i love, MY culture, the culture of socrates, plato, hippocrates, gaius marius, william shakespear, harry connick junior and ronald reagan. multiculturalism also,(as shown previously) envisdions a time when everyone is a single uniform race, a race devoid of red haired girls with freckles, blue eyed blondes and greeneyed girls with honey coloured hair.

Nuff Said.

that you would call monoracialism (a word you made up)
in the grand tradition of Multiculturalism, anarcholibertarianism, anarchosyndicalism, and "libertarian socialist"

it's "inevitable cognate"?
yes. those words are used correctly as i already demonstrated.

do try to keep up.

Prot-tip, L2 cognate skinhead.

Protip: thats not how you do a Protip, you have no clue what cognate means obviously despite my posting of it's definition, and your "skinhead" jibes are as pointless as the yapping of a cowardly chihuahua hiding under a chair.

and im done with you.
i especially love the way the definition of the word (which is not obscure if you read beyond a 9th grade level you illiterate poltroon) clerarly prove i used the word CORRECTLY, and simultaneously proving you are an uneducated, dimwitted, catamite.

which was still far more attention that your failed and pointless assertions deserved

you forgot to put the "right wing extremeist" in quotes, but thats because you are an ill-mannered troglodyte with a substandard education. your assertion that breivik was a "right wing extremist" flies in the face of the evidence and displays a great deal of pretended insight into the mind of a CRAZY PERSON which is a FACTUAL assesment not an opinion, and is based on the testimony of actual experts on crazy people (psychiatrists) your assertion however indicates that you have some information we lack, perhaps you and breivik were pen pals, or perhaps lovers...

only a fool argues with the wind, and your claims were nothing but hot air. specifically, Flatus.

i oppose multiculturalism, because it only succeeds by destroying the culture i love, MY culture, the culture of socrates, plato, hippocrates, gaius marius, william shakespear, harry connick junior and ronald reagan. multiculturalism also,(as shown previously) envisdions a time when everyone is a single uniform race, a race devoid of red haired girls with freckles, blue eyed blondes and greeneyed girls with honey coloured hair.

Nuff Said.

in the grand tradition of Multiculturalism, anarcholibertarianism, anarchosyndicalism, and "libertarian socialist"

yes. those words are used correctly as i already demonstrated.

do try to keep up.

Protip: thats not how you do a Protip, you have no clue what cognate means obviously despite my posting of it's definition, and your "skinhead" jibes are as pointless as the yapping of a cowardly chihuahua hiding under a chair.

and im done with you.

Hey Skynehead. Monoracialism is not at all etymologically connected to multiculturalism, nor does it mean anything similar. Therefore it can not be a cognate, or an inevitable cognate, therefore you should probably try to breathe from your nose.

Just one question, have you read anything written by any of the people you listed as being of your culture? I would guess, that they were Clemensian classics for you. Furthermore, none of them were of your culture except Connick and Reagan you inbred hillbilly.

I like all the effort you made to try and save face about the word cognate. Pro-tip: you're not as smart as you think you are.

One other thing, Breivik is completely sane. He is a right wing extremist, with exactly the same racial views as you.

Dumb ass.
By the way, what the fuck is an inevitable cognate?

I'm trying to figure it out, since two words that are etymologically connected have similar roots, not similar (futures?). So what the fuck is an inevitable cognate?

Protip: L2 adjective.

If you're having trouble reading, just sound it out one letter at a time.
so, you have not seen the magazine covers, the major network news stories and the glowing rhetoric celebrating the glorious future when all races become a single uniform colour?

of course you have seen it. it just offends your narrative.


multiculturalism sounds like a great thing to you, as well as it's inevitable cognate, mono-racialism.

without differences in race everyone will be equal so thats good right? but what about those who do not conform? they are of course RACISTS!

likewise multicultural social experiments inevitably lead to one social group dominating the others, the only question is WHICH social group? the western democratic logical society or the primitive superstitions of thrid world lands full of djinns, hoodoos, saints, and gri gris.

i for one prefer european style societies, if i wanted to live in a country dominated by religous fanatics, i would move to iran, if i wanted to live in a country where raping infants is the cure for disease i would move to kenya, and if i wanted to live in a country that veiws it's governmental leader as a divine prophet touched by grace and gifted with divine wisdom i would move to north korea (or utah)

i oppose multiculturalism, because it only succeeds by destroying the culture i love, MY culture, the culture of socrates, plato, hippocrates, gaius marius, william shakespear, harry connick junior and ronald reagan. multiculturalism also,(as shown previously) envisdions a time when everyone is a single uniform race, a race devoid of red haired girls with freckles, blue eyed blondes and greeneyed girls with honey coloured hair.

i read this to my wife with no previous context of who you are and what you espouse.

her response: why not just say "i'm a white supremacist"?

she also chimed in about your lovely description of aryan women.

clearly, her response basically saves me from having to add anything.
i especially love the way the definition of the word (which is not obscure if you read beyond a 9th grade level you illiterate poltroon) clerarly prove i used the word CORRECTLY, and simultaneously proving you are an uneducated, dimwitted, catamite.

which was still far more attention that your failed and pointless assertions deserved

you forgot to put the "right wing extremeist" in quotes, but thats because you are an ill-mannered troglodyte with a substandard education. your assertion that breivik was a "right wing extremist" flies in the face of the evidence and displays a great deal of pretended insight into the mind of a CRAZY PERSON which is a FACTUAL assesment not an opinion, and is based on the testimony of actual experts on crazy people (psychiatrists) your assertion however indicates that you have some information we lack, perhaps you and breivik were pen pals, or perhaps lovers...

only a fool argues with the wind, and your claims were nothing but hot air. specifically, Flatus.

i oppose multiculturalism, because it only succeeds by destroying the culture i love, MY culture, the culture of socrates, plato, hippocrates, gaius marius, william shakespear, harry connick junior and ronald reagan. multiculturalism also,(as shown previously) envisdions a time when everyone is a single uniform race, a race devoid of red haired girls with freckles, blue eyed blondes and greeneyed girls with honey coloured hair.

Nuff Said.

in the grand tradition of Multiculturalism, anarcholibertarianism, anarchosyndicalism, and "libertarian socialist"

yes. those words are used correctly as i already demonstrated.

do try to keep up.

Protip: thats not how you do a Protip, you have no clue what cognate means obviously despite my posting of it's definition, and your "skinhead" jibes are as pointless as the yapping of a cowardly chihuahua hiding under a chair.

and im done with you.

Moron, he was declared sane and sentenced to 21 years add then some.

Anders Behring Breivik: Norway court finds him sane

Breivik, 33, carried out the meticulously planned attack on 22 July 2011, wearing a fake police uniform, and methodically hunted down his victims.
He accused the governing Labour Party of promoting multiculturalism and endangering Norway's identity.

Another right wing nut job that deplores multiculturalism. Skynehead is on a roll!

Oh and protip - Breivik describes himself as an anti-Nazi and supporter of Israel as an ally in his crusade against Islam. He also tried to start a fascist political group and was also a member of some other far-right nutjob club.

He sounds more like your penpal and butt buddy, than AC's...
and again multiculturalism is newspeak for Uniculturalism. the destruction of all individuality in favour of a uniform single mindset and world view which is dictated by our new overlords, the politically correct dictators who decide what is and is not worthy of existence.

my wife became fascinated with this nonsense of yours. this particular paragraph prompted her to utter: is he confusing his odd definition of multiculturalism with the actual definition of white supremacy?

i couldn't agree more. not sure how i didn't note this preemptive and nonsensical table turning.

edit: you only have to remove "politically correct" and replace "new overlords" with "old overlords", but that is 100% the very definition of what white supremacy aims for.
multiculturalism is not "multi-racialism" it concerns itself with eliminating the differences between groups by imposing a single homogeneous addmixture of all the "good culture" of the world while carefully eliminating all the "negative influences" which just happen to be the western, and european influences which have resulted in the technological society we enjoy today.

watch what i do here by switching out just a few words.

white supremacy concerns itself with eliminating the differences between groups by imposing a single homogeneous addmixture of all the "good culture" of the world while carefully eliminating all the "negative influences" which just happen to be the non-western, and non-european influences which have resulted in the decaying society we face today.
kynes is just taking the very definition of white supremacy, switching out a few words, and trying to impose his uniquely retarded definition onto multiculturalism.

i should have known that after reading so many of his wikipedia copy and pastes with minor word substitutions to throw the plagiarization detector off his vile scent.
Moron, he was declared sane and sentenced to 21 years add then some.

Anders Behring Breivik: Norway court finds him sane
fascinatijng. i havent been keeping up with the eurotrash newswire, last i heard was he was a nutjob, and was under court ordered psychiatric detention pending a hearing

"He insisted he was sane and refused to plead guilty, saying last year's attacks were necessary to stop the "Islamisation" of Norway."
"Court-appointed psychiatrists disagreed on Breivik's sanity. A first team which examined him declared him to be a paranoid schizophrenic, but the second found he was sane. "
~your own fucking retarded source

because crazy people never do crazy things, and the courts are legally bound to accept the recommendations of psychiatrists. chuckie manson was also found "sane" by the courts but is widel;y considered to be clinically crackers by those who are in a position to make that determination.

you remain as stupid as ever.

legal insanity is a very narrow definition, but under the internationally recognized psychiatric guidleines and diagnostic criteria, he is a textbook example of "Nutty as squirrel poop"

Another right wing nut job that deplores multiculturalism. Skynehead is on a roll!

yep another asshole with his finger on the pulse of CRAZY PEOPLE. how did you gain your insight into breivik's particular brand of crazy?

Oh and protip - Breivik describes himself as an anti-Nazi and supporter of Israel as an ally in his crusade against Islam. He also tried to start a fascist political group and was also a member of some other far-right nutjob club.

He sounds more like your penpal and butt buddy, than AC's...

again, his "right wingness" is arguable but his crazy is not. he might also describe himself as the King or the Mole People, or the White Wizard of the North, or the Lord High Admiral of the Markab Alliance, but that doesnt mean he has a spaceship.

another thick witted lefty who cant stop using this nutjob as a reverse ad hominem against every conservative position or group. next youll be claiming he was a founding member of the Tea Party and was an employee of the Koch Brothers.
my wife became fascinated with this nonsense of yours. this particular paragraph prompted her to utter: is he confusing his odd definition of multiculturalism with the actual definition of white supremacy?

i couldn't agree more. not sure how i didn't note this preemptive and nonsensical table turning.

edit: you only have to remove "politically correct" and replace "new overlords" with "old overlords", but that is 100% the very definition of what white supremacy aims for.

Don't forget to upload your manifesto to Stormfront before you detonate your bomb Skynehead.

yeah, you just keep on keepin om with that lame attempt at ad hominem.

you make as much sense as Cornell "Negronomist" West

your fail little jibe is not nearly as apropos as my own title for you, AbandonIntellect.